
Marianela Gonzalez: biography, full filmography and personal life

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Marianela Gonzalez: biography, full filmography and personal life
Marianela Gonzalez: biography, full filmography and personal life

Video: Las González - English Trailer 2024, June

Video: Las González - English Trailer 2024, June

This young Latin American actress is called a symbol of Venezuelan beauty and talent. In her native country, Marianela Gonzalez is known not only as a professional actress, but also as a model. It is noteworthy that the girl herself did not even think about playing on the set for a wide audience. She dreamed of a podium, and her dream came true. Marianela Gonzalez became famous as a model far beyond Venezuela: she is known in Colombia, Chile, and Spain. Today she is in demand in both of her professions. What was her creative path? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Actress Gonzalez Marianela is a native of Caracas. She was born on July 23, 1978 in the family of an airline pilot. The future star of the series has always been friendly with her sister Mary Alejandra. Since childhood, Marianela Gonzalez began acting in commercials.


After some time, everyone was convinced that she guessed with the choice: the external data fit almost all parameters (with an increase of 170 cm - 87 x 60 x 90). The girl advertised such famous brands as Rolda, Chinotto, Grafitti, Pert Plus.

The first audition in the cinema

Gonzalez Marianela decided to graduate at the Institute of New Professions (Caracas), stopping at the journalism faculty. However, she never became known in this field of activity, since she began to show interest in the profession of an actor. Already in 1999, one of the girlfriends of the girl advised her to take part in the screenings of the youth series "Street of Dreams." She agreed, and after successfully completing the casting, Marianela Gonzalez was approved by the director for one of the roles.

The girl still does not understand why she was chosen. She is pretty self-critical. “I do not consider myself an ideal actress: without sufficient willpower, I can not adhere to strict diets, play sports.


The only thing I can brag about is that I eat healthy food, which makes me in great physical shape, ”says Marianela.

Film career goes uphill

Initially, the girl was offered episodic roles. We are talking about the paintings: “Karissima” (A. Paes, O. Rodriguez, 2001) and “My beloved girl” (H. Alcalde, L. Padilla, 2001). Marianela Gonzalez can consider these films “test steps” in the cinema. For participating in the series “My Fair Fat Woman”, the aspiring actress should thank all the same directors H. Alcalde and L. Padilla, who entrusted her with reincarnation of three characters: the rebel Pandora, the dancer Siren of the Night, and the participant in the masquerade.

Marianela Gonzalez, whose complete filmography includes about 11 films, will not be able to forget her first shooting day for a long time. “I walked along the corridors of the studio, and people who paid attention to me died laughing. Of course, their reaction was natural: my outfit dangled from side to side, the beard was constantly peeling off … "- the girl recalls.


“It took some time for me to feel comfortable in the new image. I worked hard to learn how to correctly reproduce the timbre of the voice, ” the actress continues. Still, the colleagues on the stage could not get used to the masculine image for which it was ridiculous, it seemed to them, that Marianela reincarnated. They could not help smiling. However, the young lyceum girl liked to amuse the audience present on the set. One fine day, she didn’t even want to remove the make-up, and she came home in an “image”.

The success of the series was ensured, and after such a triumph, Marianele began to receive offers to star in the series one after another. The directors admire not only her ability to transform, but they are also struck by the girl’s appearance, namely: her perfect figure, luxurious hair, expressive eyes and a charming smile. Invariable success not only in Latin America, but also in Western Europe, the series with the actress enjoy. Marianela Gonzalez is becoming popular in the world.


Among her striking works, one should highlight participation in such series as “Strange Anastasia” (H. Alcalde, 2004), “You Can't Do Some Beauty” (J. Delgado, N. Di Blasi, L. Manso, 2005), “On Wings love ”(A. Paes, G. Colmenares, H. Malawe, 2006). One of the last soap operas in which Gonzalez starred is “Sweet Love” (S. Vargas, HK Vasquez, 2014). In it, she plays the main character Natalia Toledo.

Other projects

In addition to filming in the series, Marianela is actively involved in the creation of photographic novels, which are still popular in Latin American countries. And, of course, she does not forget about working on the podium, showing the public elite clothes and cosmetics. In terms of popularity as a model, she is in no way inferior to the famous Norkis Batista.

Personal life

The star of Latin American TV shows tries to spend as much time as possible in the circle of her family, which consists of a father, mother, sister and two nephews.


The actress lives with her parents. At leisure, meets with friends and work colleagues.

Relations with the opposite sex

Gonzalez Marianela has not yet met true love, although there are a lot of rumors around her personal life. For example, she was credited with a relationship with actor Carlos Alvarez, who, like her, also took part in the filming of the film “My Fair Fat Woman”. In reality, there is no romance between young people, they are just friends. However, the actress is not upset by the fact that in her life there is no lover yet. “There is a time for everything, ” she said. The actress has yet to go down the aisle. And for the first time she fell in love when she had not yet gone to school. Theoretically in a relationship, she prefers to give freedom to her soulmate; her potential lover will not feel limited in her personal life.

However, Marianela said that when she traveled to Spain, she happened to meet a young man whom she had known for many years. Together they spent an unforgettable three weeks, sightseeing and enjoying each other's company.


However, everything comes to an end, and the development of the novel did not happen. Young people lived in different countries, their fate divorced again.