
Marina Krymova: biography, works, reviews

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Marina Krymova: biography, works, reviews
Marina Krymova: biography, works, reviews

Video: බිහිසු​ණු ඇමසන් නදියේ සුන්දර කරන Discus මසුන්ගේ අපූරු කථා​ව 2024, June

Video: බිහිසු​ණු ඇමසන් නදියේ සුන්දර කරන Discus මසුන්ගේ අපූරු කථා​ව 2024, June

Marina Krymova is a person who is known as a healer and author of several books. This article talks about how a woman began her extraordinary path and came to what she now has. Marina Krymova is a sorceress, a doctor who is talked about a lot, but few people know the real story of her life.

The beginning of the way


Those who are in close contact with Marina know the whole sad story of her life. But there are very few such people. Marina Krymova, whose biography interests us, was born with a serious illness. Already in the first hours of life, a child had a cancerous tumor. Parents were not ready for a life full of drugs, visits to doctors and other difficulties. They left the baby in the hospital. And it is not known how Marina’s life would have developed if it hadn’t been for Dara’s grandmother. She was known at that time for her witchcraft skills and ability to heal people with herbs. She did not leave her granddaughter, she became the official guardian of the girl, took her to her in the Kuban and began treatment. Of course, not without the help of doctors. Marina made several difficult operations. But with the joint efforts of official and traditional medicine, Marina recovered and at the age of six she was an absolutely healthy child. Then the biological parents took the girl to themselves.

The time spent with my grandmother, the rustic atmosphere and evenings, filled with aromas of herbs, folk tales and tunes, had a great influence on the baby. At a very young age, she realized that she was different from others. The visions that appeared to her did not scare her, but her parents did not want to believe the girl. They convinced her that all this was fiction. In order to somehow capture vague images, Marina began to draw. Seeing her such a talent, her parents sent her to study in St. Petersburg at the Lyceum of restoration.

Further life was very predictable. Study, communication with the St. Petersburg intelligentsia, early marriage, the birth of a child (daughter). The good thing is that Marina received two higher educations: a historian and a psychologist. It is sad that her marriage was unsuccessful.

At 23, Marina went through a difficult period in her life, which made her remember her roots and Slavic culture. She married a second time, but this marriage also collapsed due to the tragic loss of an unborn child, as a result of which Marina suffered a clinical death. According to her, being in this condition, she saw her grandmother Dar, who was still alive at that time. Grandmother ordered her to return home, and this had a better effect on Marina than medicine. A strange feeling of something unknown did not leave her, and she began to delve into the study of Old Russian rites and everything connected with it. She studied many scrolls, ancient books and annals.

Marina Krymova, whose books are popular, won success thanks to the extraordinary content of her works. Each of them is uniqueness and originality. Readers know books:

  • "How to keep love in your life."

  • "The main book of fate."

  • "The brownie will help you."

  • "The bath is healing."

We will briefly describe what each of these publications contains.

How to keep love in your life


Marina Krymova is a psychologist, analyst and specialist in ancient Slavic culture and traditions. She deeply studied the principles of yoga and even taught this discipline for nine years. The book has a second title among admirers of Marina’s talent: The Secret Book of a Woman. She tried to translate all her knowledge into advice to women. How to increase sensuality and potency, how to surround yourself with love and not let go of this atmosphere throughout life - all this the reader will be able to find out when he gets acquainted with the contents of literary work.

The main book of fate


Marina Krymova, whose reviews we describe here, devotes much attention to the knowledge that came to us from ancient healers. Already in those ancient times, they could make sure that a person was doomed to happiness and good luck. To attract health and love, to become successful in work - all this is real. The main idea of ​​the book is that the fate of man is laid in childhood. It is then that the future script is written. The child imagines a certain fairy tale of his fate and his whole life subconsciously follows this drawn scenario. Making any decision and making one or another choice, a person simply follows a previously developed strategy.

The brownie will help you


In this book, Marina Krymova revealed a topic that interests many people. Who does not know funny and scary stories about brownie? Everyone at least once heard a fascinating story about how this mysterious character is naughty or guarding the hearth. Some do not believe that the brownie exists, and abandon actions that will help establish a connection with him. But most people, mostly of the Orthodox faith, still believe that the brownie is a real creature. The nature of the brownie depends on how a person communicates with him or how he behaves at home. And the atmosphere in the house and well-being depend on the character of this character. After reading the book, you will learn how to make friends with your brownie or how to attract him to yourself, so that happiness, peace, love and prosperity appear in the house.

Bath treats


Marina Krymova promotes health not only in the body, but also in the soul. This interesting book tells that water is vital for humans. This is not just a liquid, it is a form that can carry both negative and positive energy. Water can completely revive and heal the human body, but you need to know how to use its power. A bathhouse around the world is associated with Russia and its traditions. There are a huge number of recipes that healers used in antiquity in order to restore the patient's health. The bathhouse itself embodies the struggle against all the dark sides of life, it preaches a healthy mind, good health and much more, which you will learn about by reading the book.