
Marina Yakubovich - wife of Leonid Yakubovich

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Marina Yakubovich - wife of Leonid Yakubovich
Marina Yakubovich - wife of Leonid Yakubovich

Video: Yakubovich 2024, July

Video: Yakubovich 2024, July

Marina Yakubovich is the second wife of Leonid Yakubovich, the popular and beloved by many irreplaceable presenter of the television game Field of Miracles. The woman gave birth to a daughter daughter Varia.

Biography of Leonid Arkadevich

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadevich was born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. His father was an engineer and served as head of the design bureau. The mother of the famous TV presenter worked as a gynecologist.


Leonid was expelled from secondary school, he received secondary education in evening school. After that, he wanted to study at a theater school, but his father intervened and insisted that his son enter the Institute of Electronic Engineering. However, the young man combined classes at the university with the Theater of Student Miniatures. After some time, Leonid went to study at the Civil Engineering Institute. Kuibyshev, where he began to participate in the games of the institute team of KVN. He successfully performed with his team, traveled a lot with humorous performances throughout the Soviet Union.

It is known that Leonid Arkadyevich worked at the aircraft factory as a turner, an electrician. After graduation, he first served at the plant. Likhachev, then in the commissioning department of ZIL. By the age of 35, he changed his occupation and became interested in literary activity, began to write texts and scripts for broadcasts. A little later he became a member of the Union Committee of Moscow playwrights. For 5 years, from 1984 to 1991, Yakubovich was an auctioneer. Then he tried himself in the role of the host of the TV program “Field of Miracles”. Samples were successful, Leonid Arkadevich became the permanent host of the television game.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadevich is an Honored Artist, as well as People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The famous leader is fond of collecting directories, is interested in aviation and cooking. He is a member of the Academy of Russian Television.


Personal life of a popular presenter

With his first wife, the artist met in his student days. The girl sang in the well-known musical group "Citizens", and a talented artist performed as part of the KVN team. Leonid suggested that Galina Antonova, as girlhood called his first wife, play a wedding, while still a student. In marriage, a son was born, who was named Artyom. The young man graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute, as well as the Academy of Foreign Trade. Now he serves in the Directorate of Information Programs on Channel One. Artem is married, his daughter is growing up.

The family union of Leonid Arkadievich and his wife Galina broke up in 1995, after more than 20 years of marriage. The initiator of the gap was Yakubovich. The host began an affair with Marina Vido, his work colleague. The woman worked at the VID TV company.

The emergence of Marina Vido in the life of Yakubovich

My wife Yakubovich - Marina Yakubovich (Vido) was 34 years old when meeting her future spouse. She worked in the VID advertising department and at the time of the fateful meeting she was quite an adult and held personality. Initially, Marina and Leonid Arkadevich intersected exclusively on issues related to work. However, after a joint trip on a ship on the Mediterranean Sea between Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Wido, a romantic relationship appeared, which grew into an uncontrollable passion and strong love.


When Leonid Arkadievich and Marina returned to the capital, the feelings that arose remained between them. However, co-workers were in no hurry to tie the knot. The talented presenter for some time tried to hide his romance with a young woman, but since he is a public person, it was not possible to completely do this. Wife Galina found out about the existence of Marina, after which Yakubovich stopped hiding his relations on the side.

The hardest part of the gap between parents was Artyom. At the time of the divorce, the son of Yakubovich and Galina turned 18 years old. A young man lived for some time with his father, then with his mother.

Marina Yakubovich - wife of Yakubovich

After a divorce from Galina, Leonid Arkadyevich married a young woman. From the biography of Marina Yakubovich it is known that she is 18 years younger than her current spouse. By profession - journalist. In March 1998, a woman gave birth to a famous leading girl, who was named Barbara. At the moment she is 19 years old, she is receiving education at MGIMO. The popular TV presenter passionately and sincerely loves his son Artem and his daughter Varia.


There is a big age difference between the children of Yakubovich, however, the daughter of Marina Yaubovich gets along well with her niece - the daughter of her half-brother Sofia, who is only 2 years younger than her. Girls spend their free time together.

Separate stay

Despite the fact that Leonid Yakubovich and Marina Yakubovich are legal spouses, the famous TV presenter and his wife live separately. Marina and her daughter are in the luxurious country house of Yakubovich, and the popular host himself chose an apartment in Karetnoye as his permanent residence. Leonid Arkadievich prefers to visit his family several times a week. According to Marina Yakubovich, separation has its own advantages. So she and Leonid do not bother each other, between them there remains a constant spark and unquenchable interest.
