
Mashnaya Olga is an actress who played Sophia in the film "Midshipmen, Go!". Biography, personal life

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Mashnaya Olga is an actress who played Sophia in the film "Midshipmen, Go!". Biography, personal life
Mashnaya Olga is an actress who played Sophia in the film "Midshipmen, Go!". Biography, personal life

Mashnaya Olga is an actress whom the audience remembers first of all as Sophia from the movie “Midshipmen, Go!”. Of course, the beloved of Alyosha Korsak is far from the only role that this talented woman played. By the age of 52, the star managed to star in more than fifty film projects and TV shows. So, what is known about her life path and creative success?

Actress Olga Mashnaya: biography of a star

The future performer of the role of Sophia was born in St. Petersburg, it happened in June 1964. Mashnaya Olga is an actress whose childhood cannot be called cloudless. The addiction of the girl’s father to alcohol constantly became the reason for family conflicts, financial difficulties complicated the situation.


In an interview, Olga recalls how often she tried to delay returning home after school, just walking along the streets of the city. Due to problems in the family, she grew up withdrawn and unsure of herself, had virtually no friends. Of course, the girl could not imagine that she would become a famous actress, but fate decreed in its own way.

Movie debut

Mashnaya Olga is an actress who received her first role at the age of 12. By accident, the girl was near the building of Lenfilm, where she was noticed by assistant director Emilia Belskaya. It seemed to the woman that Olga was ideal for playing a small role, for which they had not yet found a suitable actress. Mashnaya gladly accepted the unexpected offer, as she was attracted by the opportunity to get on the set.


The girl’s debut took place thanks to the film “First Joys”, directed by Grigory Nikulin. It is interesting that even then celebrities who were very popular at that time became her colleagues: Vasiliev, Akulicheva, Pechernikova. Filming in the drama turned out to be fatal for Olga, it was her first experience that made her decide to become an actress.

First successes

Mashnaya Olga is an actress who considers herself a lucky person. It is not surprising, because already three years after filming in the film "First Joys" she got a new role. In the drama “Useless”, she was invited by Dinar Asanov, who the star soon began to call her “godmother” in the movie world. In this film, Olga played a teenage girl from a poor family who hates the whole world.


After graduating from school, Mashnaya decided to move to the capital, where she was waiting for interesting offers, in large numbers from local directors, fascinated by her talent and attractive appearance. Eighties were successful for Olga, she managed to play in several popular films at once. Among the most famous films with her participation can be called the film "Everything is the opposite" and "At the beginning of the game."

Films of Dinara Asanova

Actress Olga Mashnaya, whose biography testifies to a difficult childhood, acquired her first fans even before she celebrated her twentieth birthday. For the first time they talked about her after the release of the drama "Boys", where "godmother" Asanova invited her. The tape openly talked about the everyday life of adolescents from complex families, the actress received one of the main roles in it.


It is interesting that it was during the filming process that the rising star first drew attention to the person who was destined to become her first love. The scriptwriter Valery Priyemykhov turned out to be this man. Legend has it that the future husband fell in love with the beautiful Olga first, for a long time sought her attention.

“Darling, dear, beloved” is another sensational drama by Dinara, in which actress Olga Mashnaya got the role. The biography of the star indicates that it was after her role in this picture that she began to be perceived as a performer of "adult" roles, and not a girl who could only play difficult teenagers. Olga brilliantly played young Anna, who steals someone else's child in order to deceive her beloved man and make sure of his feelings.

"Midshipmen, go!"

"Midshipmen, go!" - a picture, after the release of which the whole country learned about who such actress Olga Mashnaya is. The biography, the personal life of the star for several years after the demonstration of this film remained the object of close attention of the audience. In this film, the girl got the role of the tender and romantic Sophia, with whom the midshipman Alexei Korsak fell in love.

Interestingly, after the release of the film, the press for several months discussed the novel of Olga and Dmitry Kharatyan, which actually was not. The source for such gossip was the scene of the meeting of their characters in the forest, which turned out to be unusually sensual.

Husbands and divorces

Unfortunately, the number of stars who were lucky in love does not include actress Olga Mashnaya, Sophia’s personal life did not work out. Her marriage with Valery Priyemykhov was short-lived, as her husband did not want to give up the habits of a single person. His frequent betrayals forced Mashnaya to file for divorce, but she still claims that Valery was the only love of her life.


After parting with Priyemovym, the actress Olga Mashnaya never managed to find happiness in the family, whose personal life never ceased to interest journalists. The marriage with the second husband lasted no more than three years, but the star does not regret it, since she had a son Dmitry, in whom Olga does not have a soul.