
Matthew MacFayden Biography, filmography and interesting facts from the life of the actor

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Matthew MacFayden Biography, filmography and interesting facts from the life of the actor
Matthew MacFayden Biography, filmography and interesting facts from the life of the actor

Video: Matthew MacFadyen family 2024, June

Video: Matthew MacFadyen family 2024, June

Matthew MacFayden was born on October 17, 1974 in England. From early childhood, the boy began to show a love for art. While studying at school, Matthew attended a theater circle at the same time. However, we will talk further about the most interesting moments in the life of a famous actor.


Childhood, youth

Mom Matthew is an actress and acting teacher. Grandfather is a former head of one of the local theaters. Dad is an employee in the oil business. It was the position of the father that caused the constant family relocations.

The future actor graduated from school in Rutland (county Lesteshir). Along with his studies, Matthew attended a theater group. Even then, the teachers prophesied a starry future for the young man.

In 1992, after graduation, the young man tried to enter the National Youth Theater. Unfortunately, they did not accept him. Matthew did not despair and tried his hand at the Royal Academy of Theater Arts. This time, the future actor did everything.

After training

After graduating from the academy, Matthew MacFeyden began to rapidly gain fame on the English theater stage. He perfectly got used to any role and easily coped with the tasks. “The Duchess of Malfi”, “School of Slander”, “Much Ado About Nothing”, “Henry IV” - all these plays were fateful for the artist, since it was with them that he began his career.



Matthew MacFeyden, whose roles are numerous, made his debut in the mini-series Wuthering Heights, which was shown on the Air Force channel. The actor played in the film Harton Earnshaw. The picture immediately became one of the most successful at that time. For his role in the series, McFaden received the BAFTA Award in the nomination "Best Television Actor."

The next important role of the artist is in the film “Fighters”. Here he played a football fan from Scotland named Alan James. The premiere took place on the Air Force channel. This time, McFaden was awarded the Royal Television Society Award in the category "Best Actor."

Roles in 2000

Matthew MacFeyden began to receive roles in art paintings with enviable regularity. The next important tape for the artist was "The Room of Death: the dark origin of Sherlock Holmes." The role of the mysterious tenant succeeded Matthew more than ever.

In the same year, Matthew was offered a role in the film entitled "Everything is possible, baby." Here, the actor played the terribly evil and greedy boss Hugh Laurie.


The next picture in which Matthew participated is Enigma. The role of a military officer named Cave was forever deposited in the memory of the actor.

It should be noted that this period became especially significant for the artist, because offers to act were constantly received.

A particularly memorable film for Matthew was The Beautiful Stranger. It should be said that he played with the idols of his childhood, Michael Gambon and Lindsay Duncan.

The next role of McFeiden was in the film entitled "So We Live", where the actor played the rude and rebellious man Felix Carbury.

An important career step

Matthew MacFeyden, whose photo is in our article, took part in the film, which became the most significant in his career. This is the role of an intelligence officer for critical affairs named Tom Quinn in the movie Ghosts. The tape started on the Air Force channel and brought Matthew crazy popularity.


Further filming

In 2005, Matthew MacFeyden starred in another drama - "Pride and Prejudice." The actor, according to many critics, was able to clearly transfer the hero described in the book to the screens. His Mr. Darcy conquered the audience with his nobility and humanity.

The next picture of Matthew was the thriller "Provocateur". Then there were roles in the drama Frost vs. Nixon, as well as Breakfast with David Frost. In all the paintings, MacFeyden proved that acting is what he lives for.

2010 year

In 2010, Matthew MacFeyden plays in the films "Robin Hood", "Project", and also takes part in the series "Pillars of the Earth."

In 2011, the actor plays the role of Athos in the adventure drama by Paul William Scott Anderson “The Musketeers”.

In the same year he was offered to play in the film "Anna Karenina." What role does Matthew MacFeyden play in this picture? Oblonsky is his character. It should be noted that it was the performance of this role that was given to the actor harder than all the previous ones.


Further, Matthew was noted in the film by Ben Hopkins "Epic". The premiere of the picture took place in 2014.

The personal life of the actor

2003 is a period of love for Matthew. The actor met his wife on the set of the film “Ghosts”. Keely House immediately liked the talented Matthew. Without thinking twice, he began to look after her. The girl did not particularly resist and immediately reciprocated. Six months later, young people announced the upcoming wedding. But the celebration did not have time to take place, since the girl became pregnant. Only after the birth of their daughter, Matthew and Keely decided to play a wedding. The celebration took place in a quiet family atmosphere. In 2006, Keely again told her husband that she was pregnant. This time a boy named Ralph was born.