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There is an abyss between them: how do our pensioners differ from European women

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There is an abyss between them: how do our pensioners differ from European women
There is an abyss between them: how do our pensioners differ from European women

Video: The Collapse of Pensions in Spain: A new financial crisis for Europe? - VisualPolitik EN 2024, June

Video: The Collapse of Pensions in Spain: A new financial crisis for Europe? - VisualPolitik EN 2024, June

They say that Russian ladies of retirement age, vacationing in Europe, are immediately visible in the crowd. And not only because of their attractiveness, but also because of habits, appearance, a characteristic model of behavior. Are European and Russian pensioners so different? We will clarify this below.

Reasons for differences

On a trip abroad you can easily meet elderly travelers who, despite their age, enjoy the sights and even actively engage in tourism. Groups of foreign tourist retirees can be found on the boulevards of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Western old people do not lose their taste for life. They want to see everything that they did not look at in their youth, when they climbed the career ladder. Unfortunately, our seniors are rarely distinguished by their similar vitality. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, the idea that life continues after 60 years is alien to our mentality. In our culture, people at this age have no plans and interests.


Secondly, traveling to distant countries on our pensions is difficult to afford. And this is not because there are more pensions in the Western powers. For example, by the standards of the United States they are modest. But over the years of work, a person manages to accumulate funds that, under the pressure of external unforeseen events, do not burn out.


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Thirdly, in the West the cult of personal borders and independence dominates. Grandparents devote their lives to their grandchildren and do not consider themselves obligated to help adult children financially. Their children cope with all the difficulties themselves. As a result, pensioners have enough time and money to pay attention to themselves. In our country, the elderly take upon themselves the cares of grandchildren and children, and even help them with their means.


In addition, Americans and Europeans are attentive to their health. Whereas it is not customary for us to take care of ourselves. This is especially true of the older generation. This is the image of our senior citizen, which is significantly different from the foreign peer.

Attitude towards age


The attitude towards age in Europe is completely different. If women in Russia who do not have children and a husband at the age of 40 are considered old maids, then in the West, for women, life is just beginning. Europeans will not condemn society, even if they never get married.


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However, statistics show that in the West the average age for marriage is 30 years, for the birth of babies - from 35 years and above. In Russia, many marriages are between the ages of 18 and 28. And here we are talking about the first efforts to create a family. Early marriages do not last long, and therefore in the state an impressive percentage of children brought up without a father and divorced people.

Spectacular grandmothers


Retirement in the West does not mean that older ladies tie headscarves on their heads and begin to move around the city with carts.

In Europe, the completion of work is a great occasion to buy a new bright dress and finally do yourself and really important things. In powers where family traditions are strong, grandmothers help raise grandchildren and maintain a home. But this is not a reason for refusing travel, beauty salons and breakfast in the cafe.

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In Europe, there are no stereotypes regarding the appearance of a woman. The same pensioners can easily repaint their hair in pink. And they can do nothing at all with gray hair, and this phenomenon is very popular in Italy, France and Spain.

Well-groomed ladies with gray fluffy and long hair can be found both on television and on the streets. This nuance concerns the personal preferences and convenience of women. No one can force a European beauty to wear high-heeled shoes if she is not comfortable. And no one will condemn her for her excessive love of rhinestones and accessories.

Clothing in Switzerland


For comparison, find out how people dress in Switzerland. Attitude to clothing in this country is more than informal. Casual dress is almost everywhere acceptable, except for hotel cafes, first-class restaurants and a variety of official events. At the same time, neatness in outfits is sometimes valued no less than their fashionability and wealth of the owner.

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No one will ever squint at a person in a sportswear who entered a prestigious hotel (the opposite would be surprising in a country in which tourism and sports account for up to 30% of GDP), but all formal events require proper “equipment”.

When attending many official events, the clothing form is set separately (mainly such “subtle nuances” as the presence of tailcoat and butterflies) and must be observed. In general, a business casual suit will be quite acceptable for most formal occasions.

Patriarchal society

Interestingly, Switzerland was a primitive society for a long period of time, where the power of men was subordinated to women. Here the parity of the sexes is a new phenomenon: it was only in 1971 that the ladies were given the right to cast their vote in federal elections.

In this country, only a part of Swiss women work outside the home, the number of specialists with university education among women is still half as low, and even the level of salary depends on gender. But at the same time, up to 30% of workers in power structures are women.