association in the organization

International Organizations: List and Key Features

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International Organizations: List and Key Features
International Organizations: List and Key Features

Video: 17 The concept of International organizations 2024, July

Video: 17 The concept of International organizations 2024, July

An international organization is understood as an association of member states of this community that have concluded an agreement among themselves that meets all the norms of international law, with the goal of economic, political, cultural, military and other types of cooperation between its participants.

Key features

A mandatory attribute of this phenomenon in society is the presence of:

  • bodies coordinating educational projects and activities;

  • rights and obligations, within the framework of which, in the course of its activities, both the association as a whole and individual states consisting in it should remain;

  • separate for each member provisions in the field of his competence and authority in accordance with the status;

  • autonomous will.


Features Commonwealths Have

Very often the question arises as to what characteristics international organizations should have. List of the main features of such communities:

  1. Participation in the association of three or more states.

  2. Compliance with the provisions on the creation of the alliance to international law.

  3. Respect for the sovereignty of each member and non-interference in its internal affairs.

  4. The principle of an international treaty at the heart of the association.

  5. Focused cooperation in specific areas.

  6. A clear structure with special bodies, each of which performs certain functions.



International organizations are of two main types: intergovernmental and non-governmental. They differ among themselves in that the former are based on the union of states or authorized bodies, and the latter (they are also called public) are based on the union of entities from different countries that do not have the goal of political cooperation.

In addition, international organizations, a list of which will be given below, may also be:

  1. Universal (participants from all over the world are involved) and regional (only for states of a certain locality).

  2. General (the areas of cooperation are extensive) and special, dedicated to only one aspect of the relationship (health, education, labor issues, etc.).

  3. Associations in international organizations of the world, the list of members of which is quite variegated by their economic characteristics:

    a) developed states;

    b) developing countries;

    c) mixed alliances.

So, as we see, there is a fairly developed classification system for such institutions, which is associated with their prevalence and great influence on global political, economic and cultural processes.

International organizations of the world. List of the most influential institutions

Today there are a huge number of such associations that are active throughout the world. These are both global organizations with a large number of participants like the UN, and less numerous: the Union for the Mediterranean, the South American Community of Nations and others. All of them have completely different lines of activity, ranging from culture to the law enforcement industry, but the most popular are political and international economic organizations. The list and their tasks are usually numerous. The following are the names and characteristics of the most influential institutions.

UN and its units


One of the most developed and famous among all commonwealths is the United Nations. It was founded back in 1945 to resolve the post-war issues that were then on the agenda. The spheres of its activity are: preservation of the world; humanitarian aid; upholding human rights; peacekeeping operations in hot spots. As of mid-2015, 193 countries from different regions of the planet are members of this organization.


Due to the fact that the needs of the world community grew over time and were not limited to purely humanitarian issues both immediately after the creation of the UN and during the second half of the 20th century, other more specialized international organizations appeared as its constituent parts. Their list is not limited to all known UNESCO, IAEA and IMF. There are also such units as the World Meteorological Organization, the Postal Union and many others. In total there are 14 pieces.

International non-governmental organizations: list, areas of activity, relevance

Among them, the most powerful in terms of distribution and activity is, for example, the non-profit charitable organization Wikimedia Foundation, or the International Rescue Committee, which deals with refugee problems. In general, there are more than 100 such unions, and their fields of activity are extremely diverse. Science, education, combating racial or gender discrimination, healthcare, individual industries and much more - all this is done by specialized international non-governmental organizations. The list of FIVE best of them also contains communities such as Partners in Health, Oxfam and BRAC.
