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MIG-29: technical specifications. MIG-29 aircraft: weapons, speed, photo

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MIG-29: technical specifications. MIG-29 aircraft: weapons, speed, photo
MIG-29: technical specifications. MIG-29 aircraft: weapons, speed, photo

Video: FANTASTIC Russian Mikoyan MiG-29 FORMATION PAIR/DUO with OVT VECTORED THRUST Demo 2024, July

Video: FANTASTIC Russian Mikoyan MiG-29 FORMATION PAIR/DUO with OVT VECTORED THRUST Demo 2024, July

The capabilities of the defense industry of the USSR were repeatedly underestimated by opponents, both potential and quite real. A number of samples of Soviet weapons in the history of the country have become a standard for designers of the most industrially developed states. Some of them even became original symbols of the armed forces of the USSR and the new Russia. The fame of Shpagin and Kalashnikov assault rifles, T-34 and T-54 tanks, Katyushas and other types of Russian deadly products went far beyond the sixth of the land. MiG combat aircraft also belong to the domestic weapon classics.

History of MiG Design Bureau

Design Bureau began to work before World War II. Engineers A.I. Mikoyan (brother of the Stalin People's Commissar) and M.I. Gurevich by 1940 managed to create a magnificent fighter, one of the best in the world in its characteristics. It had a number of shortcomings, but at the time of the first test take-off, this lightweight fast car with streamlined contours could argue with any aircraft in Germany, Britain or the United States.

The design bureau has always sought not only to follow the global trends in the aircraft industry, but also to set them whenever possible. The first serial fighter jet in the USSR, the MiG-9, was the answer to the successful introduction of this class aircraft in the Western Air Force.


Jet era

An unpleasant surprise for American pilots was the MiG-15, surpassing the vaunted products of Northrop and other manufacturers from the USA in speed and maneuverability, who considered their equipment unsurpassed. In the sky of warring Vietnam, the MiG-17 and MiG-21 interceptors showed excellent results. There were other models of aircraft, MiG-19 and MiG-23. During the Israeli war with Egypt, the heavy-duty MiG-25 repeatedly violated the front line, raiding Tel Aviv. Although there were no weapons on it, the very fact of the unpunished flight of a Soviet aircraft over a country armed with the latest American air defense systems cooled many hotheads. A number of regional conflicts, in which the Soviet MiG military aircraft showed their best side, became a kind of advertisement for this brand, a guarantee of the quality and highest efficiency of Soviet military equipment. The crown of the efforts of the designers was the MiG-29. The technical characteristics of this fighter and today, 37 years after the completion of the basic design and development work, fully meet the modern requirements for military vehicles of this class.

Important Government Mission

In the late sixties - the beginning of the seventies, the main "workhorse" of the US Air Force and several countries - potential opponents of the USSR - was the famous F-4, "Phantom" of various modifications of the McDonnell-Douglas company. The design of this aircraft was very successful, it could solve tasks of a universal nature - from conducting maneuverable air combat to delivering bombing missiles against ground targets. But the experience of Vietnam and the Middle East showed that it is difficult for him to fight against the Soviet MiG-21 and even earlier MiG-17. The ratio of losses was not in favor of the Americans. In the United States, work began on creating a replacement for the Phantom, which resulted in the F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle fighters. The Soviet Air Force urgently needed modernization, taking into account promising projects of overseas aircraft manufacturers with their “cats” and “eagles”. The MiG design bureau the Soviet government set the task. By the fall of 1977, the latest MiG-29 interceptor was ready. The take-off of the prototype took place on October 6. Five years later, the aircraft was adopted by the Air Force of the USSR.


A bit about looks

In those years, even the appearance of a new type of weapon was a state secret. Indeed, many revolutionary technical solutions, including conceptual ones, have become a distinctive feature of the MiG-29 interceptor. A photo inadvertently published in the press, or a recording of a demonstration flight shown on television, could lead the hostile camp specialists to think about the main line of the aircraft industry of the future. According to the idea of ​​Chief Designer M. Waldenberg, supported by R. Belyakov, who replaced General Artem Mikoyan, the plane had a so-called integrated circuit layout. This means that they departed from the design division on the plane and fuselage adopted in world aviation. The entire glider consisted of smooth transitions, flows, with "classic" side walls only in the bow.

Security measures were by no means an unnecessary precaution. Specialists who designed MiG aircraft were also able to spy on other people's news. A photo of the adjustable “Phantom” air intake taken at one of the air shows gave in due time invaluable information to our engineers. A similar unit was used on the MiG-23.


Power plant and figure "bell"

The aircraft has two engines (RD-ZZ or RD-ZZK for modification "M"), they are located below the wing. Their total thrust can reach from 16, 600 to 17, 600 kN (kgf). If we take into account that the take-off weight of the machine slightly exceeds 15 tons, then it is easy to conclude that the value of the thrust ratio of the unit is exceeded. This, in turn, means that if the MiG-29 aircraft is installed vertically and the gas sectors are brought to a position close to the limit, then it will hover in place or rise higher without the wing lifting force. This technical feature allows not only to show unique aerobatics in demonstration performances, but also has important applied value. Locators work on the Doppler principle and can only track moving objects. At the moment the “bell” and “cobra” are executed (namely, the so-called aerobatics, during which the “freeze” occurs), the speed of the MiG-29 is zero, and all the enemy’s air defense monitoring and guidance systems cease to see it on their screens.


"Gills" MiG-29

There are other solutions in the design of the aircraft that demonstrate the freshness of the approach to solving pressing problems. A powerful power plant requires a lot of air, and it is sucked into the intake intake in huge quantities. If the runway is snowy, there is sand on it (which is not uncommon in some regions) or other pollution, all this gets into the turbine. There are several ways to deal with this scourge. For example, you can install air filters, like in a car. But they also tend to clog. Or another solution: place the air intakes higher. But this affects the aerodynamic properties of the airframe. In the case of the MiG-29, the designers made an unusual and unique decision. The air intake until the landing gear is removed is through additional inlets on the upper runway connecting the wing with the fuselage. Their two rows, they are located symmetrically from the starboard and port side. They were called "gills." During take-off and landing, the main air intakes are completely blocked, and only after gaining sufficient height for safe operation they open.


Not only powerful engines and excellent aerodynamics are famous for the MiG-29. Technical characteristics, no matter how beautiful they may be, in modern aerial combat do not guarantee victory if ergonomic conditions and information support are not created for the pilot, providing the possibility of instant decision making. Still, the fourth generation obliges us to something, especially since our probable opponents have always been very attentive to the latest achievements of electronics. The fact that the onboard computer is based on the on-board computer (this is Ts100.02-06) is not surprising. For the first time in the country (and perhaps in the world), many additional devices have been used to facilitate the work of the pilot. In particular, “Natasha” (as the pilots called the voice indication system, in fact, it is “Almaz-UP”) in a pleasant female voice will inform you that the landing is performed at insufficient altitude or speed, it will notify the enemy that has entered the tail, or other danger, error or contingency.


Manage weapons is very convenient. Information is projected onto the frontal glazing section of the cab lantern, and a target designation system is installed on the headset. He looked at the plane, made the decision to attack, pressed the button of the combat platoon - and we can assume that there is no more enemy. Such is the deadly look of our pilots. And if you got confused and lost spatial orientation, then it’s okay, I pressed another button, and the plane itself will be aligned with the trim and the roll.

Electronic control system

In a modern military aircraft, it is very difficult to separate avionics and weapons control systems. Without a radar sensitive to detecting a target against the background of the earth’s surface, it’s almost impossible to win today, but this device also has a navigation function. MiG-29 aircraft is equipped with radar type HO-93, capable of tracking a dozen targets at the same time. It is an integral part of the OEPRNK-29 sighting and navigation complex, which can perform operational mapping, calculates algorithms for attacks on enemy sea and ground targets. It also includes the OEPS-29 optical-electronic aiming system, and the latest advances in quantum physics have been applied in its development. The target is detected and recognized at a distance of 35 km (when catching up) to 75 km (in free space). In general, the control system is complex, but, despite this, it is convenient to use.

How to shoot?

The experience of the Vietnam War showed that it is difficult to conduct an air battle with missiles alone, especially maneuvering. Depriving the Phantom artillery, the Americans were forced to invent special hanging containers with a gun and ammunition. The MiG-29 fighter is armed with a quick-fire (1, 500 rounds per minute) GSh-301 water-cooled cannon, which has a stock of one hundred rounds (30 mm caliber).


For missiles, six external pylons mounted under the wings are provided. Depending on the tasks being solved, they can be installed UR (R-73 or R-60M). For striking at ground targets are used UR type X-25M. Guidance of these funds is carried out either by a television signal or by a laser beam. Aiming of unguided means (NAR in cartridges, bombs) is carried out using radar. Sea targets are struck by UR X-29 or supersonic anti-ship missiles of the X-31A type, which the MiG-29 can carry. Armament promising missile models laid in the design of the suspension nodes.

The total number of bombs and rockets is limited to a maximum combat load of 3 tons (base model) and 4, 5 tons (MiG-29M).

TTX Mig-29

The plane in size and weight is slightly smaller than its modern American counterparts, which include the F-14 and F-15. The wingspan of the Soviet interceptor is slightly more than 11 meters (the same with the Tomcat with the maximum sweep, and the Igla with 13 m). The length is 17 meters along with a refueling rod in the air (versus 19 for each of the “Americans”). MiG-29, which weighs about 15 tons, is lighter than both aircraft - probable opponents (about eighteen tons each of them). The thrust of two turbines exceeds that of American cars and reaches 17, 600 kN (14, 500 at Tomcat and a little over 13, 000 at Igla).

A relatively small wing area (38 sq. M.) Can be alerted by a high specific load, but it is compensated by the high strength of the airframe, due to the features of the integral layout. The speed of the MiG-29 reaches 2.3 M (2, 450 km / h), while on the deck version of the MiG-29K it is slightly lower, 2, 300 km / h. For comparison: F-14 is able to develop 1.88 M (1 995 km / h), and F-15 - 2 650 km / h. Another important indicator is the path length during take-off and landing. For the MiG to take off, it needs only a runway with a length of 700 meters, and with the afterburner mode - only 260 meters. He sits on a platform 600 meters long. This allows you to use it as a deck aircraft (with a cable braking system) or operate in conditions of poorly prepared airfields (or even sections of the highway, as happened during the Yugoslav war). Approximately the same run-up characteristics have both American cars. The possibility of using a fighter as a base on aircraft carriers is provided constructively, the wing consoles are folding. The landing speed of the MiG-29 is 235 km / h, which also indicates its “sea soul”. American decks have the same rate.

The practical ceiling of the MiG reaches 17 thousand meters and occupies an intermediate position between the F-14 and F-15.

The averaged combat qualities of the Soviet MiG-29, technical characteristics and its maneuverability allow us to argue that this aircraft surpasses all foreign analogues, developed at the same time as he. The ability to disappear from radar screens in the midst of aerial combat makes this vehicle unique. The innovations applied in the control system brought the domestic aviation industry to a new level. It is also important that the MiG-29 fighter has a wide modification potential. There are more than two dozen of its varieties of different target orientation, different flight ranges, with on-board electronic equipment differing in functional purpose, from a front-line fighter to a training "flying desk". Two of them (MiG-33 and MiG-35) are identified as independent models of the line of design bureaus named after Mikoyan and Gurevich.


With different emblems on the wings.

After the collapse of the USSR, the military fleet of a single state was divided between the former union republics. Experiencing material difficulties, many of them began to sell equipment they did not need. For example, Moldova lost two tens of MiG-29s that were in operation to the United States. The cost of each aircraft was $ 2 million, which is many times lower than the market price. The Americans needed this interceptor to practice tactical methods of fighting the air forces of the countries in whose arsenal it is. MiGs were sold to conflict zones in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world.

The air forces of the Warsaw Treaty countries are also armed with MiGami-29. Almost all of them came at the disposal of the "partner" of Russia in the person of NATO. The pilots of the Luftwaffe of Germany, mostly used to American technology, were pleasantly surprised by the ease and ergonomics of control - the characteristic qualities of the MiG-29. Photos of the Soviet fighter with Maltese crosses (identification marks of the German Air Force) were at first confused by the uninitiated, then everyone got used to it.


The plane is in service with more than twenty-five countries, and so far they are not going to change it.

When choosing a supplier of defense products, foreign governments are guided mainly by military qualities and political considerations. But of no small importance is the financial aspect of the transaction. MiG-29, the cost of which is approximately 70-75 million dollars per unit, can solve most specific military tasks no worse than its overseas competitor F-15, for which they "ask" up to hundreds of millions. In our crisis times, such a difference clearly plays into the hands of the Russian Oboronexport.