
Microwave: does it harm or does it help in the kitchen?

Microwave: does it harm or does it help in the kitchen?
Microwave: does it harm or does it help in the kitchen?

Video: Are Microwaves Harmful to Your Health? Why I Don't Own a Microwave 2024, July

Video: Are Microwaves Harmful to Your Health? Why I Don't Own a Microwave 2024, July

Microwaves were invented by German scientists in the 30s of the last century. They were made so as not to waste valuable time on cooking and not to take fuel with them for stoves in wartime. But in the process of using the new device, it turned out that prepared food has a negative effect on the health of soldiers, so the Germans were forced to abandon its use.

To date, microwave ovens have taken a strong position in the kitchens of hostesses. Indeed, they are indispensable, if necessary, to quickly heat up cooked food, they can easily prepare dietary food, thaw meat, etc. But are modern devices so safe for our health?

The harm of the microwave bothers the minds of mankind no less than the harmful effects of mobile phones. And these fears are not groundless, since both of these devices operate at the same frequencies. In the course of recent studies, several key factors have been found that indicate that the microwave is not so safe.

First of all, electromagnetic radiation has a definite effect, and to be precise, torsion fields. It was experimentally established that there is a torsion component in electromagnetic radiation. It is she who is the main factor in the negative impact on the human body. This may cause irritation, headaches, or insomnia.

For those for whom the microwave has become a true salvation, the radiated temperature causes harm. Of course, with little use, nothing bad will happen, but if you use it constantly and for a long time, then the high-frequency radiation of the centimeter range begins to heat the body. Blood flow is able to cope with this problem, but there are organs in which there are very few blood vessels. For example, such a thermal effect on the lens of the eye can lead to clouding and destruction. These changes are incurable.

Electromagnetic radiation is invisible and imperceptible, but they have a direct effect on the human body. At the same time, the effects of the manifestation are far from immediate, therefore it can be very difficult to correlate any disease with the influence of home appliances.

Another factor that a microwave oven does is harm - the effect of microwave radiation on food. As a result of such intensive processing in food, ionization of molecules can occur, which will entail a change in the structure of the substance.

The microwave creates new compounds that do not exist in nature. They are called radiolytic. Such compounds provoke the appearance of molecular rot. Here are a few examples:

  • The meat cooked in the microwave contains the carcinogen nitrosodientanolamine.

  • Thawing fruit turns galactosides and glucosides into particles containing carcinogenic compounds.

  • Microwave irradiation of raw vegetables turns alkaloids into a carcinogen.

  • The value of food is reduced by 60-70%.

  • Vitamins C, B, and E are destroyed.

In addition, a microwave oven, the damage of which is already obvious, can weaken the cells of our body. Engineers who study the plant and human genes have determined that it is possible to penetrate a cell if it is slightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves, as a result of which cell membranes are weakened. Since the cell structure is already almost destroyed, membranes are not able to prevent the penetration of fungi and viruses. Moreover, the mechanism of natural cell self-healing is suppressed.

Regarding the effect of radiation on the body, we can say that the microwave does considerable harm. The use of food cooked in a microwave oven leads to a decrease in the frequency of heartbeats and pressure, provokes the appearance of dizziness, headaches, insomnia, irritability and pain in the stomach.

Statistics say that irradiated food causes malignant tumors in the digestive system, in addition, peripheral cell tissue undergoes degeneration, resulting in indigestion.

Pregnant women should be especially careful. Due to the strong radiation of electromagnetic fields, a microwave oven, the harm of which is already considerable, can lead to miscarriage, premature birth and the development of defects in the unborn baby.