
Michel Montignac and his method of nutrition

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Michel Montignac and his method of nutrition
Michel Montignac and his method of nutrition

Video: What is MONTIGNAC DIET? What does MOTIGNAC DIET mean? MONTIGNAC DIET meaning & explanation 2024, July

Video: What is MONTIGNAC DIET? What does MOTIGNAC DIET mean? MONTIGNAC DIET meaning & explanation 2024, July

Michel Montignac is a world famous nutritionist and creator of a unique diet. Thanks to him, millions of women and men have acquired the desired forms, healed their body and changed their lifestyle. What is the secret of his methodology and how it works, you can find out from this article.


History of the Montignac Methodology

At the beginning of his career, Montignac worked as a representative in one of the largest pharmaceutical companies. His duty was to meet with customers, investors and other important guests of the company. The venue for meetings and presentations was usually restaurants and cafes. In addition, the nutritionist was in constant motion and was forced to snack on the run. Such work together with lifestyle led Montignac to the second stage of obesity. Excess weight haunted the future nutritionist and created many complexes.


That is how the long road to creating the perfect diet began. Michel Montignac tried dozens of fashionable techniques to lose weight. But not one of them gave him the desired result. And then he began to develop his own method. After weighing all the pros and cons of all diets passed, the nutritionist developed a theory of the appearance of excess weight. And he found a way to deal with it.

Where does excess weight come from?

Michel Montignac believes that the hormone insulin produced by the thyroid gland is the culprit in overweight. Elevated insulin in the blood provokes simple carbohydrates. When they are consumed, the blood sugar level rises, and in order to lower it, the body produces insulin.

The problem is that if a person eats a large amount of carbohydrates, then sugar rises quickly. And its insulin quickly reduces to below average. As a result, the body begins to run out of sugar. It gives a signal to the brain that it is necessary to replenish its level by consuming simple carbohydrates. It turns out a vicious circle. A man eats sweets and after a while he wants even more.

To avoid sharp fluctuations in sugar levels, Michel Montignac suggests consuming foods with a low glycemic index, since it is he who influences the production of insulin. This will allow:

  • Keep your insulin normal.

  • Fat - in a timely manner to split.

  • Avoid diabetes.

Michel Montignac's technique

Montignac is fundamentally against the word "diet." In his opinion, it causes negative associations associated with restrictions on food, hunger strikes, eating lean, tasteless foods, exhaustion, weakness and more. He not only does not prohibit eating, but also encourages the consumption of tasty, satisfying food. This is probably why Michel Montignac became an idol for women.


Michel Montignac's method is based on a reduction in foods with a high glycemic index and an increase in foods with a low.

Prohibited foods include:

  • Sugar in any of its manifestations.

  • Starch and products containing it.

  • Sweet vegetables like beets and carrots.

  • Sweet fruits like bananas, grapes, mangoes.

  • Processed cereals such as white polished rice or semolina.

  • Bread, especially white.

  • Pasta.

  • Combined dishes that simultaneously contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates. For example, cakes, pastries, fried potatoes, pilaf, etc.

Approved products include:

  • Vegetables, especially green ones.

  • Fruits such as apples, citrus fruits, avocados, peaches, kiwi and all the rest.

  • Untreated cereals, such as buckwheat or brown rice.

  • Durum wheat pasta.

  • Fresh greens.

  • Berries

  • Mushrooms.

  • Red meat. It can be eaten with vegetables, but it is forbidden with cereals and pasta.

  • Poultry, preferably breast.

  • Fish, all varieties.

  • Dairy and dairy products.

  • Soy-based foods like tofu and milk.

As you can see, the list of allowed products is quite large. Losing weight will not have to starve or eat monotonous. Every day he can cook himself a wide variety of dishes. But you need to consider that the amount of fat will have to be reduced, and also to avoid combining it with carbohydrates, even complex ones.

Michel Montignac: menu

This menu option is approximate and created so that the losing weight had an idea of ​​the daily diet of Montignac:


  • Breakfast: steamed oatmeal in milk, fruit or berries.

  • Second breakfast: one type of any fruit, except bananas and grapes.

  • Lunch: boiled beef with vegetable salad.

  • Snack: cottage cheese with vegetables or fruits.

  • Dinner: an omelet from two eggs, mushrooms and vegetables.

  • Before going to bed, you can have a snack with unsweetened yogurt.

Diet stages

Michel Montignac's diet is divided into two stages. The first is the reduction and strict control of carbohydrates consumed. Only foods with a low glycemic index are allowed. Its duration depends on the person and how many kilograms he wants to lose weight. When losing weight achieves the desired weight, he proceeds to the second stage - consolidation. It allows foods with a high glycemic index, but in small quantities.


First step

This stage can have a different duration and depends on the desired weight losing weight. During this period, you need to carefully approach the choice of products. For example, it is better to give preference to oily fish or avocados. They contain many useful acids, which will not only not harm the figure, but will also help improve it. Unlike butter and vegetable oil.

Among protein foods, it is best to choose low-fat foods. For example, chicken breast, lean beef, veal, cod fish, cottage cheese, eggs, seafood, etc. And you will have to refuse fatty pork and lamb.

As for carbohydrates, their glycemic index should not exceed 40 points. Namely, vegetables, green fruits, herbs, cereals in small quantities.

Products can be cooked, stewed and steamed. It is strictly forbidden to fry them.

During the diet, it is advisable to play sports. It is not necessary to overload the body with exhausting exercises on simulators. You can walk in the fresh air or do morning exercises.

It is also necessary to drink plenty of clean water, approximately 1.5-2 liters per day. Tea and coffee are not included in this quantity.

Second phase

This stage is stabilization. It is designed to develop healthy eating habits and gently exit the diet. Simply put, stabilization will help avoid weight gain.

During this period, the amount of permissible carbohydrates in the diet increases. You can eat unprocessed cereals, pasta from durum wheat, sweet vegetables. You can also increase the number of fruits in the daily menu.

The second stage lasts as many days as the first one lasted. That is, if one month was spent on the first stage, then stabilization lasts exactly the same.