men's issues

Men with a mustache: how facial hair changes the perception of others

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Men with a mustache: how facial hair changes the perception of others
Men with a mustache: how facial hair changes the perception of others

Video: How Does Facial Hair Impact our Perception of Men? 2024, July

Video: How Does Facial Hair Impact our Perception of Men? 2024, July

Men with a mustache often deserve by no means the most flattering epithets because of the chosen role. "This is not a beard or even whiskers, but the devil knows what!" - approximately such a reaction can be expected from a representative of the fair sex, when she saw another "strip" of vegetation on the face of her beloved spouse. However, is everything really bad? Can a man with a mustache come home and remain fed, beloved and caressed, or does he have to shave quickly? Among celebrities there are many examples of just the first option, when the vegetation above the upper lip only adds an interesting accent to the appearance, but does not spoil it.

Rooted in Mother Russia

Peter the Great, a well-known reformer and sovereign, could hardly bear the craze for beards in the era of modernity. After all, he forcibly shaved his boyars and forced them to monitor their appearance. It will be fair to say that facial hair was not prohibited at all, but acted as a kind of indicator of advanced years or an extremely high status post in the hierarchy, until the king decided that it was too much. The fact is that before Peter the “youths” should have at least earned the right to wear a beard, and shaving was generally considered something unworthy.


The sovereign did not share such hobbies. Peter I himself wore a mustache and preferred a slightly dandyish, European style of dress. On his example, it is easy to note how traditions have changed regarding the appearance from the Normans to the Europeans.

XIX century his and his manners

Immediately before the First World War, a man with a mustache was a kind of standard fashion among men. Long whiskers were so popular that some manufacturers made special devices for such connoisseurs for aligning and caring for facial hair.


An interesting example of the fashion of those times is the film "Murder on the Orient Express." The famous detective does not just look like a gentleman, he carefully monitors his appearance and long-evening his luxurious mustache. It was this style that was traced among the majority of the prosperous class and aristocracy. Workers could not afford such leaving, and therefore shaved, preferring to leave a small goatee, or did not monitor their appearance at all.

Is a beard courageous?

Before men with beards and a mustache entered the trend, the abundance of facial hair was considered, if not indecent, then an extremely strange decision. This style was adhered to by clergymen, as well as elders wise in life, while the younger audience preferred to shave.


Men with a mustache are mature, wealthy people who, however, are not ready to attribute themselves to grandfathers. That was the impression. Now a new style has appeared, and a man with a large mustache seems comical, while a guy with a long beard - courageous, strong, brave. Such a change of fashion may be seasonal, but it is impossible to deny the fact that the vegetation above the lip is not stylish.

Examples from Hollywood and not only

One of the most famous barbel in history remains Adolf Hitler. This is not to say that his style in choosing clothes and appearance was successful, but then such a form of mustache was in fashion. In addition, it should be noted Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali. Men with a mustache were present in fashion, art, science, politics. Even Stalin, whose images have been preserved everywhere, depicts facial hair on almost all available paintings.

In the article in the photo, men with a mustache of such a form that is classic and remains so for a long time.


If we consider more modern examples, then we can not help but recall Hulk Hogan, a famous weightlifter and actor, who actually became the ideal of masculinity for a rather long time. A man with a mustache was present in most of both comedic and serious militants. He dictated a whole trend for a peculiar style and athletic build.

At one time, Brad Pitt also wore a mustache, which gave his appearance masculinity and a little rudeness. So it can be seen in Inglourious Basterds. Johnny Depp even tries not to shave, so as not to lose the lion's share of his fans.