
They sat on the golden porch What title will Princess Beatrice receive after the wedding and why her sister Eugene did not receive

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They sat on the golden porch What title will Princess Beatrice receive after the wedding and why her sister Eugene did not receive
They sat on the golden porch What title will Princess Beatrice receive after the wedding and why her sister Eugene did not receive

It would seem what titles can still beautify a woman when she gets married. After all, how wonderful it sounds: spouse, wife …

But it suits all but the queen. The person’s responsibilities include not only wearing their titles, but also, as a rule, other honorable “regalia” are added to the name after marriage.

On May 29, the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth will marry the Italian financier Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. What titles await her, we tell our readers.

Aristocratic traditions or how they will call the "Nobile Donna"

Princess Beatrice, marrying Edwardo, is likely to gain even more titles. Her chosen one hails from an ancient aristocratic family.

His father is Count Alessandro Mapelli Mozzi, according to the Italian laws of Edorado, being the eldest son of the Count, he inherits the 18th-century family palace in northern Italy. And since Edardo is not only the eldest son, but also the only male descendant, he inherits the honorary title of count. According to Italian law, his wife will automatically become a countess, all their children will automatically be called a count (countess) or a noble don (bottom).

Edoardo’s father is very pleased with the future couple of young people, he believes that they are extremely suitable for each other. The son’s happiness is the highest joy for his father, and his son has never been so happy.

Recall: Edoardo 36 years old, Beatrice - 31 years old. But they look young lovers.


The lists are named

Traditionally, monarchs receive royal titles on wedding days.

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Queen Elizabeth handed the duchy to her grandson, Prince Harry, on his wedding day with Meghan Markle in May 2018, officially making them the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

In the same way, Prince William and Kate Middleton were named the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge after their 2011 wedding.

In 2016, Prince Andrew denied reports that he demanded that the husbands of his daughters Beatrice and Eugenia have professions other than titles. On the contrary, Andrew wanted his children to be considered simply modern working women who, on occasion, were members of the royal family.

Princess Beatrice is expected to marry Edoardo in a secluded setting, the wedding will be held in the chapel of St. James's Palace, after which a reception will be held at Buckingham Palace, in the gardens of the Queen’s house in central London.


Beatsy and Mozzie will not have a carriage ride, as was the case during the wedding days of Kate, Megan and Princess Eugenia. A couple of Beatrice and Edoardo wished for a restrained atmosphere at the wedding event, which, moreover, would not be broadcast on television.

Beatrice will lead to the crown, as expected, her father - Prince Andrew.
