
Nechkinskiy National Park: description, features, interesting facts, fauna and wildlife

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Nechkinskiy National Park: description, features, interesting facts, fauna and wildlife
Nechkinskiy National Park: description, features, interesting facts, fauna and wildlife

Nechkinskiy National Park is an environmental, environmental, educational and research institution. On its territory there are not only natural, but also historical and cultural objects of the Middle Prikamye. They have a special aesthetic, environmental and recreational value, and are actively used for regulated tourism.

History of the park

An effective way to protect and preserve natural complexes is to organize national parks with a multifunctional profile. In 1995, the government of the Udmurt Republic decided on the need to create the Nechkinskiy park.


At present, any activity that may have a negative impact on objects of the animal and plant world is prohibited on its territory. In addition, any construction, including pipelines and highways, is unacceptable.

The Nechkinskiy National Park in Izhevsk has the following goals:

  1. Preservation of unique natural sites, as well as objects of the animal and plant world.

  2. Preservation of historical monuments and objects of cultural heritage.

  3. Environmental education.

  4. Creating optimal conditions for regulated tourism, as well as recreation for the population, familiarization with the historical and cultural heritage.

  5. Introducing the latest environmental practices.

  6. Reconstruction of disturbed historical, cultural and natural sites.

  7. Protection, conservation and reproduction of the animal and plant world.

  8. Implementation of environmental monitoring.

Environmental role

Currently, the Nechkinskiy National Park (Russia) is one of the most valuable wildlife reserves in the vast network of conservation areas of Udmurtia. Unique massifs of floodplain forests, swamp, lake, river ecosystems, wild wildlife, untouched by humans, cultural and historical sites have been preserved here. The park’s employees have a difficult task not only to preserve the existing wealth, but also to increase it, since about seventy percent of the species composition of plants and animals throughout the Udmurt Republic is concentrated on the territory.

The geographical location of the conservation area

National Park "Nechkinskiy" is located on the banks of the Votkinsk reservoir in the middle reaches of the Kama. It should be noted that the territories of the left and right banks are very different from each other. Left-bank lands are represented by floodplain terraces and floodplains. Prikamye is nothing but a valley with small rivers, gullies and ravines.


Kama with the tributary of Siwa are the main rivers of the conservation area.

Nechkinskiy National Park is located on lands with temperate continental climatic conditions. The local places are characterized by long cold winters and warm summers, and a very short off-season. July is the warmest month, during this period the average temperature is nineteen degrees. But the coldest time is January, the average temperature is -15 degrees.


National Park "Nechkinskiy" has a boreal flora of a moderate type, which is characterized by great diversity. 745 varieties of vascular plants were found here, of which 82 are rare species, and four are listed in the Red Book. There are also unique plants that were first found during research, growing only in the protected area: creeping creeper, reed butterbur, and field laziness.


The park is dominated by spruce forests. Pure spruce forests are represented by Finnish and Siberian spruce. They are found in this territory fragmentarily. As a rule, spruce trees are represented by Siberian fir, pine, birch, linden. Spruce forests are located in ravines and other low-lying reliefs, as well as in shallow or non-flood floodplain areas of the Kama.

On the territory of the conservation zone, 24 fern-like plant species, 6 gymnosperms, 678 angiosperms were registered.

Nechkinskiy Park is located at the junction of three climatic natural zones: forest-steppe, taiga and broad-leaved forests.

Park Forests

Pine forests are very diverse in composition. White-hair pine forests are quite limited in places of growth. They are located in the south of the territory. In bracken pine forests hazel, maple and oak are found. But lingonberries (pine trees) have chosen elevations. Often there are pine reed and lingonberry.


There are several places on the lands of the park where fir prevails. Black alder forests grow on rich soils. In deciduous and deciduous forests, oak prevails. Willow thickets dominate in the Kama floodplain.

In the conservation area, you can find absolutely all types of swamps: lowland, transitional and upland. In pine forests and lowlands, sphagnum bogs are very common.

The aquatic vegetation of the park is no less rich. It has more than sixty species.

The fauna of the "Nechkinsky" park

The fauna of the Nechkinsky National Park is very diverse. In the local water bodies 38 species of fish live; six more species have completely disappeared due to the regulation of the Volga and Kama drains.


Chekhon, roach, ruff, perch, bleak, Volga invader, pike, tyulka, bream, burbot, silver bream, ide, pike perch are found in the Votkinsk reservoir. Occasionally, carp, taimen, catfish, char, white-eye can be caught. There are a lot of cyprinids in the reservoirs, but bream dominates everywhere.

Currently, fishing is permitted with a license, and, in principle, any citizen can purchase it. Experts believe that amateur fishing has acquired serious proportions and is comparable to industrial fishing. The only difference is in species preferences. The basis of the industrial catch is the chekhon, while amateurs prefer zander, bream and pike.

Wildlife diversity

According to official data, the fauna of the Nechkinsky National Park is represented by 213 species of vertebrate (terrestrial) animals. Experts suggest the presence of three more varieties, but so far there is no exact data. Over the past decades, desman completely disappeared. In general, according to experts, the lists of animals need serious revision and further refinement.

According to the materials of the Udmurt University, it can be argued that 155 species of birds live in the park. These territories fall under nesting sites. Only thirty species live here constantly, the rest are migratory.


The park is dominated by birds, characteristic of forest and marsh zones. The proportion of steppe birds is very small.

The following representatives of the fauna live in the forests: elk, lynx, brown bear, common hedgehog, shrews, wood mouse, beaver, common squirrel, mole, marten, wild boar, ermine, badger, fox, wolf, weasel, otter.

There are more than 2000 invertebrate animals in the park, there are a lot of insects here, which is associated with the presence of floodplain and swampy lands.

Natural Monuments of the Nechkinskiy National Park

On the territory of the park there are eight natural monuments that are of great recreational importance. These include the tracts “Galevo” and “Nechkinskoye”, the source “Makarovsky”, the mouth of the Siva River, Lake Zabornoye, peat bogs “Kemulskoye” and “Chisto-Kostovatovskoye”.


Forest plantations along rivers are of great water conservation importance. All natural monuments are important for scientific and educational activities, and also have great recreational potential. An interesting fact is that animals and plants adapted to this place live in different areas. Together they form unique and inimitable communities that are not found anywhere else.