
The population of Belgorod. Population of Belgorod

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The population of Belgorod. Population of Belgorod
The population of Belgorod. Population of Belgorod

Video: Belgorod - Белгород 2024, July

Video: Belgorod - Белгород 2024, July

Belgorod is a modern Russian city. Located in the southeastern part of Europe. It is the administrative and economic center of the Belgorod region. From the capital is at a distance of 700 km. On the right is washed by the tributary of the Don. It is located in close proximity to the border with Ukraine (about 40 km).

The formation of the people of Belgorod

The first settlement arose on the site of the so-called Northern Fortification, located between the rivers Seversky Donets and Veselitsy. Mountain Slavs lived on this territory during the times of Romany culture. However, in the 10th century, their villages were looted and burned by the Pechenegs.


The foundation of the city was laid in 1593. This is evidenced by the numerous works of Russian and foreign historians. At that time, the population of the city of Belgorod consisted of northerners and partly of the Poles and Greeks. Nevertheless, in many Soviet textbooks, the foundation of the modern settlement dates from September 1596. Then, on the 11th, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich signed a decree on the establishment of a border fortress on the outskirts of the city.

Since 1658, the city became the center of the administrative region. It even formed its own regiment. At the same time, an expansion of the region’s possessions due to Ukrainian territory took place. Therefore, what population of Belgorod was in that case? Historians give different answers to this question. Many believe that after the expansion of the territory, the Ukrainian peoples left their lands. There are those who are sure that since the end of the 17th century, almost half of the city’s population was Poltava. Perhaps that is why in 1708 Belgorod became part of the Kiev province.

New story

In 1917, Soviet power was established in the city. The following spring, he was captured by the German invaders. At the end of the war, the demarcation line passed a little north of Belgorod. As a result, the city was again given to the Ukrainian state. At the end of 1918, the entire region became part of the RSFSR thanks to the effective military operations of the Red Army.

After 10 years, the city became the center of the eponymous district. At that time, the population of Belgorod was about 900 thousand people. For a long time the city was transferred from one province to another, but it was never renamed. In 1935, it became an independent administrative unit, but was obliged to obey the Kursk Executive Committee.

During World War II, fierce battles with fascist invaders took place in the vicinity of the city. Twice the district was occupied by the Germans. And only in August 1943 the combined Soviet army finally rebuffed the enemy forces. By that time Belgorod was almost completely destroyed. Only a few small buildings survived.


In the late 1950s, the regional authorities decided to destroy the main historical value of the region - the Belgorod Kremlin. Today in its place are chalky developments.

The modern city is a developed scientific, economic and cultural center of the Central Black Earth region of the Russian Federation.

Geographic features

Belgorod is located on the Central Russian Upland. The right border of the city is represented by the river Seversky Donets. The name of the settlement came from its geographical location - White Mountain. We can say that the city was built on its slope along the floodplain of the Weselka River. Ancient guard mounds are located a little to the south. On the map, the city is represented by a slightly elongated rectangle, the corners of which are directed to the cardinal points.

Belgorod is located in the chernozem zone. A significant part of the outskirts is forest-steppe. The relief is a plain with minor erosion elevations up to 200 meters. Thanks to this, the city is being built up every year faster and higher.

The climate is temperate. In winter - cool, in summer - dry hot weather. Due to the flat terrain, strong winds are rare. Relative humidity - 76%.

Administrative division

The city is divided into 2 large districts. Such borders were formed in the early 1990s. The eastern district is represented by the Sverdlovsk region. It contains more than 200 streets and avenues, about 400 enterprises and various institutions. The population of Belgorod in this region is about 180 thousand people.


The Western District is almost 2 times larger than the Eastern. It is represented by the Oktyabrsky district. Significantly more economically developed. This directly affects a demographic indicator such as numbers. The population of Belgorod here exceeds 220 thousand people.

Each of the districts has its own heat and power stations, government and budget. It is worth noting that in the near future it is possible to separate the third district - the South. The fact is that the city is growing geographically every year, and with it the population.

To date, 27 administrative councils of local deputies have been created in Belgorod. All these authorities are subordinate to the city executive committee.

Belgorod agglomeration

This territorial association has collected 5 districts. The largest of them are Korochansky and Belgorod. The agglomeration also includes Borisovsky, Yakovlevsky and Shebekinsky districts. In addition, the regional territory includes such settlements as Razumnoye, Streletskoye, Severny, Dubovoy, Tavrova, Maysky and others. The total population of the included outskirts is about 600 thousand people.


For the rapid expansion of the agglomeration, the Belgorod authorities allocated special zones for individual construction. The goal of the program is the development of the region and the settlement of new families. In such areas, public transport lines were launched, the roadbed was restored. Every year, the agglomeration grows by 8-10 thousand inhabitants. Along with this, the city of Belgorod is expanding.

Population: abundance

The climate in the region is favorable, as is the economic background, so new settlers regularly come to the city. At the beginning of 2014 Belgorod was one of the 50 most populated cities in Russia.

The number of local residents grew and is growing every year. At the end of the 19th century, the population of Belgorod was 22.9 thousand people. Most of them were lower classes, and only a third were of the bourgeoisie and merchants.

In 2010, a record fertility rate was recorded - 3903 children. And this is at the lowest mortality rate in the country. In addition, the demographic number is increasing due to the influx of immigrants from Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries.


In 2014, fertility indicators again surprised - more than 5, 200 children. The mortality rate also decreased by 0.7%. So how much was the population of Belgorod in 2014? Its number was 379.5 thousand people. At the same time, the birth index exceeded the mark of 11.4 points. The average age is 40 years.

The population of Belgorod today

As of January 2015, only in the regional center did the demographic coefficient increase by 1.2%. And again, it is worth noting the effect of birth rates on numbers. The population of Belgorod by the beginning of 2015 amounted to more than 384.4 thousand people.

Over the past four years, significant natural demographic growth has been recorded. According to statistics, 47% of newborns became second or subsequent children. The remaining percentage belongs to young families with one child. Mortality is slowly decreasing every year.


By the summer of 2015, according to preliminary estimates, the population was about 386.5 thousand people. Today, the city has a program to motivate young families to have second and subsequent children.

Belgorod population: numbers

Over the entire history of the city, demographic indicators have fallen only 7 times. The sharpest jump was noted in 2002, when the population of Belgorod amounted to 337 thousand people. Then the drop rate exceeded 1.5%. The number of inhabitants has decreased compared to 2001 by almost 5 thousand people. The reason for this was a significant outflow of the working part of the population to large cities of Russia and Ukraine.

Interestingly, the first records of the demographics of the region were made back in 1626. Then the population of Belgorod was only 5 thousand people. The smallest number in the history of the city was in 1801 - 3462 inhabitants.