
The population of Odintsovo, its population, natural and migration growth

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The population of Odintsovo, its population, natural and migration growth
The population of Odintsovo, its population, natural and migration growth

The Odintsovo district is part of the Moscow region and is located a few kilometers from Moscow, the regional center is the city of Odintsovo. Initially, the settlement of Odintsovo was a village, which received the status of a city only in 1957.

The first mention of the settlement is found in written sources as early as 1470. The village of Odintsovo was named in honor of the boyar Odintsa Andrey.


History of population change Odintsovo

In 1673, in the settlement of Odintsovo there were 40 peasant households with a population of about 81 people.

In 1810, the estate already had about 607 inhabitants.

After the war of 1812, the number of settlements decreased to 415 people.

In 1852, the village had about 16 yards with a population of 171 people, 85 women and 86 men.

By the beginning of the October Revolution of 1917, about 1000 people lived in Odintsovo.

After the Revolution and World War I in 1926, 95 households and 415 residents were counted out in the village, and 2135 people in the village of Odintsovo-Otradnoye.

In 1957, 20.3 thousand inhabitants lived in the city of Odintsovo.

From 1956 to 1993, the population of the city is constantly increasing.

According to the 1989 census, 125, 000 people lived here, and about 270, 000 people in the Odintsovo district.

In 1993, the number of citizens was 131, 000.

From 1994 to 2014, the population of the city has been growing very slowly, this is due to an increase in the migration of the population from Odintsovo to Moscow.

In 2015, the population of the city amounted to 141, 400 people.


According to the Federal State Statistics Service as of June 2017, the population of the city was 141, 439 people.

In terms of population, the city is in 126th place out of 1112 cities of the Russian Federation and 9th place among the cities of the Moscow region.

The population density in the city is the highest among Russian cities - 7031 people per km².

In the age and sex structure of the city, women account for 50.3%, men 49.7%.

Fertility, mortality and natural population growth in Odintsovo

A high birth rate in the city persists for several years. In 2013, 4, 000 newborns were born, in 2014 - 4, 800 children, and in 2016 4, 700 children were born.


Due to the high birth rate in the region, the issue of the lack of places in kindergartens and the overcrowding by students of classes in secondary schools became an acute question. To solve this social problem, funds were allocated for the construction of additional children's educational institutions. Over the past few years, 18 new kindergartens have been opened; in 2017, 3 more are planned to be opened.

The mortality rate in the city is relatively low. So, in 2012, 700 people died, in 2014 - 800 people.

Migration population growth

High fertility and relatively low mortality form a positive natural population growth, while in Russia it is negative.

Odintsov's number has been increasing for a long time due to high fertility and migration.

Odintsovo is characterized by a small but steady population growth due to migration processes. In 2017, the influx of migrants into the city amounted to 3645 people, the outflow of the population - 3498 people. The age of migrant citizens ranges from 18 to 39 years. People are sent from Odintsovo to Moscow, the countries of near and far abroad. Moscow is attractive in terms of migration: the availability of highly paid vacancies, developed infrastructure, a large selection of higher education institutions. They migrate to Odintsovo mainly from other regions of the country; the city is attractive for migrants due to its location (4 km to Moscow). In addition, for a significant part of the population, an important component is the level of state social support for the population, for example, supplements to pensions (they are higher in the capital region than in other regions of the Russian Federation).

Unemployment and the labor market

Unemployment in Odintsovo is 0.27%, the lowest rate in the country. The leaders of the region, enterprises and organizations take all necessary measures to maintain this indicator. In 2016, 3342 new jobs appeared at the enterprises of the city. In order to reduce the level of migration of the working-age population to Moscow, new highly paid and high-tech jobs are being created in the region.