
The population of Japan. The crisis and ways out of it

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The population of Japan. The crisis and ways out of it
The population of Japan. The crisis and ways out of it

Video: Is Japan A Dying Country? 2024, July

Video: Is Japan A Dying Country? 2024, July

The economic reorientation, complicated by the financial crisis, greatly influenced the situation in society. A big problem for health and social insurance is aging Japanese.

Over the past century, the population of Japan has quadrupled. The peak of fertility occurred in the years after the Second World War and lasted until almost the 50s.


Then a gradual decline began. Thanks to successes in the development of medicine and healthcare, it became possible to reduce the percentage of child mortality and significantly increase life expectancy, which contributed to the growth rate to remain high for some time.

However, today the situation is different. According to some estimates, the population of Japan will decrease from 127.7 million people to 42.9 million people over the next 100 years, and the birth rate in 50 years will be 1.35.

Young people are in no hurry to start a family for financial reasons. Women, above all, do not want to change their usual lifestyle and seek to build a career first, and postpone the birth of a child until better times.

The population of Japan has a record life expectancy. On average by 2011


it amounted to 80 years for men and 86 years for women, thereby increasing pension spending over the past decade in the state budget by 15%. If for one pensioner half a century ago there were 12 able-bodied citizens, then today their proportion has approached 1: 3.