
Real names of celebrities you did not know about

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Real names of celebrities you did not know about
Real names of celebrities you did not know about

Video: 10 Celebs Whose Real Name Will Surprise You 2024, July

Video: 10 Celebs Whose Real Name Will Surprise You 2024, July

We listen to the radio, watch movies, go to theaters. We all have our idols or just favorites. Stars of the present. And for some, maybe the heroes of youth? We follow their lives, ups and downs, but sometimes we don’t even know the real names of the celebrities who conquered our hearts.


A bit of history

Creative pseudonyms have never been anything out of the ordinary for creative people.

The well-known Anna Akhmatova, a Russian poetess, actually bore the name Gorenko. And the Soviet writer Demyan Poor, was at home the Court Yefim.

Kirill Bulychev, beloved by many Soviet science fiction writer, was known to official bodies as Igor Mozheiko.

If we talk about an earlier period, we can recall the French poet, prose writer of the XVIII century Voltaire, whose real name is Francois-Marie Aruet. And the English writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll, author of the famous "Alice", was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

Did you know that the beloved by many Leonid Utesov is actually Leiser Iosifovich Vaysbeyn?



In cinema, the history of pseudonyms began at the same time as the history of the cinema itself. Maybe that's why today stars change their names with the ease that directors and producers support.

The real names of celebrities may differ in their lack of consonance and unpronounceability. But sometimes situations arise when a pseudonym does not arise out of a desire for a new one, but as an escape from the old. So, for example, Nicolas Cage decided to replace his last name, because he avoided association with his star uncle Francis Coppola.



The real names of Russian celebrities are often surprising. So, for example, Alsou, whose name is considered by many to be fake, did not actually take a pseudonym. She really is Alsou. But the well-known Valeria to all the same nee Alla Perfilieva.

Someone only changes the name. So Angelica Varum was called by her parents Mary. Someone is trying to forget the last name. Like Vera Brezhnev (Galushka as a girl) or Elena Vaenga (according to Khrulyov’s passport). Marina Vladi also changed her surname with Polyakova-Baydarova.

Especially eccentric stars can take a chance and take a full alias. Few people decide that the Christmas tree is a real name. But the fact that she is Elizabeth Ivantsiv, not everyone knows.

But do not think that foreign celebrities lag behind domestic ones. It's not like that at all. The real names of celebrities are often hidden not on the stage, but in ordinary life. For example, many Hollywood stars prefer to travel under pseudonyms.

Sometimes famous people change their whole life with their name. So, the shocking Dana International was born into the world as Yaron Cohen. Yes, a bright star is a man who has undergone sex correction surgery.

Elton John - not Elton at all, but Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Ringo Starr was known as Richard Starkey. Even the scandalous Ozzy Osbourne is not Ozzy at all, but John Michael.