
Natalia Fishman and Timur Bekmambetov got married in Kazan

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Natalia Fishman and Timur Bekmambetov got married in Kazan
Natalia Fishman and Timur Bekmambetov got married in Kazan

Assistant to the President of Tatarstan N. Fishman, responsible for the development of the urban environment and the improvement of urban areas, and the famous director T. Bekmambetov on Monday (April 22, 2019) signed in the Kazan registry office (Kazan Family Center). About this event, "RIA Novosti" told the spokeswoman for the bride.


Modest wedding

The wedding ceremony, as mentioned above, was held at the Kazan Family Center - it has its own registry office. The bride is 28, and the groom is older than her by almost 30 years. There were very few guests at the ceremony - only relatives and friends were present.


After registering at the registry office, Natalya and Timur continued the celebration, having organized a picnic near Lake Kaban. More guests have already gathered here. Among the invited were public people and large businessmen.
