
Natalia Sedykh: biography, filmography and photo

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Natalia Sedykh: biography, filmography and photo
Natalia Sedykh: biography, filmography and photo

Video: Father Frost/Jack Frost/Morozko (1964) 720p English dub (MST3K) 2024, July

Video: Father Frost/Jack Frost/Morozko (1964) 720p English dub (MST3K) 2024, July

Natalia Sedykh was born in July 1948. When the girl was only four years old, she skated and became famous throughout the country as the youngest figure skater of the Soviet Union. Most of all, she was remembered by the audience in the role of Nastya from the fairy tale "Frost", filmed in 1964. Until now, the film and this character are loved by young viewers. Exceptional beauty, gentle voice, high artistry - all this Natalia Sedykh will surprise the audience for many decades to come.



The graduation from the Bolshoi Theater School of Choreography became the point of a tremendous turning point in the fate of the still young, but already famous actress. Having become the ballerina of the best theater in the country, she began a long and thorny journey in this difficult profession. First, Natalya Sedykh danced in the corps de ballet, from where not every ballerina goes to the soloists.

She succeeded. Also, he was lucky with the Bolshoi Theater to travel around the world, presenting the sky-high level and power of professional Russian ballet everywhere. Natalia Sedykh danced the leading parts of such ballets as The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, The Seagull, and many others. On the same stage as Maris Liepa and Maya Plisetskaya, she did not feel timidity. On the contrary, she was overwhelmed with happiness.

The choice

Natalya Sedykh considered “Anna Karenina” and her party Kitty, where her partners were the best dancers of the country, to be the greatest success in her work. She loved cinema very much. But ballet is more. And therefore, already twenty years old, she made her choice: she asked all the film studios of the country to annul her dossier, because it is unlikely that anyone can combine these two professions without loss in one and in the other sphere.

She remained forever a whole nature, a truly strong Soviet man. Since 1990, Natalya Evgenievna Sedykh began playing at the Mark Rozovsky’s theater “At the Nikitsky Gate”, after she completed her career as a ballerina, to whom she gave not only her cinematic glory, but even gave up her personal life.



When Natasha was very tiny, she saw figure skating on TV. She liked the Czech Indra Krambelova to such an extent that the baby seriously persuaded her parents to write her in the skater. Mom gave up and took the four-year-old girl to the stadium. Naturally, such small children were not taken to sports sections at that time. The first was the actress Natalia Sedykh. She managed to convince the present coaching staff. The girl left her mother, ran out into the middle of the carpet and loudly announced: “European champion! Indra Kramberova!”, After which she danced famously, even portrayed a spin. Those present felt the height of the moment, despite the laughter, and Tatyana Granatkina, figure skating coach, took the girl to her.

Natasha quickly became famous, because even age in this case played into the hands, however, she did not make successes either. She could have brilliantly danced ballet on ice all her life, but quickly the coach, parents and the little girl herself realized that in figure skating the main thing for her was an element of light and air dance. Moreover, the data for ballet nature gave her just magnificent. A joint decision arose: the girl needs classical ballet, and therefore she needs to prepare for admission to the choreographic school. But Natasha did not give up figure skating, even starting her studies at the Bolshoi Theater. So the ballerina Natalia Sedykh appeared.


Personal life

How to survive life's difficulties, where to find inspiration and performance without emotions, feelings, love? Not a single creative person can do without all this. Natalya Sedykh admitted in an interview that men always looked after her, but there were almost no real novels. She loved wise people and usually communicated with gentlemen much older than herself. It would be strange to not have fans for her, who became the idol of the whole country already at the age of fifteen after the film "Frost". But her character was gentle, soft, but unbending. First of all, work.

In addition, at the age of twenty, she received a great mental trauma when her father left the family and married a young athlete. I felt sorry for my mother, who was going through this grief and humiliation. For ten years, Natalia has not been in contact with her father. And only when she herself knew a deep feeling, she began to realize that it was not so simple with this love. Throughout all periods of life, men idolized this beautiful and extremely talented woman, gave gifts, trying to achieve reciprocity. However, only the author of the music for the movie "Midshipmen, Go Forward!" Was really lucky. And then fate very strangely disposed of such a gift.


Biggest love

Natalia really fell in love with composer Viktor Lebedev when the Bolshoi Theater toured in Leningrad. The man talked a lot about composing music for films, about the features of this genre. Natalya tried to say that she also starred a little, but Lebedev nodded and did not take this recognition seriously: from time to time all the ballerinas earn extra money somewhere in the crowd. Natalya obediently closed the topic. But further events developed completely differently. Wherever they went, wherever they appeared, with Natalia all the people greeted loudly, approached for autographs. Victor was amazed. Apparently, he did not watch children's fairy tales.

They got married and were together for about ten years. The son of Natalia Sedykh - Alexei - spent the first years of his life, as they say, on wheels. He rode with his mother from Moscow to St. Petersburg - to his father and husband. And then back - to Natalia to work, because they never created a common house. The woman could not leave the Bolshoi Theater, and Victor loved his city too much. They also loved each other very much. However, the man needed care and help. He himself knew nothing - even to boil a kettle. Therefore, over the years, a normal woman was found who did not dance at the Bolshoi Theater. But the relationship between the separated spouses remained very warm and positive. This also speaks in favor of the purely human qualities of a soft, kind and beautiful ballerina, actress and just a woman.


Alexander Rowe

Fifteen-year-old Natalya Sedykh, whose biography developed quite successfully on the ice field, promised to be interesting in acting as well. Therefore, one fine day, when she was dancing on the ice of the “Dying Swan”, she was suddenly noticed in the television program by the excellent director Alexander Rowe and invited her to play a major role in a wonderful Russian fairy tale. Natasha agreed and instantly became a star.

It was 1964, and in 1968, Rowe made another good children's film - “Fire, Water and Copper Pipes, ” where Natalia Sedykh also played the main character. The filmography for several years has developed impressive: “Children of Don Quixote”, “Girl and Life”, “After the Ball”, “Love for Three Oranges”, “Blue Ice” …

Hard work

And how difficult it was to divide yourself between the ballet, which needed to give all of itself, and cinema, which requires even more from a person! There were always scandals at the choreographic school: only “Morozko” took the ballet from Natalya for many months. And the moment came when she realized that she could not divide herself. The ballet won, despite the fact that, in modern terms, she always won the film auditions, although she never believed in her success. Even Nadezhda Rumyantseva on the approval of her role could not beat - Natalia Sedykh won.

On the set, she was not entertained with famous artists. She had with her a full suitcase of textbooks and notebooks - in the evenings a long study lay ahead. In truth, artists were embarrassed to invite a fifteen-year-old child to companies where, as everyone knows, everything can happen: from jokes and wine to even more non-childish things. But nevertheless, everyone loved the girl very much and helped her in every way on the set. And now with great pleasure Natalya Sedykh recalls these shootings.



Indeed, it was a very happy time. How much the future actress learned and saw new! I even visited the Kola Peninsula, where winter nature was filmed. Some episodes made her laugh all her life. For example, the one where she had to jump into the hole to save her half-sister Marfush. The water was dirty and cold. Three times, Natalia ran up the hill and stopped at the edge of the ice hole. In the fourth double, Rowe yelled wildly at her, and from surprise she nevertheless plopped down into a cold spring.

Everyone remembers the end of the fairy tale “Frost”, where Nastya kisses her groom. The young girl was very shy, even afraid then to cuddle with anyone else. What to say about the kiss that was her first. It is not surprising that after the accomplishment, Nastya fell in love with her Ivanushka in real life and missed him for a long time. Because the actor himself did not know about it. Natalya Sedykh not only knew how to love. She also knew how to hide it.


Even the fame that came with the character of the actress did not change. Star sickness was not characteristic of her, apparently, figure skating from the age of four became a good vaccine. Natalia even had the strength, being a promising actress with a rich track record, of her own free will to end her film career at nineteen. However, letters from grateful and admiring spectators continued to come in bags for many years, they instantly recognized her in the streets, and fans were on duty at the entrance to the crowd.

At the Bolshoi Theater, which is famous not only for its excellent professionals, but also for its no less famously twisted intrigues, it, not possessing fighting qualities, often found itself in the shadows. Nevertheless, Natalya Sedykh managed to make a good career there. There were very responsible parties, star partners. Everything was. But the age of ballerinas is short-lived.



But not because she returned to the cinema because she called the former glory. All the long years she missed the movie, of course. Even, perhaps, melancholy rolled, as the actress herself admitted. However, until the ballerina's career was completed, she did not leave dancing. And I did not dare to combine one with the other. The moment came when the dancing activity of Natalia Evgenievna came to an end. And there was an opportunity to return.

Toward the mid-1990s, she began acting in films again. But she still does not consider that step and the choice made in her youth crazy. Because it was a difficult, but absolutely right thing. In 1994, Natalia Sedykh starred in the film based on Pogodin’s play “Shadow-nonsense”, in Pendrakovsky’s drama “I am Free”, and five years later in the film “Two Nabokovs”, and a year later - in the film “The Weather Forecaster”. In the 2000s, she appeared in the works of Proskurina: “The Best Time of the Year” and “Truce”. The last film was a triumph at Kinotavr-2010.