
Natalia Semenikhina: biography, personal life, photo

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Natalia Semenikhina: biography, personal life, photo
Natalia Semenikhina: biography, personal life, photo

Semenikhina Natalya Mikhailovna - the popular TV presenter of Channel One. Due to her strong-willed character, she has achieved unrealistic heights. And who would have thought back in 1991 that a girl working on a small Ukrainian channel would become known to the whole world in a few years. In our article you will find detailed information about the biography of Natalia Mikhailovna and her path to the star Olympus.


Childhood and students

The biography of Natalia Semenikhina originates from Kharkov, the city in which she was born (May 16, 1970) and grew up. Her childhood was spent in a family of industrial workers. When after school, Natalya had a choice in which educational institution to apply, the girl decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She entered one of the departments of the Kharkov Aviation Institute. The girl was trained as a systems engineer. After studying at the institute for several years, Natalia Semenikhina began to realize that she had made a mistake with the choice of profession. The girl began to search for herself.

After graduating from the Kharkov Aviation Institute, our heroine decided to get a second education. This time the choice fell on the Institute of Culture (Kharkov).


The first steps to television

During her second education, Natalya accidentally found out about the announcers' contest, which was held by the Tonis TV channel (currently called Direct). Our heroine also decided to participate. As the TV presenter herself says, today she no longer remembers what made her take such a step. Apparently it was an ordinary curiosity.

In the spring of the ninety-first year, the girl was at the casting. The selection was very serious. As a result, to the surprise of even Natalya Semenikhina herself, she was approved for the post of announcer. So she was on television in Ukraine. After a while, on the same Tonis TV channel, our heroine began working in a new position - the host of the evening news program. But here she did not work long.

After leaving Tonis, the girl began to build her career on the SIMON channel, as the host of the Evening News program. But here, our heroine did not last long. After some time, she goes to work in the "Television News Agency" (ATN) as the same TV presenter.

In 1996, Natalia Semenikhina was invited to work on the Ukrainian Channel One. Our heroine accepted the offer, giving the channel a year of her life. Ahead of her was a career in Russia.


Moving to Moscow

In 1997, a twenty-seven-year-old girl was invited to Russian television, as a correspondent and news anchor. Natalia Semenikhina moves to Moscow and begins to build her career already in Russia.

In 2009, our heroine takes part in the creation of the television project "National Economy". And a year later, it becomes the host of the “Public Procurement” program, in the framework of which Russian and foreign products presented on the Moscow market are tested.

Personal life

Natalia Semenikhina does not like to talk much about her personal life, but some information is still available.

It is known that Natalya Mikhailovna was married twice. From her first marriage, her daughter Irina was born. The TV presenter’s second marriage is still preserved. Now she lives with Alexei Sokolovsky, the father of her second daughter, Sophia.


In general, if you look at the photo of Natalia Semenikhina, where she is with her family, you can see with a naked eye that the TV presenter lives in a happy marriage.