
Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova: biography, photo

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Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova: biography, photo
Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova: biography, photo

This incomparable woman has been the faithful wife of the legend of Russian rock Alexander Marshal for many years. Being next to her husband in grief and joy, Natalya got used to the indefatigable manifestation of signs of attention on the part of women. Natalya Vasilievna does not see reasons for jealousy, as she herself is a self-sufficient, beautiful and successful woman.

Biography of Natalia Vasilyevna Minkova

Horoscope Natalia - Gemini. Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova’s date of birth is July 7. Her sign has some windiness. However, in life and in business, Natalia proved herself as a collected, attentive and responsible leader, able to quickly make the right decisions. Before the marriage with Marshall, the woman ran her own business. But after giving birth, she had to give up her career and devote herself to the family hearth.


The year of birth of Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova, 1960, according to the Chinese calendar is designated the year of the Rat. Indeed, Natalia is an incredibly zealous and hardworking person, able to cope with several tasks at once. The biography of Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova is somehow connected with the fate of her husband, since it was then that the main events in her life began to occur. As director of Alexander Marshall after his departure from Gorky Park, she achieved extraordinary success in this position. The girl was educated at the Institute of Arts, however, in addition to creative talents, she had a logical mindset, which allowed her to succeed not only in the humanitarian professions.

Natalia's business

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Natalia began to have problems with work, and she had to establish her own business. Despite her young age, Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova very quickly realized what she needed to do in order to earn good money. She brought from abroad expensive things that were not available in Russia at that difficult time. Gradually, Natalya found regular wealthy customers, and soon she herself stopped needing money. Things were going to open your own store and beauty salon. However, marriage with Alexander turned the life of Natalia, and she decided to leave her successful business.

Meet Marshall

Natalia met with Alexander Marshall at one of the concerts in St. Petersburg. On that day, Alexander’s band called Gorky Park performed at the Sports Palace opening for the popular American rock band Scorpions. Future spouses met backstage in a buffet.


Alexander himself talks about this momentous meeting as love at first sight. Natalia was just waiting for her cup of coffee when she spotted Marshall. Many men glanced at the spectacular young woman, but at that time she was married. Alexander liked the girl so much that he spent her whole company in the dressing room, and began to invite Natalya to the restaurant. Naturally, the girl refused, being a family man.

Development of a relationship

The future spouses have not seen each other for several years. All this time, Aleksanr lived in America and even had a serious relationship. Returning to his homeland on tour, suddenly he again meets Natalia in one of the expensive night clubs. The girl looked just as chic and still impregnable. However, this time the conversation started, and Natalia went to the hotel with Marshall. All night they talked on a variety of topics and realized that they had a lot in common. By that time, Natalia divorced her husband, and Alexander broke up with his girlfriend. Unfortunately, he had to return to America, but young people talked on the phone for a year.

First tour with Gorky Park

The next time Marshall came to Russia, the first thing he did was meet with Natalya and invited her to leave with him. However, the girl was in no hurry to rush into the pool with her head and for a start she asked me to go with Gorky Park on a tour of Russia.


It was a cold winter, and had to travel in small towns, often even off-road. Young people stayed in unpretentious hotels, where there was not even a normal lunch. Natalya took a small electric stove with her and every evening prepared useful dinners for Marshall, as the musician suffered from gastritis. Alexander was deeply touched by such a concern, since not a single woman had cherished his health so much before.

The beginning of family life

After the tour, Alexander immediately made a proposal to the beloved, and indeed, intuition did not disappoint the musician: Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova turned out to be that very love of her life, an ideal woman who accepts him with all the shortcomings, knows how to forgive and is ready to follow her husband to the ends of the world. Issuing an invitation to America took several months, and already there the couple arranged the relationship. The first years of the family life of the young couple took place in America, and there, on June 18, 1997, Natalya and Alexander born the first-born - Artyom.


The birth of a son was an important stage in the life of Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova. The birth was difficult and lasted 16 hours, but all this time Alexander was present nearby, holding his wife's hand and supporting him in every possible way. Natalya says that all births were terribly swearing in Russian, but American doctors did not pay much attention, apparently not fully understanding what the woman was saying. After the birth of her son, Natalya completely refused once again to go through all the pangs of pregnancy and childbirth, and her husband made her decision. Now Artyom is already 19 years old, and he does not have a soul in his father.


At that time, Marshall was not yet so famous and popular, however, upon returning to his homeland, he quickly gained fame and glory. Throughout her husband’s creative career, Natalya was not only a muse and keeper of the hearth, but also his best friend and colleague, and soon became the director of the group.

Life in America

After the wedding, the photos of Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova, the wife of Marshal, began to flicker in all the magazines of the country, and at first it embarrassed and frightened the woman, but she soon got used to fame. In America, the couple had to constantly move, and this further tempered the character of Natalia. Like most famous people, Marshall did not go shopping and had no idea where things and food come from in the house. All household chores fell on the fragile shoulders of Natalia, and later the grown son of Artem. The family tried in every possible way to organize life so that Alexander could just relax at home.


Gradually, Marshall's career went uphill, and the team of administrators ceased to cope with the huge amount of work. Then the spouse began to give customers the number of Natalia, who successfully resolved all issues. Soon, she was already involved in the creative life of her husband, and the couple decided to officially make Natalya the director in charge of interviews, tours and advertising of Marshall.

Relationship crisis

As in any relationship, a crisis occurred in the marriage of Natalia and Alexander. More and more often, Marshall began to appear in public with the young soloist of the group "Brilliant" Nadezhda Pen. The story began in 2000, when rumors began to appear in the press about the imminent divorce of Natalia and Alexander. At first, the couple carefully hid the details of their personal relationships, however, like most creative personalities, Alexander could not keep his feelings for the young singer secret for a long time, and soon ceased to completely deny the romance with Nadezhda. Relations with the young mistress also did not develop very smoothly. The couple constantly converged, then parted, Alexander could not choose between two women, constantly returning to his wife. Throughout this unpleasant story, Natalya stubbornly remained silent, and this was a wise decision.


For some time it was said that relations between Nadezhda and Alexander are still ongoing. However, it is known that Nadia has a child from another man, therefore, most likely, these are just rumors. Be that as it may, the couple lived separately for a long time, while not intending to divorce. Perhaps the couple tried to save the family for the sake of their beloved son, or maybe Natalya hoped that her husband would return. However, the way it happened. Alexander really chose to stay with his faithful wife.

Marshal's Mistresses

However, family happiness did not last long, and then Marshall was again carried away by a young girl. This time, the model from St. Petersburg, Julian Koptev, with whom Marshall was first seen at Kharlamov’s anniversary, fell victim to the musician’s charms. The girl was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man had a wife and an adult son. Julia works in a well-known VIP-modeling agency, specializing in escorting influential people at social events. Some suggest that Marshall and Julian are bound solely by business relationships. However, the question remains why the singer prefers to his wife a company of a dubious person from the escort service.


How many years Natalya Vasilyevna Minkova endures betrayal of her husband, she knows only. When it seems that family life has finally improved, Alexander again goes in search of adventure on the side. In the summer of 2017, Natalya’s husband started an affair again, this time with the leading Chanson radio station. Despite the fact that Karina Nugaeva is 35 years younger than her lover, the couple does not particularly hide their relationship. Nobody knows Natalia’s opinions on this matter, since she does not appear at social events with her husband, and completely refuses to talk to the press. It is believed that the couple still divorced.