
Flood in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory

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Flood in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory
Flood in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory

Video: In Novosadove drain! Ride subscribers. Part 2 2024, July

Video: In Novosadove drain! Ride subscribers. Part 2 2024, July

The Krasnodar Territory constantly attracts a lot of tourists due to its picturesque places and a warm subtropical climate, the only minus of these resorts is showers and floods. Floods in Gelendzhik every year are increasingly catastrophic. After the devastating flood of 2002, authorities took action, and for 10 years the resort was flooding, but not critically. Three years ago, another flood killed ten residents of the city.

Geographical location of Gelendzhik

The reason for the constant floods in one of the most picturesque places in Russia lies in its location. A town with a population of 53 thousand people is located at the foot of Mount Markotch. Only 10% of the territory is a plain, the rest is mountainous terrain and slopes covered with ridges. Many mountain rivers and underground streams flow on the slopes. The largest of them are Pshada and Vulan. The Su-Aran River, whose waters constantly flow after rains, is the cause of the flood in Gelendzhik. Precipitation in this area is falling more and more often every year, rains are uneven.



After another flood, geologists, ecologists and local authorities are wondering why the flood occurred, which caused loss of life and destruction. As communal workers say, stormwater can not withstand the pressure of the elements. Even prepared effluents cannot absorb that much water.

Geologists sound the alarm and talk about unscrupulous developers and city authorities who do not take into account the geoecology of the area and build point objects on slopes, mountains, destroying vegetation and disrupting the natural drainage system.

The Su-Aran River, which annually floods Gelendzhik, is not marked with a red line on any development plan, and the features of its seasonal spills are also not taken into account during the construction of facilities.

The billboard, which claimed the lives of five people in 2012, was installed without the appropriate permission of geoecologists. After all, the city center is always flooded, even after ordinary rain.


Flood in Gelendzhik (2012)

Heavy rains and floods are constant companions of residents of resort towns in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Locals are already accustomed to the summer floods and cataclysms associated with this phenomenon. In 2012, the flood in Gelendzhik became the largest in the last 10 years. Flooding under a similar scenario hit Gelendzhik in 2002, then the authorities decided that a greater catastrophe of this magnitude would not be allowed in the resort area. It was possible to cope with floods for ten years, and again in 2012 another tragedy hit the city.


On July 6, 2012, rain began. Within a few hours, a three-month rainfall fell. Water in some areas of the city rose to two meters. Houses in the lowlands and on the slopes of the mountains were flooded. The most tragic is that the flood in Gelendzhik claimed the lives of 10 people. The total number of victims of the natural disaster amounted to 171 people. And five people in the resort city died due to electric shock. On the main street there is a billboard. One of its wires fell to the ground, under the water it was not visible. The man stepped into a puddle and died instantly, four more people rushed to his aid, they suffered the same fate.

The district leadership tried to cope with the flood as quickly as possible, but the stormwater could not absorb so much rainfall. Due to the rains, the Gelendzhik-Novorossiysk highway was partially blocked.

Thousands of houses were flooded and destroyed, thousands of citizens and vacationers were hospitalized. The flood in Gelendzhik in 2012 provided food for many lawsuits and lawsuits against the city authorities.

As a result of the flood, five houses were completely destroyed. A seven-meter wave demolished buildings. During the investigation, it was found out that one of the residents started the construction of the pool and blocked the underwater stream. As a result, under the pressure of water, the concrete partitions collapsed and demolished the buildings.

Flood in Gelendzhik in 2014

Many residents of Gelendzhik who survived the tragedy of 2012 believe that 2014 passed without natural disasters. So, several times flooded the central street of Ostrovsky, but these are trifles, most importantly, without human casualties.


The Krasnodar Territory and Gelendzhik, due to their geographical location, are constantly falling victim to floods. Mountain rivers come out of their shores and bring down mud, silt, sand and urban debris along with streams of water to a beautiful resort in Russia. Almost every year in the summer-autumn period Gelendzhik is flooded. Reviews about the resort immediately become not entirely rosy, because there is a risk of getting to the center of the elements right in the midst of relaxation. And so it happened with the vacationers of this resort in 2014. In July, there were strong doges, and they provoked the spill of mountain rivers. The central avenue was flooded.

In October, the same heavy rain became the cause of the flood. A lake formed on the central avenue. For some time, traffic in the city center was impossible. Several houses and institutions were flooded.

Natural disaster in Gelendzhik in 2015

This year, atmospheric cyclone hit the large territory of Russia with rains and strong winds. Such large cities as Moscow, Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Kursk were flooded, the elements and the city of Gelendzhik did not pass.


The authorities of the resort were warned of the impending bad weather by the Hydrometeorological Center, so the utilities were "fully armed". They tried as quickly as possible to eliminate the consequences of the two-hour rainfall that began on July 11, 2015. In 40 minutes, the monthly rainfall fell. As usual, the central avenues were flooded, especially Stepnaya Street, where many residents suffered material damage due to flooding of houses.

The mayor apologized to vacationers for a spoiled holiday and expressed the hope that the next rain would pass Gelendzhik. Reviews of the elements from the townspeople and tourists, along with colorful photos, immediately appeared on social networks.

Flood consequences

Gelendzhik suffers from heavy rains and floods every year. The largest event took place in 2012, people were killed, the city’s infrastructure was significantly disrupted, houses and apartments were damaged, many residents lost valuable property.


Gelendzhik after a flood, even a small one, resembles a sewer. Garbage, silt, dirt, scraps of roofs and trees. A torrential stream rushes to the central streets of the city. Water blows everything in its path - turns over stalls and stalls, demolishes carousels and tents.

For the city budget, this turns into a real test. Billions of losses are borne by the state, but the worst thing is that people die.