men's issues

Not only for pilots: who should not wear a beard and why

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Not only for pilots: who should not wear a beard and why
Not only for pilots: who should not wear a beard and why

Video: 13 Ordinary Things Pilots Can't Do on Board 2024, June

Video: 13 Ordinary Things Pilots Can't Do on Board 2024, June

Beard is a trend of the last few years. Today it is almost impossible to meet men on the street who do not have facial hair. In cities, special hairdressing salons are opened for the fair sex, where they can put their beard in order. But some men can’t wear a beard, alas. And there are good reasons.

The law forbids military personnel and security officials to wear a beard


The beard makes men brutal and more courageous (in terms of appearance). It would seem to whom else to wear facial hair, if not military, true men and defenders of the country. Actually, it is forbidden by law to wear a beard to security forces and military personnel.

Article 344 of Chapter No. 8 of the Military Charter of the Russian Federation regulates the personal hygiene rules of the military. According to her, servicemen must wash themselves daily, cut their nails, and monitor the condition of the hair on their head and … face.

The ban is due to security measures. In the field, a beard can become a breeding ground for bacteria and pathogenic microbes. In addition, during hand-to-hand combat or combat, facial hair can interfere, becoming a fighter’s weak point. And wearing a gas mask and protective masks, the presence of a beard will make it pointless.

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Not all clerics can wear a beard.


Wearing a beard is not welcomed among clergy and followers of certain areas of Christianity. There is no official document prohibiting facial hair.

Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses religious organization and Catholics are not advised to wear a beard because Jesus Christ had facial hair. By conviction, mere mortals do not have the right to put themselves on a par with the son of God.

Beard can break swimmers career


The International Boxing Association and the United Wrestling World Federation have officially banned athletes from wearing facial hair. The decision applies only to lovers.

Swimmers do not have such a ban. If desired, they can wear a beard. However, excess vegetation significantly worsens overcoming water resistance, and therefore can cause sports failures.

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Resuscitation patients should not wear a beard


Men with poor health and chronic illnesses are also not recommended to wear a beard. This is due to the fact that they are not able to provide proper care for the vegetation and devote a sufficient amount of time to personal hygiene. As a result, the beard becomes the "home" of microbes and bacteria that cause disease and further weaken the already lowered immunity.

It is quite problematic to maintain air circulation with the help of an artificial lung ventilation apparatus in patients with facial hair. For this reason, doctors often decide to shave their beards for men entering intensive care.

To be a pilot, you need to forget about the beard

It is not recommended to have facial hair and men working as pilots. The fact is that during an emergency, the beard makes it difficult to put on an oxygen mask on the face. It does not adhere tightly to the skin, which threatens not only the life of the pilot himself, but also passengers of the air transport.

Muslims are caught in mosques, forcing them to shave their beards


In the countries of Central Asia, they are actively fighting men who have facial hair. In Turkmenistan, citizens who, despite the prohibitions, wear a beard, are "caught" in mosques and forced to shave vegetation.

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Moreover, people were shocked by an official document that accidentally leaked to the Internet. According to the text of the letter, the director of the Turkmenfilm association, Yazmurad Shadurdyev, gives the artist Meliaev permission to wear a beard and mustache. This is an exceptional case, as a man has to play in a historical film based on the work of the president. If it was supposed to work in another movie, the screenwriter would most likely be asked to rewrite the script, changing the character's image and description!

The authorities are more tolerant of the mustache. But a long beard can pass off a person as an Islamist and an extremist. In some regions of Tajikistan, people are forbidden to take photos on a foreign passport, having facial hair.

An interesting fact is that there is still no official document, a law that regulates the prohibition of wearing a beard, no. Although the authorities of Central Asia are making attempts to create one.

In one of the cities of Tajikistan, identity documents were taken away from migrants who had facial hair and came to work in the country. The condition for the return of the passport was to get rid of the beard.

Only imams and mullahs are allowed to wear vegetation. But the length of the beard should not exceed three centimeters.

Not prohibited, but not desirable


In Uzbekistan, it is not officially forbidden to wear facial hair. Although extremely undesirable. Recently, the country's authorities have become more tolerant of citizens with a beard, realizing that this is more a tribute to fashion, and not a manifestation of protest and extremist intentions. There were times when football fans were required to shave their beards so that they could go to the stadium and enjoy the game of their favorite team.

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Not so long ago, in 2017, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the former president of Kazakhstan, announced that he intends to prohibit the wearing of a beard and short pants at the legislative level. Later, the politician explained that he meant the long facial hair. By the way, the law was never adopted.

In Tatarstan, there are also discussions about wearing a beard. Facial hair is not desirable. But citizens wearing a beard are not caught or forced to shave. Representatives of the stronger sex perfectly understand how long a beard should be, so that law enforcement officers are not interested in them. The authorities of the republic can be understood: it is difficult for them to understand who is in front of them: a fashion-conscious hipster, or a malicious Islamist.

It is worth noting that the Sunnis wear a beard and mustache is considered an encouraged, desirable action. In religion, there are four main schools that interpret the wearing of facial hair in different ways. In one, it is prohibited, in the other, on the contrary, it is a mandatory attribute.