
Nepomnyashchy Nikolay Nikolaevich: biography, journalistic activities and books

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Nepomnyashchy Nikolay Nikolaevich: biography, journalistic activities and books
Nepomnyashchy Nikolay Nikolaevich: biography, journalistic activities and books

Nepomnyashchy Nikolai Nikolaevich is a famous writer and journalist who was engaged not only in journalism, but also in translations. Nikolai Nikolaevich knew several languages ​​and actively applied this knowledge in his writing. Many of his books describe those journeys that the author himself visited.



Nikolai Nepomnyashchiy was born in the capital in the late summer of 1955. His father went through the whole war. The future writer was trained in a specialized school, where there was an in-depth study of the German language. He liked other subjects at school, for example, the future writer was happy to attend classes where not only various foreign languages ​​were taught, but also geography, zoology.

After graduating from school, Nepomnyashchy Nikolai Nikolayevich, whose biography is eventful, studied at the Institute of Asian and African Countries, which worked at the capital's university. He chose the faculty of African studies, where he studied all aspects of the life of the peoples of Africa.

As soon as the studies at the institute were over, Nikolai Nikolayevich went on a business trip to Mozambique, where he worked as a Portuguese translator.

Work in the magazine "Around the World"


After returning to the capital in 1987, the future writer began his career as a correspondent. Nikolai Nikolayevich worked as a journalist and even an editor in such newspaper editions as Week and Abroad, as well as in the magazines Young Naturalist and Peers.

In the winter of 1987, the writer entered the editorial office of the famous magazine Around the World, where he was immediately offered to become head of the literary department, and after that he also became the editorial secretary. In 1993, the new appointment of Nikolai Nepomnyashchy followed: he became the chief editor of a well-known magazine. After a new version of the magazine “Around the World” began to appear, Nikolai headed the old edition, called “Journey Around the World”. In 2003, the publication was renamed.

Five years later, the activities of this magazine were discontinued, and Nikolai Nikolaevich began to engage only in writing. But after three years, he again became the editor-in-chief of the electronic version of the same magazine, Traveling the World. This publication was published on the website of the Geographical Society.

At the same time, in parallel with his work in the well-known magazine, Nikolai Nikolaevich worked in other publications. So, he was the editor of such newspapers and magazines as “Treasures and Treasures”, “World Pathfinder”, “Bird Market”, “Riddles of History” and others.



A famous journalist devoted his entire free time to writing. In his literary piggy bank, there are more than 25 works in which he tells not only about his travels, but also tries to solve the mysteries of history, as well as many books on the world of nature and animals. It is known that the writer acted as an expert in many television programs, and also lectured on historical and natural mysteries.

Nikolai Nikolaevich began writing his journalistic essays in 1974. His works were published in such a well-known magazine as The Young Guard. His articles also appeared in other publications. The essay "Columbus knew where he was sailing?", Published in 1979 in the journal Ocean, was very popular.

And two years later the first book of Nicholas Nepomniachtchi was published. The material for the creation of the work "Chariots in the Desert" was the facts and impressions that were collected by him during a business trip to Africa. Since 1998, all the books of the famous writer and publicist are constantly published in the Veche Publishing House. His works can be found under the literary pseudonym of Nikolaev Nikolai Nikolaevich.

"100 Great Secrets" Nepomnyashchy Nikolai Nikolaevich


In 2010, Veche Publishing House published a new and interesting book about the great secrets, where the author talks about the most unusual mysteries of the Earth. Indeed, for many millennia, the mysteries of nature and man have been of interest to many. Mysterious and unidentified stories that have happened over several millennia are covered by the writer in his book. And a writer and publicist is not only interested in stories from the past, modern puzzles also get their explanation in this amazing book.

The book of the writer Nepomniachtchi Nikolai about secrets and riddles belongs to the popular genre "Secrets, disasters." In it, each reader will find a lot of interesting and informative for themselves. After all, the history of the Big Bang and the Flood, UFOs and parallel worlds, invisible and zombies, crystal skulls and the Nazca desert interest many lovers of the mysterious and mysterious. The book widely covers political secrets of the twentieth century, such as the death of the famous cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and the secret weapon of the SS, as well as many other interesting stories of the last century.