
An unfulfilled dream: the tragic and beautiful love story of Keanu Reeves

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An unfulfilled dream: the tragic and beautiful love story of Keanu Reeves
An unfulfilled dream: the tragic and beautiful love story of Keanu Reeves

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Which of us would not want to meet true love and live like in a fairy tale? Some even succeeded. Others enter the struggle for their love, knowing in advance that they are doomed to defeat. But there are completely unique people who think about their lovers, even if they are no more. This is Keanu Reeves with his tragic love story.


Keanu Reeves and his only love

Keanu Reeves is one of the most successful Canadian actors. For three decades now, he has not left the screens. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Thousands of women dreamed about this man who became famous in The Matrix, Speed, Devil's Advocate, Little Buddha, Dracula, as well as many other legendary films. However, his thoughtful gaze is still directed at the one who conquered his heart forever.

Keanu's only love was Jennifer Syme. This aspiring actress is 8 years younger than Reeves. The talented girl got her first real role from the famous director David Lynch. She played in one of his films. Jennifer met Keanu in 1998. This happened a year after the film with her participation was released. As for Keanu, the actor was almost alone. His childhood passed without a father and friends. The family often moved, and he could not make acquaintances. When nevertheless he managed to find a bosom friend, he died.

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Keanu was always unsociable. He hid from journalists the details of his personal life. But they still unearthed that the love affair with Syme was probably the first serious event of this kind in his biography.


Horrible Christmas tragedy

After a year of turbulent relations, Keanu and Jennifer were completely happy. They were preparing for the birth of Ava's daughter - the baby had already come up with a name. Future parents prepared a room for her, bought mountains of toys and clothes. She was supposed to come into the world, surrounded by the love of mom and dad. Unfortunately, on Christmas Eve 1999, the girl was born dead. Rumor has it that Keanu Reeves hates this holiday so far.

Jennifer's death

The loss of the first child was a huge blow for lovers. Their relationship could not stand the baby’s funeral: Jennifer and Keanu broke up. But the trouble never comes alone: ​​in April 2001, the girl died as a result of a car accident. She was buried next to her daughter Ava. Almost two decades have passed since then, but another woman never appeared in Keanu Reeves's life again. Details of his relationship with Syme remain unknown.

Always true

All these years, Reeves led a modest, reserved life, sacrificing part of his profits to the fight against leukemia. This is the problem that tormented his sister and probably the only loyal friend. Keanu does not attend grandiose parties, but is busy with work and charity. Often you can see how he walks through the streets of Los Angeles and New York without guards and other celebrity attributes. Alone, he drinks coffee on a bench in a park or reads a newspaper in the subway.

Reeves always looks perfect. Fans might have surrounded him with a crowd, but perhaps an unprecedented sadness in his eyes prevents them from disturbing the actor in vain. There is even a page on Facebook where fans are trying to cheer up their pet on his birthday - June 15. But Rihana is still closed and lonely. Jennifer's death in the accident must have been a turning point forcing him to change his lifestyle so radically. Does the actor hope to see his beloved in another world after death? No one knows.
