
The atypical behavior of the Amur tiger: alpha male Tikhon came to the border guards to ask for help

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The atypical behavior of the Amur tiger: alpha male Tikhon came to the border guards to ask for help
The atypical behavior of the Amur tiger: alpha male Tikhon came to the border guards to ask for help

Wild animals sometimes go out to people. Such meetings are likely everywhere, but the inhabitants of the North become the most “lucky”. Predators visit them when they become very hungry.

The Amur tiger named Tikhon twice declared at the frontier post. The beast behaved inappropriately, forcing the border guards to apply measures.

Did not wait? I came

For the first time, border guards met with a formidable predator several years ago. Young, a little over 5 years old, full of strength and courage, the tiger circled near the outpost, scaring the servicemen. People were forced to turn to a special service that deals with the conservation of a population of formidable predators. The experts who arrived took the tiger, carried out the necessary procedures and released them into the wild. Then the beast received the name Tikhon.

Eight years passed, Tikhon grew old and noticeably passed. Once a formidable predator, it now flaunted with frayed teeth and paws. The animal could barely feed itself because of age; it had to go out to people. However, the predator always remains such, even after becoming old and decrepit. Instead of behaving appropriately, Tikhon staged a real massacre at a border post.

The Taming of the Shrew

Fortunately, the border guards did not suffer from beast teeth. The dogs took over the blow, for the tiger made its way into the kennel. Tikhon killed and ate two dogs, the rest were desperately defending themselves. The border guards, hearing a tiger roar and a squeal of dogs, again called the employees of the "Land of the Leopard", which is described above.

Specialists who arrived at the scene observed the behavior of the old tiger. He aggressively reacted to frightening, but it was clear that the beast was hurt. Tikhon fell on his forepaws, trying to resist specialists. Those decided to remove the predator from the wild. In order to translate the idea into action, people had to shoot a big cat with a drowsy dart. When the Buyan fell asleep, he was tied up and taken to a center called the Tiger.

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The animal was examined, the necessary tests were taken and placed in the aviary. Employees of the Tiger Center were surprised to find that they were dealing with an old acquaintance who had come to them before. While Tikhon came to his senses after anesthesia, experts discussed the future fate of the formidable beast. The fate of the tiger will become known as soon as specialists receive the results of analyzes taken from Tikhon.
