
Unstable relationships: concept, manifestations and possible consequences

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Unstable relationships: concept, manifestations and possible consequences
Unstable relationships: concept, manifestations and possible consequences

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When a person first enters the army, it seems to him that he found himself in another world. Everything that he meets in the new environment is so unlike, so the result is complete disorientation. One of these factors is hazing. In other words, this phenomenon is called hazing.

Service start

A rookie torn from a familiar environment does not immediately fall into a combat unit. In order for him to get comfortable in the new way, he is placed in the RMS (company of a young soldier). Here he first learns to wind footcloths and to cover an army bed on a thread. He gets used to the regime of the day and begins to engage in physical and drill training.

In the RMS, all recruits are equal, with the exception of the sergeant, which is sent from units where recruits will continue to serve. The company of the young soldier is the only place where officers and sergeants strictly monitor relations in the team.


The reason for the close attention is that the young soldier, who just got into the army, is still a person. And a person, as you know, can have his own opinion, views and is capable of independent actions. The manifestation of hazing during this period will lead to massive unauthorized abandonment of the unit and a decrease in disciplinary indicators.

But already here the sergeant is gradually preparing the young for the idea that soon they will be waiting for the military unit, where they will have to realize their place in the hierarchy.

Elephants, perfumes, scoops and other evil spirits

Depending on the military unit, the unspoken hierarchy among the personnel and sergeants had several levels:

  1. Spirit is a soldier who has not yet taken the oath. This period lasts about 1.5 months.
  2. Elephant. In some military units, the transition to this level depends on the duration of the service, and in others on the dismissal of demobilization, which entails an automatic increase in the ranking table.
  3. Battle elephant. It does not occur everywhere. It lives in the Airborne Forces and means that the soldier made the first parachute jump.
  4. Scoop - a fighter who has served 1 year and above.
  5. Grandfather is the highest stage of evolution of a serviceman.
  6. Dembel - the same grandfather, who rose to the release of the order for dismissal in the reserve.

The erratic relationships of servicemen of these categories proceed differently.

Secret hierarchy

The most disenfranchised are “elephants”. All responsibilities were assigned to them. If in the RMS the soldiers are in a more or less equal position, then upon arrival to the unit, they become the most powerless. No matter what happens in the company, there will always be an “elephant” in charge of everything. Also, young people are forced to do the most dirty work: washing toilets, corridors, called “take-offs” for their great length. When entering an outfit, recruits do all the work for themselves and for their “senior comrades.” In addition, the young are assigned to the "grandfathers", and their duties begin to include service to the senior call.

The Scoop is relieved of this burden. He does not fulfill the orders of the senior draft, he can steer a little “elephants”, but without fanaticism - after all, this is the privilege of “grandfathers”.

Uncrowned kings

Old-timers in the army are the main backbone of conscripts. They have a close-knit team during their service. Therefore, there is no way for young soldiers to confront them. “Grandfathers” do everything so that the “elephants” are divided. Therefore, the principle of "divide and rule" flourishes in the army.


Among other things, old-timers are better aware of the structure of barracks life and easier to navigate, while the junior draft is completely confused for the first six months.

Correct hazing

This phenomenon existed during the time of the royal army. The soldiers served 25 years and at the end of their service they became grandfathers not only figuratively, but also literally. In addition, the position of "grandfathers" imposed on them the obligation to help young soldiers and train them.

In the modern army, officers transfer training to the shoulders of senior and sergeants. This becomes the main cause of hazing. Indeed, old-timers are responsible to the officers for the reduction in training indicators. And those, in turn, ask from the young. How they can: through beatings, humiliation, punishment by physical training.


Another cause of hazing lies in the phenomenon of “education through the collective.” This is an indirect method of influence, in which the officer’s composition imposes punishment not specifically on the culprit, but on the entire personnel and sergeant personnel. It is easy to guess what will happen to the offender, after the general punishment of the company. Undoubtedly, all old-timers will take an active part. In this case, the officers themselves will remain as if nothing to do with it. They acted according to the charter.

Why hazing is beneficial for officers

Such relations in the soldier’s team are beneficial to the commander. This allows you to transfer the lion's share of their duties to senior employees. The ensigns - foremen of the company - especially zealously contribute to hazing. It is convenient when the appearance of discipline is maintained and orders are executed. Therefore, responsibility for hazing is entirely the responsibility of commanders. It is they who admit the atrocities of the old-timers, and also try not to make dirty linen in public, covering the lawlessness in parts.


Why are so many cases, with the exception of the most egregious, not made public? From all sides, the young soldiers are encouraged to think that disbath awaits in the event of an escape, and that it will not be possible to prove bullying to the elders: the younger call is intimidated to testify in the event of a trial, and the senior is united to testify against his own call. The precedent with the proceedings is not at all profitable for officers and warrant officers: 90% of cases of disciplinary violations remain within the walls of military units.

Is there "hazing" in our time

Currently, the phenomenon of “hazing” has ceased to exist in the army. This happened due to a decrease in service life from two years to a year. Indeed, a clear superiority between soldiers arises when the difference in conscription is from a year or more. But the irregular relationship between the military did not cease to exist.


Now, disciplinary violations are committed mainly by young men prone to antisocial behavior. Moreover, the motives for the crimes are the same as for the “grandfathers”: unwillingness to do dirty work and the desire to dominate the team. Becoming a leader in army society, where senior commanders violate discipline “slow down”, “authority” can have power and material goods belonging to other military personnel.

However, it should be noted that the scale of disciplinary violations has decreased significantly, despite the fact that statistics indicate the opposite. Service life played an important role in this - to get an article for unreliable relationships and a real period, when there is not much left before going to stock, no one wants to.

Crime and Punishment

The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers made a major contribution to reducing the incidence of violence in the army. After his active intervention in high-profile investigations, hot line numbers of military prosecutors began to be posted in army units, where conscript officers can turn for help. In addition, the committee constantly oversees military units, and also organizes military trips for the weekend home.

It became mandatory to conduct morning inspections of soldiers for bodily injuries, bruises, abrasions.

Officially detected cases of violence in military units affect not only violators. Responsibility of military personnel for hazing is imposed on the chain from direct participants to commanders of units and military units. A disciplinary sanction may be imposed on the command staff not only in the form of a reprimand, but also deprived of bonuses and delay the receipt of the next military rank.