
Is an obituary an indicator of a person’s life?

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Is an obituary an indicator of a person’s life?
Is an obituary an indicator of a person’s life?

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Even half a century ago, the word "obituary" and its meaning were known to everyone. Now only a few remember or know what it is.


The concept of an obituary and its history

The concept of "obituary" (from the Greek. "Dead word") came to us from those times when journalism was just in its infancy, and the art of literature was incredibly popular and in demand. In ancient Rome, Greece and other places, it was customary to make speeches at a funeral, mourning and praising the deeds of the deceased. Many of these speeches were recorded, especially those dedicated to important politicians and their relatives. So, one of the most famous oral obituaries is the tombstone of Julius Caesar in honor of his wife Cornelia.

With the development of journalism and writing, the obituary lost a little his verbal pathos and began to be more informative. In the 16-17th centuries, it became a mandatory attribute that accompanied the passing away of any more or less well-known bourgeois, politician or public figure. Relatives necessarily ordered obituaries to the newspaper, as this was the "good manners." The peak of its popularity is the 19th century - the rapid development of the printed word and journalism. Writing obituaries has become a lucrative affair.

Thus, an obituary is a message about a person’s death, including general information about his activity, character, life position, etc. At the request of the customer, it can include many additional information.


Types of obituaries and their purpose

There is no official classification of this concept. After all, an obituary is not a biography, but just an informative article. But they can be conditionally divided into professional and personal, short and detailed, etc. Depending on this and on the goal pursued by customers, the obituary text may differ in volume and content.

It may include:

  • circumstances and causes of death;

  • personal and professional achievements;

  • list of grieving relatives;

  • indication of the place and time of burial;

  • emotional characterization, assessment of the life of the deceased (it is precisely the assessment that distinguishes the obituary from ordinary newspaper news) and so on.

By its purpose, the obituary is an example of a special genre of journalism, which not only informs readers about an event (in this case, death and a funeral). At the same time, he also gives the text a special coloring, necessary for the customer.


How to write an obituary: a sample

Writing a touching and sincere or concise and strict text is not so difficult. It is necessary to adhere to certain simple rules.

First of all, it should be remembered that the obituary is not a funeral speech, but only a message that should notify its readers about the tragic event. Of course, it is worth mentioning the worthy qualities of the character of a deceased person, his services to his family and society, to remind everyone of how wonderful a person has left the world.

So, in addition to the full name and main dates (birth and death), one can cautiously mention the cause of death: after a long illness, due to tragic accident, etc.

Further, it is necessary to mention those for whom this death has become a tragedy - relatives and friends. Following the rules of hierarchy, first they talk about parents, then spouse, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sisters and brothers. In specialized obituaries compiled in connection with the death of an honored worker of the enterprise, it is not customary to mention the names of colleagues.

You should also list the main achievements of the deceased: professional and personal, services to the family or society, positive qualities, etc. But in no case do you need to talk about unfulfilled dreams, criticize your character or actions - about the dead or good, or nothing.

In conclusion, you can write that the memory of this person will forever remain in the hearts of relatives and friends, as well as specify the place and time of the funeral and commemoration, so that everyone can say goodbye.

Obituary Writing Example

November 20, 1897, after a serious illness, the dearly beloved son, husband and father, John Smith, passed away. He lived the life of a worthy family man, a conscientious worker and a respected citizen of his country. John was born on April 15, 1846, from 1865 he began serving as a simple clerk in a very reputable office and by the age of 45 he had already become an assistant manager. At work he was appreciated for diligence and justice, and at home - for kindness and care. His memory will forever remain in the hearts of his parents - Glen and Alice, the wife of Barbara and the children of Robert and Sabrina.

The funeral of John Smith will be held November 22 at 11:00 at the central city cemetery in Sacramento.
