
Nicolas Sarkozy: biography, personal life, family, politics, photo

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Nicolas Sarkozy: biography, personal life, family, politics, photo
Nicolas Sarkozy: biography, personal life, family, politics, photo

Video: Hungarians in Sarkozy's birthplace express support for him 2024, July

Video: Hungarians in Sarkozy's birthplace express support for him 2024, July

The former president of the fifth republic and ex officio also turned out to be the prince of Andorra and the grandmaster of the Legion of Honor, the majority of the world's population is remembered more as the husband of the beautiful model Carla Bruni. The son of a Hungarian emigrant Nicolas Sarkozy managed to do the incredible - to break through to the top of power. He is the first Frenchman in history to become the head of state in the second generation.


The future president of France was born in the city of Paris on January 28, 1955, in the family of a native of Budapest, Pal Nagy-Bocha Charquesy and Frenchwoman Andre Malla. My father came from an old Hungarian dynasty, who fled to the West in 1944 after Soviet troops entered the country. His relatives, who once owned the castle and were large Hungarian landowners, were supporters of the pro-fascist Horthy regime.


In Baden-Baden, under the name of Paul Sarkozy (having rewritten his surname in the French manner), he signed up for the French Foreign Legion. In 1948, he was discharged, having served a five-year term under a contract in Algeria and not wanting to go to war in French Indochina.

Having received French citizenship for his service, he settled in Marseille. Later he moved to Paris, where he met a pretty Parisian student who soon became his wife. Andre studied at the Faculty of Law and was the daughter of a well-known surgeon in the district. Her father was an expat from the Greek city of Thessaloniki, a Sephardic Jew who converted to Catholicism. Mom, also a Catholic, was French. It was she who gave a quarter of the French roots of Nicolas Sarkozy.

early years

The boy was brought up by his grandfather, who was an ardent gallist. Nicolas studied at a Catholic school, and rather mediocre. The father occasionally appeared, chided his son and disappeared again. He did not provide any material support to the family. As a child, as Nicolas Sarkozy later recalled, he did not feel like a full-fledged Frenchman, suffered from a relatively poor financial situation. After the death of their grandfather, they moved to Neuilly-sur-Seine, a town near Paris.


In 1973, Nicolas graduated from high school and entered the University of Paris X-Nanterre, who graduated in 1978, becoming a master in civil law. He continued his education at the Institute for Political Studies, but, without completing his studies, he began his career as a lawyer in real estate.

As mayor

Nicolas Sarkozy joined politics early. In 1976, he joined the new holly party, the Association for the Support of the Republic (ODA), which was founded by future president Jacques Chirac. He was recommended by the famous French politician Charles Pasqua. A year later, from this party, he became a member of the city council of Neuilly-sur-Seine, the western outskirts of Paris. And when he was 28 years old, in 1983 he became mayor of this city and remained in this post until 2002.

He performed well during the 1981 presidential election campaign, when he served on the Jacques Chirac Youth Committee. A young and energetic young man was noticed and started to be promoted to big politics, in 1988 he became a deputy of the Lower House of Parliament. The first photos of Nicolas Sarkozy with leading French politicians appeared in the press of those years.

In 1993-1995 he held the post of Minister of Budget, and then - Minister of Communications in the Government of Edouard Balladur.

The Minister

Nicolas Sarkozy showed himself most vividly as Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Government in 2002-2004. At that time, France was swept by a wave of crime, problems connected with tension in the large Muslim community were growing, and aggressive anti-Semitism flourished. The situation in Corsica escalated with its traditional separatism. In 2002 alone, more than 200 terrorist attacks occurred on the island.


The reforms and their harsh administration caused strong discontent in liberal circles, who accused the ministry of infringing on civil liberties. Measures to strengthen the fight against crime included the expansion of powers granted to law enforcement forces, the widespread presence of police in the streets. Tighter controls on the streets and roads have reduced the number of incidents. A systematic fight was conducted against illegal immigration and prostitution.

The successes in the post of Minister were appreciated, and in May 2004 he was appointed Minister of State - the second most important post in the government. In 2007, he resigned due to preparations for the presidential election.

On top of power

In the second round of elections, Sarkozy defeated socialist Segolen Royal with 53% of the vote. After becoming president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy embarked on large-scale reforms. First of all, the changes concerned the basic law of the country. Many changes have been made regarding the activities of the president, including restrictions on the re-election of the head of state. Parliament has been given the right to veto presidential candidates. Other reforms, for example, an increase in the presidential salary by 140% with a simultaneous reduction in taxes on it, provoked an extremely sharp reaction in society, where he was treated quite critically before that.


The international recognition was given to the actions of President Nicolas Sarkozy to strengthen European integration, stabilization and increase the efficiency of the European Union financial system. He advocated strengthening the influence of the European Union on world politics and was opposed to Turkey’s admission to this organization.

A significant contribution by Nicolas Sarkozy (France was the EU presidency at that time), representing not only her country, but also Europe as a whole, was made in the settlement of the military conflict in South Ossetia.

After the presidency

In 2012, President Nicolas Sarkozy lost the second round of elections to the socialist Francois Hollande, former husband Segolen Royal. Interestingly, it was her who Sarkozy, in turn, won the second round of the previous presidential election. After the defeat, he returned to law practice in his law firm, which he founded back in the 80s. Then Sarkozy said that he would never again engage in politics.


However, in September 2014, he officially announced his return to the political arena. According to all ratings, then Sarkozy was the leader among right-wing voters. However, in the primaries for the presidential election in 2017, he took only third place and dropped out of the race.

Libyan revenge

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy on March 20, 2018, was detained by police in connection with an investigation into a corruption case. The main accusation involved receiving money for his 2007 election campaign from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. This is the first case of the detention of the ex-head of state. French law prohibits financing of election funds from foreign sources.

An investigation into the possible financing by the Libyan authorities of Sarkozy’s election campaign began in April 2013. In 2011, the son of the murdered Gaddafi, the leader of the Jamahiriya, said his father sponsored an election fund, transferring more than 50 million euros. The following year, Mediapart published documents confirming these transactions, which Sarkozy called fake.

Stormy personal life

Little is known about life with his first wife; they got married in 1982. His chosen one was a girl from a small village from Corsica - Dominic Culoli, who worked as a pharmacist. Corsican gave birth to his two sons - Pierre (1985) and Jean (1987).


In 1984, he met Cecilia Sigan-Albenitz, moreover, at her marriage. Sarkozy, as mayor of the small town of Neuilly-sur-Seine, attended the registration ceremony in the municipality. The bride, already being pregnant, married the owner of the local television channel Jacques Martin. All this did not stop Nicolas from falling in love with Celia. Their romance lasted 12 years, during which time Madame Marten gave birth to two daughters from her husband. For one of the daughters, the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy became the godmother.

Second marriage

Old lovers got married in 1996, a year later they had a son, Louis. However, over time, reports began to appear in the yellow press that a crisis had occurred in the family relations of a senior official. In 2005, the famous Paris Match magazine published pictures of Cessilia and her alleged lover, a businessman of Moroccan descent, Richard Attias, whom she married after her divorce from Sarkozy.

They were going to leave already in early 2007, but decided to hold off in connection with the presidential campaign that had begun. However, already in October a message appeared on the divorce by mutual consent.