
The new concept of "5 column". What it is? What is dangerous?

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The new concept of "5 column". What it is? What is dangerous?
The new concept of "5 column". What it is? What is dangerous?

Admittedly, we live in a period of change. Gradually, they gain such momentum that they can “crush” those who do not dodge on time. To understand the essence of the changes, you need to be well-versed in terms that are kind of “beacons” that intensely signal to ordinary citizens that events are rapidly gaining momentum. Such can be safely attributed the expression "5 column". What it is? Let's figure it out.

History tour

To an uninitiated reader, who rarely listens to what news broadcasters broadcast, the phrase will seem quite ordinary. Something like reasoning about architecture. But this expression has nothing to do with Doric and Ionic columns …


It was first used by a Franco-General during the war in Spain in 1936–1939. It was about the fact that secret agents were in the rear. Describing the situation in a speech on the radio, he said that in addition to four military columns there are also 5 columns. What this is made clear from the comments: E. Mola had in mind a hidden, spy network operating in Madrid.

Modern definition


Over time, the term has become a household word. Now it is rare that any of the citizens who are interested in events in the world ask themselves the question: “5th column - what is it?” So called frank and hidden spies, traitors and wreckers, some individuals who are capable of aiding the enemy in a critical situation. It is clear that the patriot will not want to be reckoned with this "society". The fifth column is people who in no case can gain the trust of both the state and its citizens. They act on the basis of narrow selfish interests, without thinking about the security of their homeland.


What is the "fifth column" in Russia

There is a big and, unfortunately, heated debate in society about who is a patriot and who is not. Everyone who is suspected of complicity with the “potential adversary”, who is now the collective West, is exposed to the impartial title of “5 Column”. What is it, everyone interprets in his own way, not caring about the emotions of the opponent. So the general "scuffle" is not far … But still, authoritative political scientists have quite clearly defined what the fifth column in modern Russia is.

First of all, the white-bellies - those who took part in the memorable events on Bolotnaya Square - got on the unpleasant list. These citizens, who have their own views on state policy (to which they have every right), criticize the authorities too actively, not offering effective “recipes” for treating “ailments”. Their position is now not honored in that part of society that supports the general upsurge generated by the Crimean events.

More complex representatives of the fifth column

Some sources believe that the “society” of hidden and overt opponents in the Russian Federation is much wider than the legal opposition. They include foreign citizens whose activities are clearly anti-government. Basically, “adversaries” work with the population, creating sometimes uncontrolled discontent with the authorities. Any occasion is suitable if the people are worried and indignant. And if there is no demand from foreigners (they are not obliged to serve our Motherland), then ours is a completely different conversation.

The 5th convoy attracts Russians to its ranks with the opportunity to get a good income. There is no need to hide the fact that these people act in the interests of our opponents, whose sponsorship capabilities are not yet limited. And the “approaches” to recruitment are very sophisticated. Citizens of the Russian Federation are confident that they have every right to their point of view. In order to make a member of the fifth column from an honest person, it is enough to carefully and unobtrusively correct his opinion. And what is the result? Now you are dissatisfied with the authorities, and tomorrow you are already running for a small bribe to a rally without asking if your organizers laid the foundation for you?