the culture

Customs on the "zone", or why in prison you can not drop soap

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Customs on the "zone", or why in prison you can not drop soap
Customs on the "zone", or why in prison you can not drop soap

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The Russian prison is a state institution where the main ruling factor is the internal rules and the Criminal Code. But for each prisoner, the prison or imprisonment unwritten code, which the prisoners dubbed the "concept", is much more important. According to this slang definition, every prisoner lives, and to free citizens his rules seem simply horrific.


How can an ordinary respectable resident of the country understand why soap cannot be dropped in prison? Those who have never come across prison rules cannot make sense of this.


Newly arrived prisoners are waiting for special checks from cellmates. The main thing is the "trick". Near a newcomer, an experienced prisoner can drop some thing, for example, a towel or clothes. If the newcomer knows prison customs, then he will not pick up the fallen item. It is advisable to get around a thing, step over it, or you can even step on and trample on. Such an action is considered normal, no matter how stupid it may sound.

Therefore, it is easy to understand why soap cannot be dropped in prison. If the prisoner picks it up, he will thus indicate his submission. Every self-respecting prisoner is sure that if not his thing fell, then there is no need to touch it.


In addition, if the prisoner's soap drops, which he needs at the moment, then he needs to be raised in a special way, and not as is customary outside the prison. Another answer to the question of why soap cannot be dropped in prison.

Of course, prison violence is difficult to eradicate immediately, but in places of imprisonment, any prisoner, novice or experienced, can be overcome not physically, but morally, that is, by cunning. "Recruits" not only pass checks, but also get nicknames. Pods were invented by prisoners to determine the degree of suggestibility of beginners.

Prison sign with soap

So why can't you drop soap in prison? In prisons, it is strictly forbidden to lift this personal hygiene item from the floor. Otherwise, actions can be regarded with a sexual motive, and mentally unstable persons and people with a non-traditional orientation are capable of this. Prisoners bypass the fallen hygiene item or do not pay any attention to it.

Some prisoners may even defiantly step on a fallen item of clothing or hygiene. But for ordinary citizens, this behavior is considered abnormal.

But in this case, the prison has its own secrets: prisoners take another bar of soap with them before going to the shower. But if there is no stock, and the only bar has fallen, then you can raise it so that no one can quibble. It is advisable to just squat down and pick up the soap, but this should only be done facing the rest of the prisoners. Therefore, it is easy to understand why soap cannot be dropped in prison.


Lawlessness does not appeal to anyone - including prisoners. A few years ago, if a person raised soap from the floor in prisons, he could be raped, beaten and ridiculed. But if there are plenty of "jambs" without soap, the convict comes much earlier.