
Social life: features and manifestations

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Social life: features and manifestations
Social life: features and manifestations

Video: CHANGING PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Manifestation Monday | Law of Attraction Success Stories Dec 10 2024, June

Video: CHANGING PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Manifestation Monday | Law of Attraction Success Stories Dec 10 2024, June

By social life we ​​understand all the processes taking place in our society. At the same time, society is seen as a kind of organism whose vital activity is processes that are directly related to society and occur within it. Among them are social explosions, riots, wars, revolutions, crusades, holidays, matches and other social events, the activities of authorities, the development of religion and morality, economic and political processes. These processes are not isolated from each other, but are in interaction, can develop or die out, affect each other. Examples of public life are discussed in this article.



Social life is rarely static. After all, it is influenced by a huge number of different factors (both external and internal), many of which we are not able to change. Among them are such phenomena that seemingly distant from society, such as bursts of solar activity. Each person also makes a certain contribution to the life of society and, in one way or another, exerts some influence on him. For example, a simple purchase of something in a store is already reflected in the economy, and a post on the Internet can affect (albeit slightly) public opinion on a particular issue.

Social life is constantly on the move, and each person makes a certain contribution to it, affects its direction and intensity. The degree of influence of different people, of course, is not the same, and can vary over time. Some become popular, others, on the contrary, go into the shadows. These processes are often unpredictable.


Social relations

Different people have differently expressed social motivations. Someone wants to be a leader and manage social processes. This, on the contrary, is burdensome or even frightening. Someone wants to be in full view all the time, flaunting, including, his personal life. For others, on the contrary, it is extremely unpleasant. Someone wants to have a lot of friends and loves noisy companies, others prefer loneliness.


Despite the popularity of the term “social relations”, scientists have no consensus on what this term means. Its synonym is the concept of "social relations." Such relationships are influenced by animal instincts, and the formed social foundations, and other factors, including religious ones. It is known, for example, that the thirst for power is very characteristic of primates. Not every person has the desire to rule over others, to manage society. It is difficult to say how useful or harmful it is for human society. Much depends on how a person who is eager for power is honest and honest, whose interests he will defend in the first place - personal (selfish) or public, etc.

Animals, like humans, prefer to delimit their territory. They mark its borders with pheromones. People are fenced with high fences, put protection. The struggle for land is at the state level. It often leads to war.

Thirst for wealth and its social role

Some people tend to get rich not only because of the desire to be more significant in society and dominate others, but also because of the seizure of as much land as possible into their personal possessions (an analogue of the struggle for territory in animals). The struggle for resources, money, tangible property, does not always pursue only economic or life goals that would be understandable from the point of view of logic. Often it is a manifestation of the animal instinct of the struggle for food and resources, which in nature, as a rule, are not enough.

A similar situation is with the struggle for housing. Some people want to get rich (of course, at the expense of others) more and more, to buy a bunch of unnecessary, but expensive things, such as paintings, or real estate. Thus, what is an animal program for survival and the abandonment of strong offspring in humans becomes a socially harmful phenomenon that impedes the development of mankind and leads to the impoverishment of a large number of people. Of course, in different individuals, these desires are expressed in varying degrees, and may even be absent. Since animal instincts, fortunately, not all people are the main life motivator.


The main areas of public life

There are several areas of society:

  • Economic - production, consumption and distribution of material goods. Is the most important.
  • Social sphere - various norms and foundations, moral values, social needs of people (in education, medicine, servants), social programs.
  • The political sphere is all that relates to relations between social groups, as well as the relationship of each person to power.
  • The spiritual sphere is the sphere of the creative life of society, associated with the accumulation of cultural values ​​and various creative events (festivals, concerts, etc.).
  • Ecological sphere - the adoption of environmental norms and rules, the struggle to improve the environment, environmental activities. Scientists added this area to the list recently in connection with its growing importance for the future of civilization.