
Groundwater reserve assessment. Who estimates groundwater reserves?

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Groundwater reserve assessment. Who estimates groundwater reserves?
Groundwater reserve assessment. Who estimates groundwater reserves?

Video: Groundwater Resource Capacity Estimates in the Barossa PWRA: Approach to Risk and Uncertainty 2024, June

Video: Groundwater Resource Capacity Estimates in the Barossa PWRA: Approach to Risk and Uncertainty 2024, June

In our state, all mineral resources belong to the people, and their use is possible on the basis of a special license. In order to obtain such permission, you will need to first obtain a license for mining. This procedure is preceded by registration, which is based on the assessment.

Assessment of groundwater reserves - comprehensive work that allows you to assess the amount of produced water, its suitability and quality. At this stage, a possible water intake regime is also determined, which will not adversely affect the state of groundwater and the environment.



The work consists of certain activities:

  • collection of archival data, analysis of the hydrogeological conditions of the subsoil in a particular area;

  • analysis of groundwater and environmental characteristics;

  • geophysical exploration;

  • experimental filtration work;

  • water monitoring work.

After collecting all the data, the processing of the received information, field work is carried out. Hydrogeological calculations are done with modeling. In conclusion, a report is formed on the assessment of groundwater reserves.

Categories of groundwater reserves, depending on their degree of knowledge


There are such categories:

  • A - confirms that the water intake has proven operating experience.

  • In - confirms the fact of experimental pumping.

  • C1 - indicates the hydrogeological studies and positive calculated data.

  • C2 - can be assigned to vast areas, without reference to a specific water intake site.

Assessment of groundwater reserves with the assignment of the first two categories gives the right to withdraw in the volumes specified in the report with a license for 25 years.

Category C1 is beneficial for prospective water withdrawal. This means that with the phased introduction of production, category A or B can be considered as the first stage, and C1 - as a reserve for the future. The category is also advantageous in those cases when in a particular area the supplies of water that can be extracted without harming the environment are coming to an end. Although licenses of this category are not issued for long periods (no more than 5 years), but during this time all design and construction work can be carried out. At the end of construction, water withdrawal is subject to revaluation.

Reconnaissance Techniques

Groundwater reserves include several activities. After receiving a positive forecast, the site goes into the category of promising. Exploration work begins, consisting of the steps below.

Preliminary intelligence

At this stage, the features of the site, its geological structure are studied. Quantitative and qualitative assessment is carried out, sources of stock formation are being studied. The most rational scheme for the construction of water intake nodes is substantiated. In fact, the overall location is determined, and it turns out whether it can provide the declared capacity.

Detailed intelligence

They only proceed to the second stage if the site is really promising for industrial use.

Detailed exploration involves determining the category with maximum accuracy and calculating the level of reserves with a prospect for the near future. It is these data that are needed for the design of the VZU. The site is being studied for natural hydrodynamic phenomena (meaning whether there can be landslides and landslides on the site), the size of subsidence soils and the degree of their freezing are measured. The category of drillability also depends on these indicators.


Operational intelligence

This type of work involves a stable industrial development of the site with parallel research:

  • study the possible conditions for the formation of a depression funnel;

  • stationary monitoring on the ground of the level of lowering water is carried out;

  • a qualitative study of water is carried out, how much it changes over a certain period (month, year), a forecast is made for future periods;

  • necessary replenishment measures are planned to protect the water reservoir from depletion, and a number of other measures.

Assessment of operational groundwater reserves is a very important stage in the process of groundwater abstraction. If we compare solid minerals and groundwater, the latter are dynamic in nature, that is, water changes in composition, quality and quantity constantly. There is no way to calculate once the amount of water and all the time to count on a certain amount of water consumption. The magnitude of the outflow and inflow depends on many factors that should constantly be studied and analyzed.

Who estimates groundwater reserves?


At the legislative level, the responsibility for water assessment is assigned to the subsoil user. It is clear that an ordinary person can not independently carry out such work, therefore he turns to organizations involved in such work.

The subsoil user must obtain two licenses:

  • on geological exploration;

  • for the extraction of groundwater.

Licenses must be obtained sequentially. First exploration work and only then mining. Each user of groundwater should understand that regulations require liability for the use of water without a license. The subsoil user is not exempted from the obligation to obtain permits, even if the well was formed 100 years ago or transferred to ownership along with the land. Although the law allows the use of a well without a license, if it only covers the needs of a particular family and is not used on an industrial scale. A well cannot serve as a source of water for several households. In other cases, work must be carried out to assess the groundwater reserves and a license is obtained. If this was not done, the actions fall under the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

What should I look for when choosing a contractor?

To date, many companies offer hydrogeological research services, without even having such employees on their staff. The assessment of groundwater reserves should be carried out exclusively by a specialized specialist, therefore it is better to look for a professional, not an organization. It is best that he has behind him not only a diploma in the specialty "hydrogeology", but also publications in specialized literature. The geologist should have practically implemented projects and approved reports.

It is not recommended to negotiate with managers and even directors of firms. As a rule, they resell orders, and therefore the customer will have to pay twice.

There is still a big risk of contacting a non-core organization and not getting the desired amount of water consumption. This problem, of course, is eliminated when work is carried out on an already completed well and all measures are aimed solely at legitimizing water use.


Why reassess water withdrawal reserves?

Assessment and revaluation of groundwater reserves is a complex geological procedure, the main direction of which is the rational use of existing subsoil. Fresh water is a valuable resource that requires constant protection by humans.

Revaluation of groundwater is not always only economically motivated. In some regions, groundwater is the only source of water supply, so there is no question about the appropriateness of the approach. Revaluation work involves conservation measures of aquifers from degradation and depletion. Constant monitoring of water quality is carried out. The influence of natural and technogenic factors on the degree of its pollution is studied.
