
One is not the ultimate dream: Prince Harry told how his fatherhood changed him

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One is not the ultimate dream: Prince Harry told how his fatherhood changed him
One is not the ultimate dream: Prince Harry told how his fatherhood changed him

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Although Prince Gary and Meghan Markle recently had their firstborn, the newlyweds have been seriously and have long been thinking about how they will raise their large family in the future. Speaking with Dr. Jane Goodall during an interview for British Vogue, Prince Harry told us exactly how many children he wants. This topic came up when he and Goodall were discussing the environment and Harry said that now, as a father, he cares more and more about the conservation of the nature around us.


Interview on environmental issues

So, Goodall has long been known throughout the world for her career in primatology - a science that studies the apes (primates). Although she gained worldwide fame thanks to her work with chimpanzees back in the 60s, in recent years she has turned her attention to preserving the environment and raising awareness about this problem.

He and Harry raised a number of important topics during a conversation with the British Vogue, and their discussion about the current state of our planet, in particular, pushed the prince to a revelation of paternity.


"We are the only species on this planet whose representatives act as if they believe that this planet belongs to them and only to them, " - Harry pointed out the often negligent negative impact of people on the environment. “We are frogs in the water, and it has already been brought to a boil. This is terrible, ”he admitted.


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“It's scary, ” Goodall answered the prince. “Especially since you just became a father.”

Revelation of the prince

Then Harry began to tell how paternity undoubtedly poses the task of preserving the environment more sharply, although this was always what he thought about, "not even having a child, but hoping to have children in the future." Wait a minute! Hoping to have more kids?


"Not too much!" Goodall joked in response to the implied admission. “Maximum two, ” Harry said.

Unfortunately, the prince did not give any further details about when baby Archie can expect a brother or sister. Nevertheless, a two-month-old child has many cousins ​​to play with, and it seems that he and his royal relatives have already begun to get along.