
Cucumber tree - description, types, features of care and growing

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Cucumber tree - description, types, features of care and growing
Cucumber tree - description, types, features of care and growing

Video: What is a Plant? All About Plants for Kids - FreeSchool 2024, June

Video: What is a Plant? All About Plants for Kids - FreeSchool 2024, June

What is a cucumber, with what and how to eat it - each of us knows. We know how a cucumber grows - a herbaceous plant, which is the oldest vegetable crop. But the people of Indonesia can say with confidence - it grows not only on shrubs. The cucumber tree, also called bilimbi, is the most common plant for Indonesians. How are the fruits of this tree similar or distinctive from the usual vegetable culture, we learn from this article.

Bilimbi Cucumber Tree

The bilimbi tree belongs to the Sorrel family (there are also several unrelated species bearing the name of the cucumber tree - dendrosicios and magnolia). In height, it can reach more than 9 meters - starting from one meter from the ground, the trunk branches. The crown of the tree is wide and very rich. The leaves resemble acacia foliage - the same feathery and beautiful.


The flowers of the tree during flowering compare favorably with greenery - bright red, they open up to 5 petals, becoming like stars. In addition, the flowers emit a delicate aroma, which always gathers many different pollinators. Interestingly, the flowers do not bloom on the branches of a tree, but directly on the trunk - cucumber fruits also appear there. They actually resemble ordinary cucumbers, but differ in size - a little longer in length (from the average cucumber fruit) and in diameter. So, in general, we learned what a cucumber tree is.

Sour fruit

Bilimbi fruits are clearly visible among the foliage. Alone, the leaves have a pale green color, but, gathering in one complex sheet, they shade each other with a dark green tone. The unique quality of this tree is its ability to retain moisture in the tissues of the trunk, which helps the plant to survive the most dry times safely. In addition, retained moisture has a positive effect on the abundance of milk juice, which is used for household purposes. The fruits of the cucumber tree grow in clusters - like bananas, although they look more like small zucchini.


The maximum length of the fetus can be no more than 10 centimeters. If you taste it, the first thing you feel is acid, comparable in taste to citric or lime. But seeds in fruits are very rare - from a whole fruit bunch with seeds one or two fruits will fall from the force.

Some interesting facts about bilimbi

We learned above where the cucumber tree grows, but it can be found not only in Indonesia, but also in India, Brazil, Colombia. Bilimbi is widely used in farms. Due to the unique ability to retain moisture for a long time, the tissues of the tree are filled with viscous milky juice, which greatly softens the pulp of the wood. In a particularly dry period, farmers feed the cattle with juicy pulp, which allows them to safely survive difficult times. Another unusual property that a cucumber tree has is its leaves. More precisely, their ability to close at night, again preserving their internal moisture and allowing the fruits to enjoy the night wind and sometimes passing rain. Foliage is revealed with the first rays of the sun, preserving the fruits from excessive sunlight.

The use of bilimbi fruits

Despite the fact that the flesh of the bilimbi fruit is juicy and crisp, they are practically not used fresh for food because of the increased acidity. But as a seasoning, they are suitable for almost any dish. They are generously added when cooking rice, meat, fish, beans, marinades and even soft drinks are ideal.


Jelly turns out to be very tasty, only the fruits must first be punctured in several places and allowed to lie in very salty water to eliminate excess acidity. Bilimbi (cucumber tree) is also known as an ideal supplier of candied fruits. Its cucumber fruits are previously sugared and dried, turning into a delicious sweet-sour delicacy. Moreover, you can eat candied fruits as a part of dishes, or separately. Of great importance is the area where the cucumber tree grows (tree species are directly related to the taste of the fruit). For example, there are those whose taste resembles a mixture of apple and plum, and there are varieties that give the sweetness of grapes. However, not only the fruits are widely applicable in everyday life. Due to the high content of oxalic acid, the fruits are also used for household needs.

What to do with the fruits on the farm

Cucumber tree, or rather its derivatives, is widely used in the household. Special products are prepared from tropical fruits, with the help of which they subsequently bleach fabrics, clean dirty surfaces or rub brass and silver products, which then become completely new, returning their original shine. In perfumery, bilimbi fruits are used as a skin cleaner - their juice is added in the manufacture of soaps.


But for physicians, the cucumber tree is a storehouse of useful ingredients. Bilimbi leaves help cleanse the wound of poison - you only need to attach them to a bitten place. A decoction of leaves or bark is an ideal remedy for cough, joint pain and rheumatism. In medicine, even plant flowers are used - they are an excellent remedy for diarrhea. Many African tribes consider the bilimbi tree sacred, and the most important rites for Aboriginal people are held on the fruits.