
Oksana Bondareva - Ukrainian superstar: biography, interesting facts

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Oksana Bondareva - Ukrainian superstar: biography, interesting facts
Oksana Bondareva - Ukrainian superstar: biography, interesting facts

The new goddess of ballet - this is what the ballerina Oksana Bondareva was called by critics of the United States of America after the premiere of the ballet Flames de Paris (“Flame of Paris”). In the magazine New York times, this girl was dubbed a real revolution - virtuoso, romantic, magical. We offer you an introduction to this prima Mariinsky Theater.


Biography of Oksana Bondareva

The birthplace of the ballerina is the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Oksana was born in 1987. As soon as the girl was four years old, her mother brought her to gymnastics. Until ten years, Bondareva managed to complete the program of the candidate for master of sports. After mom gave Oksana to a choreographic school. This school was not easy - it belonged to the city opera and ballet theater. The ballerina herself later admitted: her legs and ligaments were not suitable for gymnastics, but they were perfect for ballet.

The first year at the ballet school seemed to Oksana Bondareva boring and uninteresting. Everything changed when at the end of the school year she went on stage as part of a class concert. Theater actors, as well as junior and senior students took part in this concert. It was then that the beginning ballerina smelled the scene.


Way to the big stage

In 2002, Oksana Bondareva graduated from a ballet school. By that time, she had danced almost the entire repertoire of the theater. The fact is that the ballet troupe was not powerful enough, and therefore young people were brought to the stage. When Oksana was 13 years old, she stood in the corps de ballet, at 14 she was given the first solo part. In 2002, the girl was accepted into the troupe of the Dnipropetrovsk Theater.

The year 2005 was marked by the fact that Bondareva became a graduate of the Theater and Art College. Then the ballerina became a soloist of the Russian National Ballet named after Sergei Nikolaevich Radchenko. In 2009, the girl was admitted to the Mikhailovsky Theater, which she left in 2014 with the talented dancer Kristina Shapran.

To date, Oksana Bondareva’s repertoire includes solo parts in such ballets as The Sleeping Beauty, Corsair, Don Quixote, Giselle, Swan Lake and many others.



In her conversations with reporters, Oksana Bondareva often talks about those ballerinas who inspire her. For example, in her childhood, she loved to watch a recording with Ekaterina Maximova. Later, the girl met with the works of Lopatkina and Vishneva, Rojo and Cojocaru, DuPont and Osipova.

Often, the source of inspiration is not the performances of ballerinas, but films, music and paintings.

Premiere Preparation

Bondareva also talks about how the preparation for the role goes, how much time it takes. So, the ballerina recalls, right after school she could need about three months in order to prepare for the performance.

Now one month is enough: during this time, the ballerina manages to learn choreography, hone each movement to perfection, read literature, and review the archive of old records of various ballerinas. It is also important to work with musical accompaniment - to imbue with a melody, learn to breathe under it.
