
Olga Martynovskaya: "This victory is my greatest achievement and award"

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Olga Martynovskaya: "This victory is my greatest achievement and award"
Olga Martynovskaya: "This victory is my greatest achievement and award"

The winner of the third season of "Master Chef" Olga Martynovskaya once dreamed of being a restaurant director. She wanted to move measuredly between the tables of the guests and give orders in the kitchen. Olga did not change the dream, but only slightly modified it. Now her goal is to open her own restaurant, where she will already act as a chef. And the first step to the realization of a dream was her participation in the Ukrainian culinary show "Master Chef".

On the origin of culinary talent

Olga Martynovskaya was born and raised in a village in the Nikolaev region (Ukraine) in a family of teachers. The circumstances were such that she had to learn how to cook as a child. When the girl was 14 years old, her mother discovered an oncological disease that required a long treatment. And the kitchen chores fell on the shoulders of the future winner of the “Master Chef”, and one of her duties was to feed her father and brother. Time passed and, fortunately, my mother was able to defeat the disease.

After graduation, Olga entered the Nikolaev Agricultural University at the Faculty of Economics. During her studies at a higher educational institution, the girl several times participated in the student exchange association program of France and Ukraine. There, at a two-month internship, she worked on a farm, was a florist in a flower shop, was engaged in picking grapes on plantations and slowly mastered the language.


Then the decision matured to start studying at a local university at the philological faculty, in which her parents partially helped to pay for her studies, the other part the girl paid for from her own savings. At the same time, the girl worked part time in a pizzeria and in a company providing catering services. There she was interested in cooks recipes and technology of cooked dishes.

Olga recalls that interest in cooking appeared due to the Frenchwoman from whom she rented an apartment. The woman allowed the girl to freely dispose of her kitchen, and she acted as a taster of dishes. The landlady taught Olga Martynovsky the art of making French sauces and let her study her own books. According to Olga, this Frenchwoman also became her teacher in cooking.

Lucky case

After watching the releases of the second season of the Ukrainian culinary show, Olga Martynovskaya wanted to become a participant in it. Fearing misunderstandings from her parents, she secretly filled out a questionnaire for the project. True, she later admitted this and realized that her fear was in vain. On the day when Olga was invited to the podcast "Master Chef 3", she was in France. The good news was told to her through a phone call her parents. The next day, the girl flew to Kiev, and the only thing she took with her was a dish for the casting.

For Olga Martynovskaya, "Master Chef" was an opportunity to stay working in Ukraine, because she was tired of the constant struggle for survival in France. Remembering the casting, the girl claims that her hands did not obey her excitement, and her emotions covered her head. But the judges were able to discern her culinary talent. As a result, she is among the twenty best amateurs in Ukraine.

The future winner of the project went through a difficult path of struggle and tears at the culinary show, although this is not visible when you look at the smiling Olga Martynovskaya in the photo.


The girl learned to put her theoretical knowledge into practice, to combine different tastes. Olga stubbornly went to victory, because her goal is to open a small French restaurant, as well as give her parents a trip to France.

Olga Martynovskaya was remembered by the audience as a girl with an open and radiant smile that never left her face. And on December 25, 2015, the judges announced the winner of Master Chef Olga Martynovskaya. It was an exciting and crucial moment in the life of the girl. From this day in the biography of Olga Martynovskaya begins a new page of success.

Training at Le Cordon Bleu

After winning the third season of Master Chef, Olga Martynovskaya goes to study at the famous culinary academy in France. Knowledge of the language helps a girl a lot in mastering culinary science. And often, she acts as a translator of the words of cook-teachers for her classmates.


However, Olga admits that the learning process at Le Cordon Bleu seemed very measured to her, and sometimes she lacked the adrenaline she felt on the Master Chef project.

About food preferences

Speaking of culinary preferences, Olga does not operate with intricate names, but admits that her mother’s cheesecakes with apples remain her favorite dish. After living a certain time in France, she admires the cooking technology and the tastes of local desserts and sauces.

And she made the biggest culinary discovery for herself by tasting a dish called escargo. This is a gourmet French snail dish served with dry white wine. It was unusual for her that this mollusk has no value in her homeland, and here she is considered a real delicacy. However, having tasted the dish, Olga recognized it as a restaurant.

About marriage and the birth of a child

In November 2015, a significant event took place in the personal life of Olga Martynovskaya: she was getting married. Her chosen one is Ivan Kobets, whom she met while working in one of the restaurants in Kiev. The girl says that next to her husband, she feels more confident, calm and balanced.


And on March 30, 2016, another change occurred in the biography of Olga Martynovskaya. She became a happy mother, giving her husband a daughter, Vera.