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"Wasp" (injury): TTX, species, photo

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"Wasp" (injury): TTX, species, photo
"Wasp" (injury): TTX, species, photo

Video: STUNG by an EXECUTIONER WASP! 2024, July

Video: STUNG by an EXECUTIONER WASP! 2024, July

Already a year in our country you can hear disputes about the prospects of legalizing normal military weapons, which citizens can exercise in practice their right to self-defense. There are no special concessions in this matter. But citizens who really need it can get a Wasp traumatic gun. This injury is widely known not only in our country. He is a fairly popular and reliable weapon of self-defense.

Formidable beauty


Visually, the gun lengthened significantly. Why is this so, because the new Wasp injury, the photo of which is in our article, has not changed in size in any way? It's all about horizontal grooves, due to which the gun began to look much longer. In addition, this same technological solution is designed to somewhat ease the overall weight. The safety clip has also acquired a new and interesting shape. Thanks to this, the Wasp injury began to look much more impressive, and from now on it no longer looks like a simple rocket launcher.

Key system features

The development of this gun was started back in 1997. At that time, research in the field of the creation of civilian weapons of non-lethal action was carried out in depth at the research institute of applied chemistry. Two years later, this gun is mass-produced. Today it is released in the city of Sergiev Posad.

So, the "Wasp" is an injury, the permission to carry which can be obtained by every competent citizen. This can be done in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence. Be sure to provide medical certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist.


This weapon is intended for the implementation of active self-defense, as well as for the supply of sound and light signals in order to attract attention. For these purposes, designers created five types of special cartridges at once, including traumatic, light-sound, aerosol, lighting and signal varieties.

Today, the Wasp (trauma) is not one gun, but a whole platform of legal weapons. It is used by both citizens and some units of power structures. Due to good ergonomics and a built-in laser pointer that effectively illuminates the target, even a poorly trained person can conduct effective shooting. Is there only one “Wasp” (injury) produced? The types of this type of weapon are much more diverse! Here are the main models:

  • PB-2 "Aegis";

  • PB-4 "OCA";

  • PB-4M;

  • PB-4V (GRAU index - 6P56);

  • PB-4-1;

  • PB-4-1ML;

  • PB-4-2.

Today is the fourth generation of these pistols. Perhaps, “Wasp” is a trauma that really has no analogues in world practice both in terms of the number of trunks produced and in effectiveness.

Distinctive features

The fourth generation differs from its predecessors not only in increased caliber, but also in significantly increased power of the ammunition used. Of course, the modification of the cartridges is a very controversial moment, since the owners of the old varieties of these weapons can not use new ammunition.


By the way, if you don’t know why the Wasp trauma doesn’t work, the reason may lie in the fact that you have inadvertently acquired the wrong type of ammunition. Of course, the old cartridges will "hang out" in the chamber of the new pistol, like peas, but sometimes people's imagination is really inexhaustible.

But the increased weight of gunpowder had a very positive effect on the ballistic characteristics of the bullet, which became much more stable in flight, which allows for effective fire at long distances. Thus, the "Wasp" is an injury whose characteristic is closer to real military weapons. Perhaps this is the only adequate means of self-defense available to the citizens of Russia.

The gun is equipped with a block of four barrel barrels. This part is made of light and strong alloys based on aluminum. Since the length of the weapon’s own barrel is extremely small, the ammunition shell is responsible for its elongation. Does this circumstance worsen the maximum distance at which the Wasp injury can be used? Reviews indicate that this is not happening. On the contrary, with the new model of the pistol, the range was significantly increased (we will talk about this later).

What is the new ammunition capable of?

So, the new cartridge is marked 18.5x55TD. The manufacturer reports a significantly increased "combat" qualities. In particular, in terms of stopping power, it is almost completely analogous to the standard Makarov cartridge, but the likelihood of causing serious injury to a person when using it is minimized.

Thus, the "Wasp" (trauma), the performance characteristics of which are constantly improving, even when used for its intended purpose, will protect a person from claims from the lawyers of the attacker. When using something more powerful, such cases are not excluded …



Serious work was carried out in the context of the electronic "filling" used in weapons. Due to the simplification and cheapening of its design, it was possible to significantly increase the overall reliability of the weapon.

But nevertheless, the main changes were made to the traumatic cartridge, into which a steel core was introduced. The stopping effect is caused by a very strong pain effect. It occurs when a heavy bullet, enclosed in a dense rubber shell, hits the target with force. In this case, a person will not receive any damage if there is a distance of at least one meter from the muzzle end. The muzzle energy of the new pistol reaches 93 J, while the old "Wasp" (trauma) gave out only 85 J.

High "field" characteristics of new cartridges

The shank of the bullet is no longer rolled. It was this design technique that made it possible to finally solve the problem of somersault of ammunition in flight. From now on, bullets and gas generators are manufactured separately. Finally, serious work was done in the field of changing the weight distribution of the bullet, which also had a positive effect on the ballistics of the shot.

When shooting at 25 meters, the dispersion diameter is 20 cm, which is an excellent result for this type of weapon. If we compare these results with the Shaman traumatic pistol, it turns out that they are better by about 1.5 times. At the same time, in the Wasp cartridges the bullet is held in the sleeve only due to the elastic stress of the rubber, which significantly increases the accuracy and accuracy of fire.

Tests, reviews shooters

How was the “Wasp” injury shown in real conditions? The test in the "field" proved that the range of the guns really increased significantly. On the contrary, the return has become much more attractive. Experienced shooters say that even a person of average physical condition can hold a gun now.


It is important to note that the sound of shots from these weapons is very loud, which allows you to attract the attention of the police, and the return is relatively small. The latter circumstance is very important for women and poorly trained men.

There are also special cartridges for a flash attack. The sound and flash are so powerful that a person for at least 30 seconds completely loses orientation in space. Visual and auditory sensations recover much longer. More important for hunters, fishermen and tourists is the fact that in specialized stores you can buy specialized signal cartridges containing pyrotechnic elements of several colors. The flight height of the signal element is from 100 to 120 meters. The projectile burns out in at least six seconds.

Weapon Care


In order not to be unarmed at the right time, the gun should be looked after. By the way, how and with what to clean the Osu injury? The manufacturer has good news for the "lazy"! Since this weapon has practically no barrel, after use it is enough to erase a small amount of soot using a soft flannel and a drop of gun grease. Elongated cartridges take over most of the powder burns, which are simply discarded after use.

Installation of accessories

The large (in comparison with previous models) length and the presence of grooves on the side of the weapon for installing additional sights - a characteristic feature of this gun. In addition, it differs in the standard installation of a much more powerful target designator. The size of the safety bracket was noticeably increased while improving its ergonomics.

Due to this, fire can be fired from a weapon, even wearing pre-thick gloves. For our climate, this is an important innovation. Otherwise, there are no significant differences from previous versions of this weapon.

What else characterizes the wasp trauma? The reviews indicate that this weapon can be successfully used in conjunction with the most advanced sights of both imported and domestic production. The arrows claim that due to their use, you can quite confidently hit the target, located at a distance of 30 meters.

Loading process

The frame of the gun is made from a special grade of durable plastic that is resistant to mechanical stress. The barrel unit is connected to the frame using a conventional articulated mechanism. Weapons should only be loaded (!) On one cartridge. To bring the gun to the desired state, it is simply “broken”, as in the case of hunting shotguns. The sleeves in this case partially come out of the chamber due to the action of the spring ejector. Their final extraction is carried out manually. It is easy to pull out used sleeves with minimal effort.