
The main minerals of the Voronezh region and their deposits

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The main minerals of the Voronezh region and their deposits
The main minerals of the Voronezh region and their deposits

Video: Minerals in India 2024, July

Video: Minerals in India 2024, July

Mineral natural resources are the basis for many industries. The economic well-being of the region largely depends on the level of their reserves and diversity. What minerals are mined in the Voronezh region? And where are their largest deposits?

Voronezh region: relief and geology of the region

The distribution and set of mineral resources directly depends on the geological structure of the territory. And the minerals of Russia and the Voronezh region are no exception in this regard.

The relief of the Voronezh region is represented by a raised Central Russian Upland, cut by a dense network of beams and ravines, as well as the Oka-Don Lowland. By the way, large deposits of chalk are referred to the latter. The average height of the region does not exceed 260 meters.

Voronezh region is located within the East European platform, which is represented by a crystalline basement (shield) and sedimentary cover. The first is associated with ore minerals, as well as reserves of granites. The foundation of the platform is exposed (comes to the surface) in the Don River Valley. The sedimentary cover includes large reserves of building materials, as well as coal. The sedimentary cover of the platform consists of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic deposits.

Minerals of the Voronezh region: general description

The following minerals have been identified and are actively being developed within the region:

  • sand;

  • clay;

  • building stone;

  • granite;

  • peat;

  • chalk and others.


Geological surveys on the territory of the Voronezh region showed that copper, mercury, silver, nickel, uranium and even gold ores are present in the local bowels. The Voronezh land is also rich in graphite, phosphorites, molybdenum, and various semiprecious stones.

Non-metallic minerals of the Voronezh region are associated with the sedimentary cover of the platform. These are significant deposits of chalk, refractory and ceramic clay, kaolin, white quartzite and silicon.

To date, about 100 different deposits have been explored in the region. Mining in the Voronezh region is carried out in 55 of them.

Refractory Clays and Limestones

Refractory clay is mined in the Latnensky field, which has been under development for over a hundred years. Over 42, 000 tons of clay make up the total industrial reserves of the Latnensky deposit. The raw materials extracted here are exported to many countries of Europe and Asia. Sandstone is being mined in the same field.

Krivoborsky deposit is a limestone mining center in the Voronezh region. It is located in the Ramonsky district, its reserves are estimated at 21 thousand tons of raw materials. The limestone mined here is of high quality and formed in the Upper Devonian.



Minerals of the Voronezh region are quite diverse. Not the last place here is occupied by granites, as well as various mineral raw materials for the construction industry.

A large granite deposit in the region is Shkurlatovskoye, which has been developed for more than 30 years. It is located near the city of Pavlovsk. Granite mining here is an open-pit method (a quarry works). When it operates and the plant, in which the extracted raw materials are processed. The plant produces granite building materials of fairly high quality, as well as crushed stone and screenings. The total production volume of the complex is up to 8 million m 3 of products annually.


It should be noted that recently another granite deposit was discovered in the region - in the Bogucharsky district. Experts estimate its total reserves at 3.5 thousand tons. This field is already ready for development.

Other areas of granites that are not very deep are also identified. In the future, they can also be mastered.

Raw materials for the cement industry

As you know, cement is the most important building material today. It will be in great demand for a long time. The raw materials for the cement industry are: chalk, clay, marl, as well as limestone. All these minerals are present in the bowels of the Voronezh region. Their development is actively carried out in a large Podgorensky deposit, which is located in the same region of the region.
