
Islands of the Caspian Sea: general information, description, photo

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Islands of the Caspian Sea: general information, description, photo
Islands of the Caspian Sea: general information, description, photo

Video: BLACK SEA & CASPIAN SEA (काला सागर और कैस्पियन सागर ) MAP FULL ANALYSIS LESSON #06 2024, June

Video: BLACK SEA & CASPIAN SEA (काला सागर और कैस्पियन सागर ) MAP FULL ANALYSIS LESSON #06 2024, June

Few people know that in the Caspian Sea there are more than 50 islands of various sizes, the total area of ​​which is about 350 km 2 . Islands are usually located offshore in the Volga delta. It is also known that they are uninhabited. Some of them will be described in the article.

Ashur Ada

This is one of the islands of the Caspian Sea, located near the Iranian coast. It is located in the Gorgan Bay, 23 kilometers from the city itself. The direct road to the island is the port of Bender-Torkemen. It also has a factory where various seafood is processed. There is a lot of sand on Ashur-Ada, and it is not so high above sea level. After the XIX century, as a result of changes in the Caspian Sea, the island became a peninsula.

According to sources, the story of Ashur-Ada is very interesting. According to some reports, in the XIII century the island was called Abeskun, and it was here that the most powerful monarch Ala ad-Din Mohammed was forced to flee because of the damage caused by the Mongol conquest of Central Asia. According to other sources, the island on which the sultan was hiding was considered hidden underground, which means that it could not be Ashur-Ada.

In 1842, Russia transferred the Astrabad station of the Caspian flotilla to this island, since, according to the Turkmanchay treaty, it has every right to do so. Also, several structures were erected here: church, houses. As a result, the island no longer seemed so uninhabited. Meteorological observations even made it possible to establish that the average annual temperature at Ashur-Ad is +17.6 degrees.


Bolshoi Zyudostinsky

It is one of the islands of the Caspian Sea, which belongs to the Astrakhan region.

The shores and places with shallow water are overgrown with kundrak - a type of reeds common in the Volga delta. An irrigation canal has been built in the east and central part of the island. At Bolshoi Zyudostinsky, fisheries such as fishing and the extraction of muskrats (a musky rat from a rodent detachment) are carried out.



This is one of the largest islands of the Caspian Sea. Belongs to the city of Makhachkala (Dagestan). There are many waterfowl in Chechnya. In some places it is overgrown with reeds. The coastline of the island today is about 15 kilometers. It got its name thanks to the Chechen settlement, which at one time occupied the entire territory of the land, right up to the edge of the sea.


Dash Zira

The island of the Caspian Sea, which is part of the Baku archipelago, belongs to Azerbaijan. In ancient times, this island was called Wulf (until 1991). Due to oil pollution, the Dash-Ziri flora is virtually absent. From the animal world, one can distinguish the habitat of sturgeons, seals, and also some species of birds (for example, teal-whistle, laughter).

The island got its modern name from the word of Arabic origin "jazir", which means "island".