
From the lone rebel to the Hollywood legend: iconic images of the ever-young James Dean

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From the lone rebel to the Hollywood legend: iconic images of the ever-young James Dean
From the lone rebel to the Hollywood legend: iconic images of the ever-young James Dean

Video: The Greatest || James Dean || 62 Years On 2024, July

Video: The Greatest || James Dean || 62 Years On 2024, July

The American film actor James Dean, in fact, played only in 3 films that received cult status: “Rebel Without Cause” by N. Ray, “East of Paradise” by E. Kazan, “Giant” by D. Stevens.


Brilliant casting and powerful images instantly made the actor a symbol of freedom, an unquenchable faith in a brighter future, an idol and a model for growing baby boomers.


Unshakable constant in pop culture

Dean's name is actually a common noun. In modern pop culture, this is a certain set of stamps, a collective image of a beautiful young rebel. The idol of young people of the 50-60s of the last century today was proclaimed king of the normcore, for his white T-shirt, bomber jacket and blue "livays".


James Dean was born in early February 1931 in the town of Marion, lost in the vast Indiana, USA. While his father Winton Dean, working as a dental technician, provided for his family, mother Mildred Mary developed the creative abilities of the future star.

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At her insistence, the boy learned to tap dance and play the violin. Unfortunately, when Dean was nine years old, his mother passed away from cancer. The young man became a student at the College of Santa Monica, where he tried to master the basics of law.


But after he abandoned the idea, transferred to the University of California, became a student at Lee Strasberg's studio.
