the culture

From what word did the concept of “hoarse” come from? Hoarse seabass, or hoarse seabass?

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From what word did the concept of “hoarse” come from? Hoarse seabass, or hoarse seabass?
From what word did the concept of “hoarse” come from? Hoarse seabass, or hoarse seabass?

Video: Class #67 2024, July

Video: Class #67 2024, July

Comic characters of films and literary works often speak in a hoarse voice. Hoarse speech with elements of hissing may indicate a catarrhal disease of the respiratory tract, and sometimes directors and writers hint at a bad habit of excessive drinking. In both cases, such a voice, hoarse-hoarse, indicates that the vocal cords are damaged and require treatment. But why is muffled hoarse hissing speech indicated by this word?

Version one, musical

An old Russian wind instrument made from willow bark is called wheezing. This in itself eloquently testifies to the specific timbre of the sound made by this pipe. She has a second name - seposh. The instrument was not used to perform lyrical folk songs, its original purpose was a signal. Sagittarius used it to blow a wake, hang up, a signal to attack or retreat, in general, in the same functional manner as the horn. So what, what is a hoarse sound? Husky is even better, you can’t oversleep under it and it is difficult to confuse it with something else. This tool had some advantages, including ease of manufacture, extremely low cost (you can say, zero), but disadvantages were also found. Firstly, it is fragile. Secondly, willows do not grow everywhere, and if it failed, problems could arise. And thirdly, the same sound. With the reform of the Russian army in the years of Peter the Great, the requirements for the aesthetic side increased, the standards became Europeanized, and the appearance and timbre did not correspond to them. And there is no copper shine, and the signal is somehow hoarse. Hoarse - from the word "seposh". In some ensembles of folk instruments that adhere to ancient traditions, this pipe, however, is used now. It plays musical parts in fragments saturated with humor or expressing deliberate rudeness.


What else can the word hoarse mean

A hoarse person, in the understanding of our distant ancestors, means fierce, and, moreover, hiding his aggressiveness. Such an enemy acts stealthily; he does not want to discover his aggressive nature ahead of time. So he leads a quiet conversation, muffling for the time being a voice breaking in anger, in which cruelty passes through. Villains in films (especially in the old Soviet ones) also sometimes say that. The viewer immediately feels that the screen is a criminal, and any insidious trick can be expected from him.
