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From sneakers to trips to a resort abroad: what was forbidden during the USSR to citizens of different age categories

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From sneakers to trips to a resort abroad: what was forbidden during the USSR to citizens of different age categories
From sneakers to trips to a resort abroad: what was forbidden during the USSR to citizens of different age categories

Video: Eastern Bloc | Wikipedia audio article 2024, July

Video: Eastern Bloc | Wikipedia audio article 2024, July

A person who has access to the knowledge of humanity in his pocket does not think that less than a hundred years ago, life passed according to other laws with severe restrictions: you could not visit a restaurant during working hours, make money by freelance, wear sneakers, a piercing and go abroad on vacation. The violation was punishable by fines and prison. That still was forbidden to citizens of the USSR will be discussed in the article.

Holidays abroad


Departure from the USSR was regarded as treason to the motherland (especially in case of non-return). It was necessary to provide a huge package of documents and go through a number of commissions and interviews. Any little thing could be a reason for refusal. We went to rest in the Crimea or on the Black Sea coast.

During the “thaw” in the early fifties, tensions in international relations subsided, and interest in tourism increased. With the coming to power of N. S. Khrushchev in the framework of foreign policy, the establishment of relations with other countries came first. Tourism is a way to appear in a new role on the world stage.



Fashion came to him in Western Europe in 70-80 years. In the USSR, piercing was prohibited due to inconsistencies with the image of a Soviet citizen and in order to counter the subcultures of the West.

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In the film Assa, the protagonist was jailed for refusing to remove an earring: piercing the ears to wear jewelry was regarded as mutilation by men. The girls were treated more condescendingly.

The negative to the piercing gradually went into the era of perestroika and disappeared after the collapse of the USSR.

Youth hairstyles


The appearance of the first rock bands in Europe led to the emergence of fashion for custom haircuts. In schools, high school students spread rot for the Beatles-style “hair”: problematic students were “handled” at Komsomol meetings, they were encouraged to not stand out from the crowd and have the appearance of a Soviet working person.

The hair below the ears betrayed the guys as hippies, which were equated with loafers. And the attitude to parasites was negative. Special squads from Komsomol members patrolled yards in the evenings in order to suppress gatherings of informals and, at times, forcibly sheared the caught. It was hard to say whether these were specially trained structures, groups of activists or street punks.

Fashion for hairstyles and recordings of performers was censored: records with Beatles or AC / DC songs could be obtained from underground members who illegally brought albums from abroad.

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Short skirts


In the seventies, the USSR came into fashion for them, but in schools they categorically regarded innovation. Sometimes the head teacher or class teacher went with a ruler and measured the length of the skirt. But often it was not a desire to be attractive - it was just that children quickly grew out of school uniforms.

Sneakers at school


These shoes did not fall under strict censorship, but were considered a sign of dudes and hippies, as well as long hair with guys. In schools, shoes were not cut, but they were sent home to change shoes. The exception was physical education lessons.

In the eighties, the attitude to sneakers changed, and children in sports shoes appeared in schools. To this day, some educational institutions have strict requirements for appearance.

Ballpoint pens

If it is clear with piercings, informals, short skirts and sneakers, then what made ballpoint pens angry with the ideologists of communism?

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Pupils were taught calligraphic handwriting with pressure and developed psychomotor abilities. It was possible to achieve this with feathers and ink, but not with pens. Although, there was a negative aspect: ink in the satchels leaked and stained contents and clothes.

Ballpoint pens became popular in the mid-60s, but met fierce resistance in the face of teachers: the task, written not with a pen, was considered incomplete, and the student received a poor grade.

Conservatives reinforced the position with calculations from publications that spoke about the dangers of ballpoint pens: when writing, the muscles of the arms, back and abdomen tighten and breathing is held, which negatively affects the condition of the child. Indeed, in this "mode", students stay for up to 20 minutes. It is believed that when writing with a pen, the frequency of pressure coincides with the heart rate.


It is difficult to say why chewing gum fell under the ban, but in the seventies the product was confiscated by customs as prohibited in the USSR. The reason for lifting the embargo was either the incident in Sokolniki, or the desire to appear in the best possible way to foreigners at the Olympics-80.


On March 10, 1975, after a friendly match, Canadian hockey players threw gum records into the crowd (sponsored by Wrigley). People eager for the news rushed to pick up a curiosity, which led to a stampede. Interested in non-disclosure administrators ordered to turn off the light so that the pictures did not get into the Western press. As a result, 21 people died, and 25 were seriously injured.


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In 1976, the product began to be produced in Rostov-on-Don and Yerevan. Propaganda of the evil influence of chewing gum has abruptly stopped. In the mid-eighties, the company Rot Front took up its release. In the nineties, Western products entered the market: Love Is, Turbo, Laser, Boomer and Cola.

Bodybuilding and karate

It would seem that sport could harm the Soviet Union, because the slogan “Faster, Higher, Stronger” was an element of the national idea. But until the eighties, karate sections were banned, and rocking worked illegally.


The worldview doctrine relied on the development of strength and endurance, and building muscle was equal to breaking the law.

There are many rumors about why karate fell out of favor with the Communist Party: the newspapers wrote that physically strong people who mastered exotic martial arts would join the ranks of criminals, and even gave an example of the beating of a relative of the Moscow City Party Committee by an unknown karate.

In 1989, the first Soviet martial arts association was registered, and the ban was forgotten.

Currency operations

The purchase of a TV, tape recorder, cigarette case, suede jacket was carried out with the permission of the party for coupons. The person who gained access to foreign currency became different: he was equated with a spy or a criminal.


According to article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1960, foreign currency transactions were sentenced to prison for a term of 8 years or death (depending on the severity of the crime). Since 1990, the law has been softened and was finally repealed in 1994.

What else was banned?

In the USSR, young people went to the enterprise immediately after graduation. A well-functioning personnel replacement system worked like clockwork, and employers did not feel the need for workers.

Those who choose an occupation to their liking or those who are outworked from work were equated with parasites. Police raided restaurants during working hours to catch potential truants.

Citizens not working 3-4 months in a row were forced into community service or imprisoned. Modern freelancers would face a bitter fate, as well as current young women living on the principle that “the husband works - the wife is beautiful”.

Parasites were put on a par with bandits and repeat offenders. After being released from prison, they were forbidden to live in a radius of 101 km from a large city.