
From Moscow to Porto: 32 of the most interesting, fun and happy cities in the world

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From Moscow to Porto: 32 of the most interesting, fun and happy cities in the world
From Moscow to Porto: 32 of the most interesting, fun and happy cities in the world

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In 2017, another sociological study was conducted, in which more than 15 thousand people were interviewed in 32 large cities in different parts of the world. According to its results, the "Urban Life Index" was calculated. It includes ratings from various categories, such as the cultural life of the city, food, transport, infrastructure, accessibility, friendliness and happiness of local residents. In our article we will talk about 32 cities that are in the ranking of the friendliest and happiest on the planet.

Istanbul, Turkey (index - 87.1 points)


The inhabitants of Istanbul are proud of their unique city, in which European and Asian cultures harmoniously coexist for a long period. However, only half of the citizens answered the question if they considered themselves happy at least once during the last 24 hours.

Singapore (98.7)


Despite the fact that Singapore can not boast of high marks for cultural life, it is among the cities leading in the field of security. Here you can safely walk at night without fear of hooligans or robbers.

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Boston, United States (103.7)


This American city cannot be called very affordable, much less absolutely safe. Nevertheless, locals, distinguished by their friendliness, consider themselves quite happy.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (105.3)


The index of this world-famous resort city could be much higher if it were not for the long working hours (an average of 46 hours per week), as well as the high cost of housing. The average price for a hotel room is about $ 170 per night.

Sydney, Australia (106.1)

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Despite the high unemployment rate and the lack of good restaurants, the inhabitants of the Australian city live a full life and feel happy. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they use vodka the most in the world.

Miami United States (107.9)


The terrible level of local public transport is almost completely offset by excellent restaurants and amazing beaches.

Hong Kong, China (109.6)


Unlike Miami, Hong Kong is famous for its public transport. This factor, as well as the availability of good catering establishments, contributed to the city getting a high index of happiness.

Moscow, Russia (110.2)



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Despite the fact that even native Muscovites do not consider their city friendly, they compensate for this with the richness and diversity of its nightlife. Also, the Russian capital is famous for the fact that office novels are most often found in the world here.

Bangkok, Thailand (111.0)


According to a survey, the capital of Thailand became the first in the world in terms of street food. In addition, local residents willingly visit good restaurants, of which there are a huge number. Various entertainments in the city only give residents happiness.

Washington, USA (111.3)


The American capital is famous all over the world as a place where it is easiest to meet new friends or meet your soulmate. But at the same time, not all locals can make many friends.

Beijing, China (113.0)


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The city attracts tourists with its fascinating sights and cultural life. But due to Beijing’s sheer size, local residents have to get to and from work in crowded public transport for several hours a day.

Zurich, Switzerland (115.3)


Zurich residents are famous for their love of a healthy and active lifestyle. They do more sports than people in any other city on our list.

Los Angeles, USA (116.8)


Despite the high cultural level of the city and the abundance of good restaurants, local residents complain that in Los Angeles it is difficult not only to make friends with new people, but simply to meet them.

Tokyo, Japan (117.7)


One of the reasons for the high index of happiness of the residents of the Japanese capital is their love of local cuisine. They are the world record holders for visiting restaurants.

Berlin, Germany (119.2)


Locals are considered one of the friendliest in the world. At the same time, the restaurants of Berlin are very rarely crowded, as the townspeople prefer to eat at home.

San Francisco, USA (119.4)


Locals consider their city noisy and fun, but they like it about it. The happiness index could have been larger, but the townspeople rated Security in San Francisco rather low.

Shanghai, China (119.5)


Despite the fact that in Shanghai it is difficult to meet true love, almost 80% of the respondents say that it is very easy to get to know people here for a freer relationship.

Mexico City, Mexico (121.2)


Oddly enough, but the people of Mexico are the most cultured in the world. They most often go to theaters, galleries and museums.

Paris, France (124.9)


According to the study, Paris is not in vain considered the world capital of love. More than 80% of the residents surveyed said they were having regular sex life. Paris is also famous for its cultural life, and is also among the leaders in the amount of alcohol consumed by the local population.

Austin, United States (125.3)


This city in the US state of Texas is considered the best place to listen to live music. Local residents also note a high level of public transport and the availability of the entire city.

Tel Aviv, Israel (125.8)


This city is famous for its excellent cuisine and relaxed atmosphere. It is very easy to make new friends here, and local residents work almost the least in the world - an average of 27 hours a week.

Edinburgh, Scotland (128.2)


Locals are not used to denying pleasures. They often drink alcohol. On average, they suffer from a hangover every two weeks.

Barcelona, ​​Spain (128.4)


By the level of culture of its inhabitants, Barcelona is second only to Mexico City. In addition, local restaurants are very rarely unfilled.

Philadelphia, USA (129.2)


Inhabitants of Philadelphia consider their city the most affordable in the world, and also consider it very pleasant for life.

Lisbon, Portugal (130.2)


The local population spends a lot of time with all families in restaurants. It is also believed that in Lisbon it is easy to meet new friends and find love.

Manchester, England (130.9)


The local population is famous for its cheerful disposition and love for drinks. In the first place among them is tea, without which a very rare resident of Manchester can do more than a day.

Madrid, Spain (131.1)


The Spanish capital is famous for its culture and excellent cuisine. Not surprisingly, locals are considered one of the biggest gluttons in the world.

London, England (131.4)


The local population does not like to stay at home. People try to visit theaters, museums or restaurants. From the first place in the index of happiness, London is moved away by the small friendliness of its citizens and poor transport accessibility.

Melbourne, Australia (132.3)


According to a survey, 90% of Melbourne residents over the past 24 hours have constantly felt happy. They love their city for good and healthy food, and also because it is easy to make friends with new people here.

New York, USA (134.6)


The American metropolis is in the top three cities with the happiest population due to the best nightlife in the world, as well as a high cultural level. The only drawback of New York is that, like in Washington, it is not easy to make new friends here.

Porto, Portugal (137.9)

Locals say they are proud of their city (in the main photo) because here they can be themselves. And local nightclubs are crowded almost every day.