
Outdoor pool "The Seagull", Moscow: description, features, services, contacts and reviews

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Outdoor pool "The Seagull", Moscow: description, features, services, contacts and reviews
Outdoor pool "The Seagull", Moscow: description, features, services, contacts and reviews

Unfortunately, a resident of a large metropolis has the opportunity to go outdoors and swim in the river or on the lake. In the summer, in the heat, everyone wants to plunge into the cool water. A good way out of this situation can be a visit to the pool. In large cities, complexes designed for swimming, often there are several pieces. Of course, Moscow is no exception in this regard. There are many complexes open for free access by swimming enthusiasts. And one of the best, according to many guests and residents of the capital, is the Chaika pool. In Moscow, this outdoor activity center is really very popular.

general description

There is an outdoor pool "The Seagull" in Turchaninov Lane - that is, almost in the very center of the city. Convenient location - this, of course, is why the complex first of all earned good reviews from its visitors. The main service that this active recreation center provides is swimming. However, the pool is also part of the whole sports complex. In addition to swimming bowls, there are several gyms, a medical room, baths, saunas (cascade and German), a tennis court and mini-golf. Water enthusiasts can also visit the beauty salon. A treadmill runs through the complex.


History of the center

The Seagull pool was built in Moscow in 1957 for the World Festival of Youth and Students. He became a favorite venue for sports activities for guests and residents of the capital already in the 60-70s of the last century. In Soviet times, this complex was visited not only by ordinary citizens. It was in the Chaika pool that the competitions of the USSR national teams in water polo, diving and synchronized swimming were held.

Today, various kinds of famous people often come to the Seagull pool - popular actors, musicians, and athletes. Despite the high cost of a subscription, this complex is very popular among ordinary residents of the capital and its guests.

Number of bowls

There are two adult pools in the Chaika complex. One of them is intended including for diving. The maximum depth of this pool is 5 meters. Its length is 25 meters. Visitors can swim in one of eight lanes.

The second bowl has a depth of 3 meters. This pool is designed exclusively for swimming. This bowl is 50 meters long. There are also 8 tracks.

In addition to the adult pools, the Chaika complex also has two paddling pools for children. The depth of these bowls is 1 meter. Water in all pools of the complex is chlorinated.


Working hours

The schedule in the Chaika pool in Moscow is very convenient. Despite the fact that it is open, you can visit it both in summer and in winter. In the morning, swimming enthusiasts take the complex on weekdays very early - from 7 o’clock. The center ends its work at 11 o’clock in the evening. The same schedule is provided here on Saturday. On Sunday, the pool is open from 8:00 to 21:00. The time of the sessions themselves for swimming lovers in this complex is not limited.

The Seagull pool in Moscow: price per visit

There is no fixed subscription price in the Seagull pool. The complex adheres to pricing policy as flexible as possible. The center provides an extensive system of discounts for the disabled, children, students, senior citizens.

Many swimming enthusiasts purchase one-time subscriptions in the outdoor Chaika pool (Moscow). It is actually very convenient. After all, you can come to the complex and swim in this case at any time. But for sale in the center, of course, and long-term subscriptions. For example, those who wish can purchase a pass ticket for 1, 3 or 12 months here. The Chaika pool also offers guests and residents of Moscow cards: full-time and full-day. You can purchase club membership at this center. The holder of such a card gets the opportunity not only to visit the pool, but also to use other services of the complex. Of course, season tickets for children are also sold at the box office.

A single visit to the Chaika pool for ordinary citizens costs 1, 200 r. in 2 hours. You can also take a subscription to stay in the complex all day. In this case, you will need to pay 2, 000 p. The club card of the complex costs from 6 000 r. The price for an adult annual subscription is 63 thousand rubles.


Persons with disabilities and senior citizens in the center may receive discounts from 20 to 90%. The same applies to combatants and the Second World War. For a child, you can buy a card for a month for 4, 200 rubles, for 90 days for 11 thousand rubles. or for a year - for 30 thousand rubles.

Some people also have the opportunity to visit the Chaika pool in Moscow on special offer. For example, if a swimming enthusiast brings a friend who has never been involved in this center to this center, he will be given a discount on a club card of 15%. You can bring as many acquaintances as you like.


In addition to the usual free swimming, the Chaika complex offers its visitors several more services:

  • private swimming lessons with adults and children;

  • Wellness swimming.

Also in the center are sections of water aerobics and water polo. Periodically, diving groups are recruited in the pool. Works on the territory of the complex and a kids club.


Positive reviews about the pool

The visitors of the Seagull complex, as already mentioned, primarily attribute their convenient location. Also, the guests and residents of the capital consider the modern design of the pools and rooms a plus of this center. Swimming and wellness sessions at this center are held in designated areas. And therefore, lovers just swim in the pool here does not interfere. Many Muscovites and guests of the capital consider Seagull a real salvation in the summer after the closing of the Moscow complex.

Also, the advantages of the center include the possibility of obtaining a medical certificate on the spot. This service costs in the Seagull pool in Moscow is relatively inexpensive - about 350 rubles per month. Very good reviews about the complex are also available for those people who come here in the morning - before work. A clock hangs above the bowl of a large pool in the complex. Therefore, floating does not have to go out of the water to find out the time. Another advantage of the complex, many consider the presence of a beach area in the summer. Visitors have the opportunity not only to swim in the pool, but also to sunbathe.


Negative reviews

By the cons of the Chaika pool, most visitors consider the service level not too high. According to many swimming enthusiasts, the staff of the complex, unfortunately, still retains the “shoveling” traditions of service. For example, the center’s cloakroom manager may not do your things very carefully. Most pool staff are not particularly polite with visitors. Sometimes employees of the complex even look down on swimming enthusiasts.

Many consider rather close locker rooms to be some drawback of the complex. In addition, lockers for clothes in this center are often, unfortunately, broken. Also, to the minuses of the complex, many guests and residents of the capital attribute the absence of curtains in the showers. Visitors have to swim in front of the pool and after it in front of everyone. Shelves for soap in shower complexes are often broken.

Also, many visitors express the wish of the administration to divide the lanes in the pools into regular and high-speed. An experienced swimmer in the water, for example, may inadvertently run into a slow-moving beginner.


Of course, I earned not too good reviews from visitors and not particularly low prices outdoor pool "The Seagull" reviews. Many people find it simply impossible to rest here.

The staff of the complex, according to many visitors, pour too much into the water. Unfortunately, cases of theft in the locker rooms of the center were also recorded. Experienced outdoor enthusiasts advise you not to take especially valuable things to the Seagull pool.