
The animated cartoon. The story of the transformation of the appearance of the Swedes Pixie Fox

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The animated cartoon. The story of the transformation of the appearance of the Swedes Pixie Fox
The animated cartoon. The story of the transformation of the appearance of the Swedes Pixie Fox

Video: Custom-eyes: Pixee Fox Has Permanent ‘Cartoon’ Eyes Fitted For $6,000 2024, July

Video: Custom-eyes: Pixee Fox Has Permanent ‘Cartoon’ Eyes Fitted For $6,000 2024, July

In the age of innovative plastic surgery, few people can be surprised with enlarged breasts or puffy lips. But some people still manage to do it. The pixie fox transformation story from Sweden proves that cartoon characters can become real. Read about the extraordinary reincarnation of an ordinary Swedish girl in our article today.

The boring life of a mid-level engineer

The Pixie story began quite standardly. The future star was born and raised in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. Her family was considered quite prosperous. Parents spoiled her daughter and tried to give her all the best. But, apparently, for some reason, complexes regarding her appearance settled in the soul of little Pixie. Having matured, the girl graduated from the university in her native city and got a job as an engineer. However, by her own admission, she really lacked emotions in the boring and measured life of an employee. Then she decided to drastically change her life and, having left her home and career, she moved to the USA.

The dream of glory and first operations

Since Pixie Fox always considered her appearance mediocre, she had long hatched a plan for some operations to change it. At 26, the girl decided that this time had come, and began her reincarnation. As an example to follow, she chose a character from the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Pixie really liked the red-haired painted by Jessica Rabbit.


She decided to become her by contacting the plastic surgery clinic. It is noteworthy that the Swede described her every step on her blog and reinforced his photo.

As for work, now Pixie Fox did not want to work for a penny in a small company. She wanted more. Much more. Therefore, after the first transformation operations, she decided to become a show-woman and began to appear regularly at various events and in the shooting of talk shows. Pixie was also fond of pole dancing. Thus, according to Fox herself, she drove away her complexes and finally became herself a real one.

First plastic surgery

2009 was a turning point for Pixie. Then she did the first plastic surgery in her life. The girl, aspiring to become a copy of Jessica Rabbit, removed the ribs. After a complex operation, her waist narrowed noticeably and finally came close to the intended ideal that Pixie had been walking for so long. However, now she has to wear a special supportive corset every day. After all, after removing the ribs, some organs became very vulnerable.


After a successful operation, the model decided to compete for the title of woman with the thinnest waist to get into the Guinness Book of Records. To do this, she will need to pull the corset to about 35 cm. Today, the Swede's waist is 40 cm.

Further manipulations with the appearance

The next items on the list of necessary operations to change the appearance were breast augmentation and nose shape change. Pixie Fox also did not think about the bust for a long time and at the first visit to the consultation with a plastic surgeon told him that she wanted size 6. The girl decided to make the nose small and slightly upturned. Overall similar to the nose of her cartoon idol.

When Pixie Fox was discharged from the hospital, a new plan for the next operation was already ripe in her head. She changed the shape of the auricles, enlarged her lips, corrected her cheekbones, and also made a circular lift.


The girl did not stop dreaming about fame. And in the end, after going through dozens of operations, Pixie Fox got it. They began to recognize the Swedish on the streets and increasingly call on TV programs with a request to share their experiences. What she happily did.

Eye color change

The most unusual, even by today's standards, was the most difficult operation to change eye color. What did not suit Pixie in her native shade, one can only guess. But the girl dreamed of becoming the owner of turquoise eyes. However, an obstacle was waiting for her to achieve this dream. It turned out that neither in the USA nor in his native Sweden there was a surgeon who would take up the implantation of implants of the right color in the eyes. Therefore, without thinking twice, the girl went to India. Local doctors carry out similar operations to all interested foreigners. In the photo, Pixie Fox before and after plastics.


Arriving in India, Pixie shared with her followers photos and plans for the coming week. But her subscribers disapproved of such an undertaking and began to dissuade the Swede from the upcoming implantation. Only Pixie could not be stopped, and she did what she intended. The "new" turquoise eyes looked like a girl wearing colored lenses.