
"Boy" Anastasia Yavorskaya: biography. Life after the TV show

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"Boy" Anastasia Yavorskaya: biography. Life after the TV show
"Boy" Anastasia Yavorskaya: biography. Life after the TV show

For two consecutive seasons, Russian viewers have been watching the “Patsanka” TV show. "Lady's School" opened recently, but has already helped many girls to change their destiny. Participants in this reality were young girls, whom it is difficult to call girls. Unmotivated outbursts of aggression, regular scandals with loved ones, endless swings … All this bothered the boys, so they came to the project. Today we will get acquainted with Nastya Yavorskaya - a participant in the first season of "Boy".

Anastasia Yavorskaya: biography before the "Boys"

Nastya is an unwanted child. She was born into a family of criminal authority, which, incidentally, escaped immediately after the birth of the baby. The girl’s mother, the most ordinary young girl, realizing that she was pregnant, tried in various ways to get rid of the unborn child. All her attempts were unsuccessful, and therefore she transferred the newborn Nastya to the education of her mother.


The appearance of Anastasia Yavorskaya absolutely matches the image of the little girl. Massive boots, khaki pants, sports T-shirts and jackets - this was the first time that the viewers of the television project saw the girl. But relatives of Nastya say that she was not always like that. Once Anastasia wore puffy dresses and high heel shoes, and used makeup. Moreover, in her childhood she was engaged in ballroom dancing. Of course, looking at Nastya, it’s hard to believe it, because the girl’s physique is not quite suitable for such an occupation. Yavorskaya did not become a ballerina - she had to leave the dance studio after a serious conflict with the director.

After dancing Anastasia Yavorskaya became interested in sports. Kickboxing helped to become a confident girl. It is worth saying that doctors categorically forbade Nastya this sport because of heart disease, but is it possible to stop a real kid? Classes in this harsh sport led to the fact that the girl began to solve all conflicts with the help of brute physical force, and her fist was the main argument in all disputes. The strength and courage of Anastasia helped her gain respect in a fan party, but no one is in a hurry to establish a romantic relationship with her.

Participation in a television project

Anastasia Yavorskaya made the decision to send the questionnaire to the "Patsanka" project spontaneously - she just saw the advertisement. The girl was supported by all her friends, because they were convinced that she was a real kid.


Anastasia came to reality the very last, when the other boys had already decided on their likes and dislikes. The appearance of an unexpected guest led to the fact that the participants of the television project for some time forgot about the former disagreements and united against Nastya. But this did not prevent the new kid from finding real friends on the project - Anya and Leroux.

For an incredibly short time, Anastasia Yavorskaya was able to change. The girl reached the finals. Although she did not become a winner, this project brought her many benefits. Thanks to her participation in “Boys”, Nastya became more feminine, got rid of bad habits, and learned to resolve controversial issues without resorting to force. And she was able to establish relations with her mother, with whom she had not communicated for more than 20 years. By the way, in the "School of Lady" the girl wrote the song "Candle", which has become quite popular.
