women's issues

A fallen woman is A woman with low social responsibility. Walking woman

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A fallen woman is A woman with low social responsibility. Walking woman
A fallen woman is A woman with low social responsibility. Walking woman

Video: Fourteen Weddings and a Divorce 2024, June

Video: Fourteen Weddings and a Divorce 2024, June

This expression has not yet lost its relevance, although it can be heard less and less in everyday life. More often it is replaced with the word "prostitute." But this is not entirely correct, since a fallen woman is not only a priestess of love. Today you will find out to whom such treatment applies, what it means.

There is a difference

In Europe, a fallen woman is a drug addict, an emigrant, a victim of violence. But if we turn to Russian history, then such an epithet was "awarded" mainly to ladies who were not particularly picky in choosing sexual partners. And it could be a woman who had several official marriages. In Soviet times, this was condemned by the party and people. The real communist had to marry once and bear this cross all her life, even if the marriage was not very successful. The exception was artists: they could be forgiven for some frivolity in this matter, since creative people are different from ordinary people.



The first mention of female harlots in the Old Testament is interesting. Jacob's daughter traveled to foreign lands and attracted the attention of the son of the prince of Sihem. He dishonored Dina, but later asked the girl’s hands for her father. The unfortunate brothers reacted sharply and stated that their sister was not a harlot to do this to her. Consent for marriage was obtained, but the prince had to agree: all the men in the city were circumcised.

Jesus Christ spoke of the fact that harlots go to the kingdom of God ahead of everyone. Another fallen woman is Tamar. A girl who sold her services for a kid. Rembrandt even captured this scene in the picture. It is known that the ancient Israeli society even protected harlots, but ministers of the churches were forbidden to take them as spouses.


Walking woman

As a rule, this is a lady who is not bound by marriage and regularly changing men. She is free from obligations and not weighed down by moral values. Can you call her a fallen woman? It depends on in what society this person revolves. If it is at the bottom step of the social strata, then such an expression may be applicable. But to call a pop star or a famous actress like that, no one turns their tongue. Although there is no particular difference in behavior between them, a huge chasm in terms of social status changes everything. A walking woman can be both a legal spouse and a mother of a large family. It all depends on the nature and upbringing of the woman.


Girls with low social responsibility

It is not necessary to engage in prostitution in order to get such an offensive nickname. Girls who have grown up in dysfunctional families often have a poor understanding of morality. Such scenes took place before their eyes that by the time of maturity they did not consider it necessary to look for a permanent partner. They do not take money for their services, they simply give with their bodies all who show interest.

The result of such a life is addiction to alcohol or drug addiction. Then, from a simple frivolous person, the girl turns into a full-fledged prostitute. For a dose or a bottle, she is ready to trade in the body, but now it is already considered work, and not a means to get pleasure. Among the marginals there are plenty of such people: in any brothel there is such a fallen woman who provides her intimate services in exchange for the right drug.


Escort girls

These ladies can also be called fallen, but they are at the highest level. They also sell their bodies, but not to hucksters or the working class, but to the richest men. Moreover, there are cases when such elite prostitutes became the wives of their customers. But still, in most cases, they remain only girls who can accompany to any event and provide intimate services. Their work is paid very high, but money cannot wash away the stigma of a fallen woman, which they will wear for the rest of their lives. They are also considered girls with low social responsibility, although they can ride in this case on prime cars.


Prostitution is the largest niche in which every woman is considered fallen. Although this is one of the oldest professions, it is still considered the most shameful. Prostitutes are not respected; they have no rights. For their hard and thankless work they can get a term. This profession has no age. Prostitutes can be girls of 14 years old, and women over 60.


Why do girls become prostitutes?

It would seem that there are no pluses from this method of earning, and there are more and more fallen women! To trade your body on the street is driven by both need and lack of demand. Often, after graduating from a university, girls cannot find work. This is especially true for those who come from small towns and villages. There is no desire to return to the wilderness, and it’s very difficult to get settled in a megalopolis. The girl decides to earn extra money with her own body until she has the chance to find a real good job. However, few manage to escape from the vicious circle.

For those unlucky who fail the exams, the path to the muddles is getting even shorter. They remain in a strange city in the hope of trying their luck in a year. Without a profession and livelihood, girls are forced to go to the panel.
