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Monument to Ivan the Terrible: description, history and interesting facts

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Monument to Ivan the Terrible: description, history and interesting facts
Monument to Ivan the Terrible: description, history and interesting facts

Video: Ivan the Terrible - the first Russian tsar I IT'S HISTORY 2024, July

Video: Ivan the Terrible - the first Russian tsar I IT'S HISTORY 2024, July

Ivan the Terrible is a rather controversial person in the history of our state. On the one hand, it is a competent ruler, a visionary strategist, a smart politician and a talented publicist. On the other, a woman-hater, a tyrant and a murderer. Until now, the personality of Ivan IV was captured only on the canvases and sculptures of prominent artists. But a few years ago the idea arose to erect monuments to Ivan the Terrible in Russia. What came of this, we learn further.


The face of Ivan the Terrible

From written sources that have survived to this day, one cannot judge the appearance of the first Russian Tsar. They speak only about common features - high growth, deep-set eyes and a stately figure. We all remember the decrepit old man from the picture of Vasnetsov "Ivan the Terrible kills his son." But so he seemed to the artist at the end of his life, and this image has nothing to do with the real ruler.

The State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg holds a bronze sculpture of Ivan the Terrible, made by the artist Mark Matveevich Antakolsky. It is made very accurately from the descriptions that were known at the end of the 19th century. The monument to Ivan the Terrible should be very accurate, otherwise how to convey to the descendants the importance of this historical image?


Only in the middle of the twentieth century, the scientist M. M. Gerasimov restored an exact copy of the ruler’s face from the opened remains.


The first idea of ​​building a monument

In the city of Lyubimov, Yaroslavl region, the idea arose to erect the first monument to Ivan the Terrible. His story is deplorable. In 2005, local authorities were ready to implement the project plan and approve the costs, as the archbishop of the Yaroslavl region intervened. He appealed to the prosecutor and the federal inspectorate with a request to prevent the erection of the monument, since the image of Ivan the Terrible is associated with aggression and harshness among residents and may affect the aggravation of the criminal situation. Why residents of a small town, contemplating the first Russian Tsar, will kill and rape more, is unknown. But the top management was afraid of such consequences, and the project was frozen.

Have you ever wondered why so far there has not been a single monument to the great king? Why is the installation of a monument to Ivan the Terrible in Russia - an idea that arose just a few years ago? And discussions on this subject do not stop. One half of the community wants to see the appearance of the first king, and the other expresses its categorical "no."

Ivan the Terrible and the monument "Millennium of Russia"

One of the most frequently asked questions in Veliky Novgorod: why is Ivan the Terrible on the Millennium of Russia monument? Indeed, this sculpture is the embodiment of all the greatness that the mighty Russian Empire has achieved. The figures of different eras are depicted here: great kings, scientists, enlighteners, writers, military figures and heroes. Doesn’t Ivan the Terrible deserve to be on a par with them? Even more surprisingly, the father of Ivan IV - Ivan III is on the monument. The answer to these questions lies in the events that took place in 1570.


Novgorod and the oprichnina

In 1569, a group of people from Novgorod, led by Gryazny and Skuratov, were preparing a grandiose intrigue against the tsar, whose purpose was to remove him from the throne. The time of the reign of Grozny was vague, everywhere - conspiracy and attempted murder. The king also learned about this. But he did not immediately begin to execute the guilty, but he personally went to Novgorod and arranged a “royal court”, the victims of which were all the noble people of the city. The king executed in public both the instigators and all who were involved in this. Moreover, the methods of murder were very sadistic, women, children and the elderly suffered. The anger of the king fell not only on Veliky Novgorod, but also on the monasteries surrounding the city. Bacchanalia lasted a long six weeks. During this time, the city became impoverished. It has lost its former importance as a center of commercial and cultural life. After these tragic events, Novgorod will never become the same Great and will never forgive its king for countless murders.

Can the cruelty of the king be justified?

No matter what good Grozny does, people will always remember only the bad. Such is the essence of the human person. Why does no one remember that thanks to Grozny, sovereignty remained, because if it weren’t for his firm hand, the country would have gotten bogged down in internecine wars or would have been plundered by powerful neighbors? If not for his reforms and military victories, there would have been no prosperity in subsequent years. But all the few achievements faded in the memory of those who were his contemporaries, and those who covered historical events.


Let's remember what time the king ruled. It was the dark Middle Ages, rebellions broke out all over the country, bringing devastation and poverty. Mother and first wife were poisoned, the sovereign himself survived several attempts at assassination. Ivan the Terrible had to fight by aggressive methods, because only then could the people be subdued. At least 10 thousand Russian citizens became victims of cruelty. But one cannot judge this without knowing the real situation of that time. Was there a choice? Probably not, especially if you analyze the activities of some other kings of other countries, who ruled around the same time.

European experience

In Europe, in the mid-16th century, times were no better. The Bartholomew’s Night alone was remembered by posterity as an example of cruelty and causeless violence. The organizers of the terrible execution were the French king Charles IX and his mother Catherine de Medici. They ordered the infidels to be burned and killed right in their homes, in the middle of the night. On this terrible day, 30 thousand people died, and this is several times more than was killed by Ivan the Terrible during the ten years of his reign.

The peasant uprising in Germany in the years 1524-1526 claimed the lives of more than 100 thousand people. The Dutch Duke of Alba ordered the same execution, and most of the survivors were simply driven out of the country. So the acts of Grozny against this background do not look so scary.

Ivan the Terrible and the city of Oryol

This year, the city on the Oka celebrates its 450th anniversary. In 1566, by order of Ivan the Terrible, the first stone was laid here, which marked the birth of a small settlement, from which a beautiful and clean city grew. In honor of this event, local activists proposed to erect a monument to Ivan the Terrible in Orel. According to authorities, the money for the monument was donated by local entrepreneurs, and not a penny was spent from the budget.


The new monument was to be opened on August 3, 2016 during the celebration of the Day of the city of Orel. But the residents staged a real picket, and the event was postponed to September 16. The project of the monument to Ivan the Terrible in Orel was supported by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The governor, enlisting the support of such a high face, entrusted the work of six sculptors.

Ivan the Terrible counted 155 cities founded by him. This is not only Oryol, but also such large settlements as Ufa and Cheboksary. And you need to remember this. This was openly stated by the patriarch, who had long planned to perpetuate the memory of the first king in bronze.

Discussions about the monument to Ivan the Terrible

Many residents are seriously arguing about why the Eagle monument to Ivan the Terrible. Activists of the local theater spoke out against him (on the square near the palace of culture, the appearance of the tsar should rise), liberals from the local Yabloko party, as well as the US Air Force channel. Like-minded people united in groups, created communities in social networks, inciting people. The governor is doing his utmost to resolve the issue, emphasizing that in this way tribute is paid to Ivan the Terrible as a historical person, the founder of the city, and not a bloody rapist. Perhaps this monument in Orel will be the first, but waiting for the monument to Ivan the Terrible to appear in Moscow is not necessary.


Monument in Vladimir

According to authorities of the Vladimir region, on August 6, 2016, a stone was laid for the installation of another monument to Ivan the Terrible. It will be located opposite his residence in the Alexander settlement, in the Vladimir region. The three-meter monument project is already being created by Vasily Selivanov and will be ready by November. The opening is planned to be held on National Unity Day.
