
Monument to Pushkin (Perm): description, history and interesting facts

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Monument to Pushkin (Perm): description, history and interesting facts
Monument to Pushkin (Perm): description, history and interesting facts

Video: kōdānubhavam_nācchiyār_thirumozhi_part_04 2024, June

Video: kōdānubhavam_nācchiyār_thirumozhi_part_04 2024, June

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is a great poet, his works were appreciated during his lifetime, and are still popular. The school curriculum has a separate item on the study of the life and works of the poet. On their basis, many films and fairy tales were shot, and the collection of Pushkin's works is a good gift for both a child and an adult who is fond of poetry. In all cities of Russia and in many beyond its borders there is an erected monument to Pushkin. Perm is no exception.

Monument to the poet in Perm

Perm residents often walk in the square, where a monument to Alexander Sergeyevich is installed. All tourists should visit this square upon arrival in Perm. On which street is a monument to Pushkin, in which of the squares? This place is located on Siberian street. It is necessary to focus on the building of the Noble Assembly, it is to him that the monument is closest. A.S. Pushkin in Perm, or rather his monument was erected on the sixth of June one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three years - the poet’s birthday. Since then, the sixth of June is the date of the meeting of poetry connoisseurs in the square, where the monument to Pushkin is located. Perm is worth visiting on this day.


Attempts to install a monument in Perm earlier

In the ninety-third year, a monument was finally erected to the poet. But until that date, many times they tried to establish a monument to Pushkin A.S. Perm is now famous for these stories. The first initiative to erect a monument came from the city administration in the eightieth year of the twentieth century. In nineteen eighty-third, the monument to A.S. Pushkin, Perm, did not find funds in the budget for its installation. Thus, the monument found shelter at the Motorostroitel factory, where it lay in mud and dust for many years, forgotten by all the initiators. Not long before the hundred and eighty-fifth anniversary of the poet's birth, a monument was found by workers who put things in order on the outskirts of the plant. They took it out, cleaned it and washed it, handed it over to the authorities. But it was never installed. In the fall of the nineties, members of the poetry club Alexander Sergeevich came to the administration with a request to erect a monument. Two years later, they began to create the foundation in order to erect a monument to Pushkin. Perm finally saw him in June of the ninety-third year.


The author of the monument to Pushkin in Perm

Monument to Pushkin for the city of Perm and carved gratings were cast in Moscow by order of the administration. The creator of this exhibition is the sculptor Klykov and architect Futlik. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Klykov - a talented sculptor of the Soviet Union and Russia, laureate of state award in the eighty-second year, chairman of the revived Union of the Russian People in two thousand and five. Born in nineteen thirty-ninth year in a family of ordinary peasants. In sixty-eighth, he received the specialty of a sculptor-monumentalist. He participated in all-Union and international sculpture exhibitions. In the seventy-ninth he became known as the designer of the Central Children's Musical Theater. Created a sculpture of Mercury - the God of commerce. This statue adorns the entrance to the World Trade Center. In the mid-eighties, Orthodox sculptures began to be created - one of them is a monument to Sergius of Radonezh. When he received an order to complete the monument to Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, he, without hesitation, got down to work. The sculptor died in June two thousand sixth, leaving his beautiful works to the descendants.


The image of the monument to Pushkin by Klykov

Many sculptors depict Pushkin, who sits with a sheet and a feather, thinking about creating poems. Sculptures depicting Pushkin already wounded in a duel with Dantes are also popular. Fangs decided to portray the poet as an ordinary passerby walking through the park. The monument is mounted on a high pedestal. Pushkin stands, it seems that he is going to take a step towards the meeting. His hands are behind his back - I just want to see what he holds in them. The poet’s face is not loaded with thoughts, it is careless and a little strict, his gaze is directed downward. He is wearing an unchanging top hat and coat.


Where else is the monument to Pushkin in Perm

On Peace Street in Perm there is a cozy fairy-tale corner. There is a bust of Pushkin. He is surrounded by several heroes of the poet’s own works: Ruslan, Tsar Saltan, a scientific cat, a mermaid, two epic heroes installed at the entrance to the square, where there is a monument to Pushkin. Perm is proud of its people, some of them erected these statues in the square. It is a pity that looters do not appreciate this. In pursuit of non-ferrous metals, they do not disdain anything, they have no conscience. In difficult times for Russia, sculptures began to thin: parts were sawed off from here and there. Unfortunately, there is no way to monitor the safety, for this you need to organize round-the-clock security. And since the park is not a state building, but built with the money of ordinary citizens, you do not have to wait for help from the police. Installing video surveillance is also an expensive pleasure, and it will not help to expose the hooligans.


Who erected a monument to Pushkin and his heroes in a park on Peace Street?

Yulia Ushakova, a private entrepreneur and owner of a small pavilion, fulfilled her childhood dream by constructing a small square in the territory adjacent to her store. Then a bust of Pushkin was installed in the park, the territory was ennobled with flowers and benches. This business of Yulia came out in considerable money - at that time two hundred and fifty million rubles, transferring to the current rate - about half a million rubles.


The continuation of the case of Ushakova Julia

After some time, a new owner appeared at the pavilion. He liked the idea of ​​creating a square near the pavilion. Thus, everyone who walks in the park, or those who purposefully went there for the first time, did not pass by the store. Revenues increased, customers became more. It was decided to step up to Pushkin the heroes he created. So in a park on Peace Street near a small pavilion you can see a real fairy tale: a learned cat reads a book, a mermaid sits on the branches, Saltan kills a hawk from a bow, a sorcerer flies, and Ruslan, Shamakhanskaya Tsaritsa and Dadon are holding on to his beard, an old man with a seine near the old woman, pop and worker of his balda.